
Chapter 614 Incident Which Was Painful

As soon as she smiled a drop of tear fell on the face of Little Jia\'s photo.

"But I will surely miss you, my sweetheart."

She mumbled and then pecked her lips onto the photo while entering the room wanting to go back to work.

Right now she not only had her own but even Yang Kun\'s class under her tutelage, and given that there were a lot of students who were unknown to her and even their personalities were quite different from that of her\'s, Ning Wei was already dead tired from all the day\'s work.

And that was also why she went to take the shower to feel refreshed.

But all the while the drops of water fell on her body, and the image of crying Little Jia would appear in her mind making her feel worried about her daughter.

It could be said that this was the first time that Little Jia has stayed away from her mother.

And even if she was sleeping with Yuan Meng and Ye Qian, Ning Wei was still the same as the first day when she met Ye Qian.

And so, it didn\'t affect the little girl as much, since she knew that her mother was close to her.

But right now the condition is clearly different.

Nor had she seen her mother and neither was she close enough.

And after seeing Little Qiqi along with her mother caused a spark in Little Jia\'s heart making her want to see her mother even more.

Of course, she didn\'t really want to but noticing how happily and eagerly Little Qiqi had told her all of her days doing to her mother, Little Jia\'s child\'s heart also felt that she must also share what had she done all day.

And even if there was nothing quite different and the usual, it was still enough for a child to feel excited even about such simple things.

As they say, true happiness always lies in a simple life.

With that, the light of the room was switched on and only Ning Wei knew when it was going to be switched off.


"Dad, what do you mean by that?"

Meanwhile, as Ning Wei went to do her work in her room.

In the City Hospital.

A man who was resting on the bed asked in a loud voice.

p At first glance, no one would believe that the man was even unhealthy or injured for him to be treated with such special care.

It could be said that the treatment the fellow was given was no less than that of a person who was about to die and needed to be saved.

But after carefully studying the condition of the person sitting on the bed leisurely eating the famous Grauer Aficionado chocolate.

No one would even believe that the guy was a patient even if they were slapped till their teeth broke off.

It was because the man was too leisure and healthy to be even considered a patient.

Although there were a few minor scratches on some parts of his body, if one were to not look at them closely they would think that those were just some hairs and nothing else.

And of course, there was one thing which proved that he still was a bit injured though.

There was a thick layer of white cotton wrapped on the top of his right ear making it feel as if it was swollen.

Of course, the guy clearly knew that it was not swollen in anyways.

But was in fact the part of the ear that had been just dangling in that place for long.

Of course, the doctors tried to stick the ear with the help of surgery but to no avail.

All they had said was that the cells near the ear canal had completely turned insensitive which even if they were to sew the torn ear to the head region, it was nearly impossible for the ear to heal by itself and could even further cause complications such as decaying of the ear since it was not getting healed and would be no much different than a piece of meat connected to the lower part of the ear.

Of course, it was not all, even if the ear were to somehow get healed there was no way that they had the ability to stick it back to the head, so it was rather easy to say that it would be just like a flag dangling at the top every time the guy moved his head, making him to less than a clown for others to laugh on.

Of course, with who he was, there was no way that anyone would dare to laugh or crack jokes on him, but even so, it would be very shameful for one to be laughed upon just because of something like this.

And so Yang Kun had decided that he would rather cut the piece of an ear, rather than show it off as a flag and wave it around with his head.

And in the afternoon his remaining ear was completely removed from his ear after it was amputated.

This had already caused him to be very much angry, till now he had not been able to remember anything about how he had met that hellish accident.

It had not only pained his heart to lose such a nice gift, as well he had to cut his ear off so as to not be joked upon.

But after hearing the news from his father, Yang Bo that the hoodlum whom he had contacted yesterday was not able to take care of the so-called Yuan Meng\'s husband, Yang Kun instantly flared and roared in anger.

After losing half of his ear and having his handsome face ruined to such a degree, Yang Kun was already full of remorse since the time he woke up and now he was informed that the thug which his father had ordered to was nowhere to be found.


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