
Chapter 112 Water

The two men were walking along the edge of the forest. The sun was shining brightly over them, and it was warm enough to make Lucas wear only a thin shirt without feeling cold.

"Where are we going?" Lucas asked.

"We are going to search for something important," Luu explained, "but first, you need to know some basic rules."

"Like what?" Lucas asked curiously.

"When you travel," Luu told him, "you must always take care of yourself. That means that you have to eat well, sleep enough, and stay hydrated. If you follow these simple rules, you will be able to handle everything that comes your way."

"What else?" Lucas asked, "I thought we were just looking for food."

"Don\'t be silly," Luu laughed, "we will find food as soon as we are done here."

Lucas shrugged and decided not to argue further.

They walked for almost twenty minutes until they reached a small lake surrounded by trees. The water was covered with green algae, and Lucas couldn\'t help noticing that there were no fish swimming in the lake.

"There are no fish," Luu commented, "because these waters are polluted."

"How is that possible?" Lucas wondered.

"Pollution?" Luu frowned, "there are many places in the world where water is polluted. Did you know that even the water from our taps contains chemicals?"

Lucas turned to look at Luu and shook his head.

"But," Luu continued, "polluted water is dangerous. It can cause diseases and make you sick. There are many cities that don\'t drink the water from their taps because it\'s too dangerous."

Lucas looked at the dirty lake again and nodded slowly. He knew that Luu was right about the pollution, but he wasn\'t sure what they could do about it.

"The most important thing is to avoid polluted waters," Luu informed, "if you see a lake or river that you think is safe, you should check its pollution level before you swim in it."

"Why would anyone want to swim in polluted water?" Lucas asked.

Luu smiled and pointed at the lake, "Because they won\'t get sick."

"That doesn\'t make sense," Lucas said, "they will still get infected."

"Exactly!" Luu exclaimed, "that\'s why people don\'t drink the water from the tap. But now imagine that the water isn\'t clean anymore, and you go to the lake instead. You might start feeling dizzy, or you might feel nauseous."

"And then?" Lucas asked.

"Then you\'ll probably throw up," Luu answered, "and when you throw up, you will contaminate the lake with all the germs that you\'ve swallowed. Now everyone who drinks contaminated water will also become sick."

"That makes sense," Lucas admitted, "so if someone poisoned the lake, then the whole village would be sick."

"Indeed," Luu replied, "and those who drank the water from the lake would have a real problem."

Lucas nodded and realized that he had never really thought about the effects of pollution. He was glad that he hadn\'t drunk any polluted water, but he didn\'t understand why people would want to pollute such an important resource.

"If we can\'t drink polluted water," Lucas wondered, "how does the water stay clean? How does it get purified?"

"Most of the time," Luu explained, "the water is cleaned by plants and the system of this world. The water passes through many different filters before it gets to us, and only clean water comes out. If you notice that the water looks cloudy, it means that it hasn\'t been filtered yet."

"So," Lucas asked, "what kind of plants are used to purify the water?"

"Many kinds," Luu answered, "many plants have leaves which filter the water, and some plants produce special bacteria that clean the water. Some plants create chemicals that kill harmful organisms, while others absorb certain pollutants and turn them into harmless substances. And this is the water we\'ll be using for your training today."

Lucas looked at Luu and nodded. He wasn\'t sure how the water would help him, but he was ready to do whatever it took.

"Follow me," Luu ordered, "I will show you where to bring the water."

Lucas followed Luu through the forest and found a small stream close to the lake. They started collecting the water from the stream and carried it back to the lake.

After filling the large bucket three times, Luu stopped and looked at Lucas.

"Now," Luu began, "it\'s time for your first lesson."

"What lesson?" Lucas asked.

"You will learn how to use the water," Luu told him, "to protect yourself from the elements, and to survive in any situation."

"I don\'t think I\'ve ever heard of a water master before," Lucas said, "isn\'t it supposed to be hard to keep the water clean?"

"Nothing is impossible," Luu stated.

Lucas looked at Luu and nodded. He was not surprised that Luu was able to come up with a solution so quickly.

"Remember," Luu continued, "you must always give thanks to the water."

"Thank you, water," Lucas repeated after Luu, "for giving life to this planet. Help us to grow and prosper."

Lucas looked around the lake and saw the algae covering the surface. He remembered what Luu had said about the water being polluted and felt sad.

"Water gives life," Lucas whispered, "but it takes lives as well."

He closed his eyes and tried to picture himself surrounded by clear water, with nothing surrounding him except the beautiful blue sky. He imagined the water flowing freely over his body, carrying away everything that was bad. He pictured the water healing his injuries and restoring his energy.

Lucas opened his eyes and smiled. He had given thanks to the water, and now he would learn how to protect himself from all of its dangers.

"Today," Luu announced, "we will begin with floating on the water."

Lucas nodded and looked at the lake again. He noticed that the water was still cloudy, even though they had already filled the large bucket.

"Today," Luu announced, "we will begin with floating on the water."

Lucas nodded and looked at the lake again. He noticed that the water was still cloudy, even though they had already filled the large bucket.

"You will need to learn how to float without letting your head sink," Luu told him, "and to hold your breath for a long period of time."

"How do I do that?" Lucas asked.

"First," Luu explained, "you must calm down and relax. Then you will have to concentrate on something in the distance."

"Like what?" Lucas asked.

"Anything," Luu replied, "just close your eyes and try to imagine something far away, like the mountains or another city."

Lucas closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He imagined the sun shining above him, warming his body and making him feel safe.

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