


Stefan hauled out over a hundred shirts and suits; and Cayenne folded them before placing them inside the suitcase that they found at the bottom of the wardrobe.

"I feel like giving away the clothes that I don\'t like, too." Cayenne commented, purposely saying it out loud for her husband to hear.

"What are you giving away?" Stefan asked while looking at the clothes on her side of the wardrobe.

"I will give these things away." Cayenne pointed her fingers to random clothes but making sure that those were the couple clothes that he bought for her. "I don\'t like them anyway."

"Y-you don\'t like them? But I bought them for you." Stefan responded with a disappointed look on his face. "Are they really ugly? I didn\'t know much about women\'s clothes but I like them because they can be paired with my clothes. If you don\'t like them just throw them away."

"Hn. Can you get me a garbage bag?"

Stefan looked at his wife and then looked to the clothes that she was going to throw away. With dejected expression, Stefan went down stairs to get some garbage bag from the kitchen.

When he got back, Cayenne grabbed the garbage bag from him and went inside the bathroom. "Go and pick the clothes that you still want to give away. I\'ll clean the room while waiting for you to finish choosing."

"Y-you…you\'re cleaning the room?"

"Uh huh."

"What about your clothes?"

Cayenne kissed his cheek and smiled sweetly. "Did you really believe that I\'d throw them out? You gave them to me, okay. There\'s no way I\'d given them away. Even if they won\'t fit me in the future or even if they will fade, there\'s no way I\'d throw them out."


"Hn. Really. I love them because they\'re from my husband so I will keep them forever."

Stefan breathed out some relief when he found out that she was just messing with him. "Even if you want to throw them out, I don\'t mind. My wife\'s words will be the voice of this house. I will let you do whatever you want."

"You don\'t have to spoil me that much." Cayenne winked at him before going inside the bathroom to start cleaning.

After an hour, the two of them bid farewell to Jonas and came out of the house with the big suitcase. Stefan placed it on his car\'s trunk before getting inside the car to drive it out of the subdivision.

The stalkers who have been following them started their car\'s engine and followed Stefan and Cayenne out of the subdivision. They drove for almost three hours before the reached another private property. Although it was a private property, there were no guards who looked after the security of the place.

There was just a large fence and gate lock which needed passcode. However, one won\'t be able to see the password being typed because the numerical cases were covered with a metal. You will have to insert your hand under the metal cover and press the numbers by memorizing the placements of the buttons.

If you wanted to get inside the place, you needed the password or you can call someone from the inside to open the gate for you. Or worse, you can climb the fence and get electrocuted from the live wires on top of it.

There\'s no need for humans to stand guard because the place was already heavily guarded with mechanisms.

Cayenne didn\'t type any password or asked someone to open the gate for them because the gate was also remote controlled and when they left the house, she asked Erwin for the remote because she didn\'t want to bother them to open the gate.

"Sis! You\'re back." Luiz ran towards them and helped them carry the things they bought inside the house. He had no idea that he was carrying some of the things for himself. "Is brother-in-law finally moving to stay here with you? He\'s bringing a suitcase with him."

"Oh! Those clothes will be given away. He didn\'t like them anymore."

"I see. Anyway, Erwin and I was cooking in the kitchen. Are there any cravings you\'d like us to cook?"

"Do we still have crabs? I want to eat crabs."

"Okay. I\'ll ask Erwin to prepare some dish made of crabs for you." Luiz brought the bags to her sister\'s room and went downstairs to help Erwin.

Stefan placed the suitcase at the side of the wardrobe since he\'ll be giving them away in the next few days. "Ayen, I\'m tired."

"Then, take a rest. Do you want me to give you a massage?"

"Will you?"

"Hn. Let me wash my hands and change clothes first."

"How about we do something other than massage?"

Cayenne throw a bathrobe on his face and snorted. "Do it yourself. I can help you with the massage and nothing else."

"A massage it is." Stefan remove the bathrobe away from his face and grinned at her. It\'s not everyday that his wife will offer to do something like a massage for him. He must take this opportunity instead of ruining it.

Cayenne changed her clothes and washed her hands before taking out the massage oil that she has inside her bathroom cabinet. She bought it for herself to massage her arms and legs after toiling her garden in the past. But when Stefan came, her work was a lot easier so she stopped using it. She never thought she\'d be using it on her husband instead.

When she came out, Stefan was already lying on the bed with his back facing her. He was half naked with his boxers on and nothing else.

"Do you want me to bring your dinner here later or will you join us downstairs?" Cayenne asked him knowing how many bags he carried earlier. Those were heavy for sure and made him feel tired.

"It\'s fine. I\'ll go downstairs with you. I don\'t want them to think that you\'re spoiling me."

"Isn\'t it fine? You can spoil me and I can spoil you. It\'s fair."

Stefan chuckled at her response which made Cayenne smile. Somehow, life was a lot better now and they\'re interacting normally like how a husband and wife should.



"I love you."


Stefan pouted his lips when he got her response. He thought he\'d be able to trick her into saying \'I love you, too\' this time.

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