
Chapter 753

Hearing her words, Coleen felt a little annoyed at how feeling entitled the host was in front of her. She didn’t know that Joy has this disgusting side of he because she always sees her smiling around everyone and she was really easy to approach.

“Well, the couple is busy and they have another appointment for that day. God has answered your prayers. Be happy.” Coleen expressed and left. She was afraid that she’d say something harsh if she keeps seeing her face right now.

The management thought that Stefan refused because he has something else to do with his wife, something better than appearing on a TV screen. Unfortunately, the next day, the netizens were surprised by the news that Lucky TV’s ‘Master Chef’ announced.

[A rich playboy and an ordinary woman, when they met, the world threw so many hardships at them. A power couple that everyone looked up to – Stefan Dumrique and Cayenne Ardolf-Dumrique. ! Be there to watch their full interview on Saturday, October 5.]

“Is this true?!” The president of TV N shouted as he pointed his finger at the tablet screen. “It was confirmed that Stefan has nothing scheduled for this day and look! Look at him! He chose to appear in the opponent show! He even offered himself! Tell me, how the hell did this happen?!”

Coleen flinched from the sharp glares being thrown at her by the president as well as the board member who happened to have a meeting when they learned about what Stefan did. She didn’t even have the time to prepare an excuse.

“I’m sorry, sir. I -”

“Sorry! What can your sorry do?! The couple has been a hot request from many of our viewers for so many months now. Don’t tell me you did not send them proper gifts?”


“We did.” Coleen blurted. Her body was shaking from being accused of not doing her job and she could not take it anymore that she was the first person to blame when it was not even her fault. “Why would you jump the gun and blame me? I sent them gifts. I handed the letter personally to the secretary. I called them, again and again, to make sure that they did not forget anything. If you want to blame someone, blame the host! I’m done! Every time there is an issue with the guests, you would blame me without trying to get to the bottom of the problem. Find interesting stories yourself!”

Coleen was so angry that she could not stop blurting out her deep grievances. She chose this job because she wouldn’t have conflicts with actors or actresses, but it was still the same. Many people sabotaged her work and caused her problems. Instead of looking into it, they would blame her instantly. She had enough.

Coleen walked out of the office and left everyone in silence. The pushover woman that shoulders everyone’s issues and takes the blame of others; she fought a great battle and won.

“She’s not quitting for real, right?” The president questioned but the only answer he got was helpless sighs from everyone. “She better not forget that she will pay a hefty sum of money if she breaches the contract.”

“The point is, she shouldn’t take the blame for Mr. Dumrique’s change of mind.”

“Yeah. She said that it was the host’s fault.”

[The host.] The president closed his eyes when he thought of the culprit. She’s someone that he couldn’t mess with no matter what happens or it will be the end of him. “Let’s not talk about this now. We can’t do anything even if we get to the bottom of this. It won’t bring Mr. Dumrique to our side.”

On the other hand, Coleen went to the comfort room after leaving the meeting and cried her heart out. She didn’t regret saying those things. The only regret she has was the fact that she would lose her job. [Hmph! I’ll find a better place that will treat me better. I know that I deserve something better because God won’t forsake those who work honestly.]

Everything that happened was already within Stefan’s calculation. He knew that the entertainment industry was a murky place where everyone worked so hard to rise from the swamp. They all strived to be the firefly that will light up this dark place.

He wasn’t planning to join this industry but he was willing to help those people who deserves his help.

“Boss, here are the pieces of evidence I gathered. I’ve been monitoring them and earlier, the headhunter sent her resignation letter.”

“What about the host?”

“You’ll know why she couldn’t be kicked out from that place if you check the pieces of evidence I gave you.”

“My wife will kill me if she finds out I’m watching something unholy. Anyway, I’ll take a guess. She knows the president’s secret or she’s that secret that needs to be kept?”


“Oh! What a greedy woman,” Stefan pushed the compact disc toward his secretary and clasped his hands together. “Keep it for now. There will be a time when we’ll have to use that. Anyway, call Diego and ask if he needs an honest headhunter. I have another work to do.”

“Got it.”

Guess what was the other work that he needed to do – knitting. He was knitting fabric toys for his unborn child. It was a skill that she learned from Jillyanna when they visited her last time. Instead of buying those rubber toys that could be harmful to his child’s health, he decided to make knitted toys. So far, he has been able to make a strawberry-knitted toy. Currently, he was making an elephant. Well, supposedly, it should look like an elephant but he was having a hard time following the instructions from the booklet he bought. It was so complicated and the trunk of his elephant didn’t look like a trunk. It looked like a dislocated nose.

Watching him from the monitoring room, Tristan couldn’t help but take a picture of his serious expression. “Miss Yen, why don’t you ask the boss to sell them? They will be sold instantly.”

Cayenne saw the message that Tristan sent and smiled. People say that the first time you meet the person you like, you will feel these butterflies in your stomach. In Cayenne’s case, after so many years that they’ve been together, whenever her husband does something for her or the baby now, she still felt those fluttering wings of butterflies.

“We don’t need so much money. Little things like these should be done for the family. Let us not rob the other businessmen out there.”

Then saving the picture that he sent, she posted it on her timeline which gathered so many reactions from people.

“He looked so cold in magazines before but now, sorry Mrs. Dumrique, I’m loving your husband so much ??.”

“He looks so charming with that confused expression while knitting.”

“Mr. Dumrique, are you planning to do another business? Please don’t rob us, little businessmen, ??.”

“This is quite a surprise. I thought only women do this ??.”

“Just how much do you want to spoil your wife?”

“Ahh! His secretary bought these knitting books in our bookstore and I thought it would be a gift for his wife. I didn’t expect he’d be the one using them??.”

Goodess_YNA: The first product of his hard work [knittedstrawberry.jpeg]. Isn’t this cute? ??

“Now we know where he learned this.”

“My dear goddess, why did you teach the husband instead of the wife?”

Goddess_YNA: [replied to the commenter above] I don’t want my husband to have a fallout with his best friend because surely, Stefan will hate me if I let his wife work on this. ??

Stefan didn’t know that he caused a storm on social media already because he was still fixing the trunk of his knitted elephant.

Meanwhile, Dr. Albert just boarded the plane after a tight security check since he was once a prisoner. He wasn’t bothered with it, though. He cooperated with them without any argument and the airport staff gratefully gave them a huge discount for the trouble they caused and for his wife who needed medical assistance.

Since Latticia Sugo was reported dead, the woman beside him could not use that name anymore. Thankfully, with his connections, he was able to get a forged ID for her.

Latticia’s illness was something unheard of. In most cases, people with facial paralysis won’t be able to move their facial muscles and will have a hard time eating. Sometimes, this was the case with Latticia. However, there were cases where they’d be cured as well after two or three months of therapy and medications, but in some; they’d stay like that for the rest of their life.

Latticia’s case was complicated. There were times that she’d have to depend on drips and liquid food which uses an NG tube and at other times, which can be considered a miracle, her palsy heals and she gets to eat soups and porridge. It will only last for two or three days in a month before she suffers from this illness again. Dr. Albert sought medical help from many hospitals before but no one was able to help her.

“You’ll see him soon. Do you hate me for keeping you alive in secret? If you do, once you can talk again, you can vent your frustrations.”

[We have so little time left. There’s no need to brew hatred between us.] Latticia thought because she could not say them.

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