

Dr. Albert evaded the second punch and held his opponent’s hand tightly. “Let’s be civil Mr. Dumrique. I didn’t bewitch your son. What for?”

“Then, how the hell did you get him to build this cabin for you and make you stay here?! You killed his mother!”

“Wait! Wait! Wait a minute!” The doctor stood up and pushed Magnus away from him. “Have you gone senile?! Why are you accusing me of killing his mother? It was your wife who killed your woman?! I got there and she was gone! It was your selfishness and carelessness that caused her death! I was nothing but a doctor who went to the crime scene!”

Magnus was speechless. The man was right. Just because he was regarded as an accomplice, he didn’t really kill Latticia. He only kept the matter a secret from everyone to help his employer escape from getting imprisoned. Magnus staggered when he realized how impertinent he was at the moment.

“Why are you here anyway? Didn’t your son tell you that you are not supposed to come here?”

“So, this is the reason why,” Magnus muttered softly as he turned his back. “Just so you know, even if you are serving my son’s family, I am not forgiving you.”

“I don’t need your forgiveness and I am not asking for it.”

Magnus didn’t say a word and left without looking back to the cabin. He didn’t see that Latticia was standing at the door of the master’s bedroom. Well, even if he sees her, there was no guarantee that he’d be able to recognize her with her current appearance.


“A...a..r..you...o...kay?” Latticia asked Dr. Albert while trying her best to lift her hand to touch his face. His lower lip was bleeding. Not long ago, he got the same wound from her brother and now, he received another one from her ex-lover.

Dr. Albert held her hand, kissed her palm, and pressed it on his cheek. “I’m fine. I only allowed him to punch me once.”


“Hm. Still the same hot-headed Magnus. Did you want to see him which is why you are standing here?”

“N..no...I...I he..rd...com..mo...tion...I...wa...s...wo...rried...” Latticia sighed in frustration for stuttering so much because of her illness.

“You heard a commotion and you were worried? For me or him?”

“You.” She answered with no hesitation. Her clear brown eyes told him that she wasn’t lying just to placate him. “I...wa..n..ted..to..go..my...fe..et..n..ot..mo..ving..”

“Sorry for worrying you.” Dr. Albert said and hugged her. “I felt victorious already that you decided to stay with me. I didn’t do anything in retaliation to him. I think there’s no need to do so.”

For him, it didn’t matter if Latticia was only using him as a shield against Magnus. As long as she stays with him, nothing else matters to him. Even if he wouldn’t get the love that he had been seeking all these years because he knew that choosing to stay with him doesn’t mean loving him as well.

He was already happy that she didn’t leave him after remembering everything.

[Call me selfish. I don’t care. You’re all I need to continue living.] Dr. Alber thought as his tears fell on the back of her shirt. She didn’t notice.

In the evening, Cayenne and Stefan came home along with Kyle. It was rather later because they held a small celebration for the success of the foundation and it also served as their year-end party. It was the only year-end party that Stefan attended. Even though he didn’t attend the other parties, his employees or staff didn’t feel bad because of the prizes that he bought for the raffle games.

Cayenne did the same earlier when they returned from giving away the baby essential kits and the Noche Buena packages. By the time they arrived, Luiz and David have prepared something along with the bodyguards who accompany them. They enjoyed the party until ten in the evening because Cayenne has to rest from the trip. No one complained because they were still not over with the Christmas bonus that they received along with their 13th month’s pay.

“Where are we holding the party this year?” Cayenne asked her husband when they arrived home and got inside their bedroom. She felt really cold since she had been staying outside for a long time but she was happy with the cause of it.

“We can have it here. We have more space than the previous home. We can’t have it in the villa because my mother and her family won’t be able to attend it.”

“Alright. Let’s have it here.” It will be their first Christmas in their own mansion and Cayenne was looking forward to it. Most likely, only their families would come since their friends would want to spend it with their family, too. Still, Cayenne expected that some friends will come.

“I have a bad premonition about the gifts I am receiving this year,” Stefan commented as he plopped down on the bed.

“What do you mean?”

“During my birthday, I received matching knitted mittens and two of them were for the children. I have a feeling that more things for the children will come this Christmas.”

“Speaking of. We have to find another mitten for our baby. We only have two pairs. It won’t be right if one of them couldn’t have one.”

“What about me? Are you going to neglect me as well?”

Cayenne pinched his nose and laughed at his sulking figure. “Stop being dramatic. I’ll let you shop tomorrow and get whatever you like. Only for tomorrow.”

“No, not tomorrow.”


“I planned to watch a movie with Mom. We’ll be staying here all day long with her.”

“Ah!” Cayenne exclaimed and rummaged through her bag to find her phone. “I remember that Carla sent me a message earlier. We got so busy I forgot. She said that your dad came and visited the cabin. He had a brawl with Dr. Albert.”

Stefan sat upright on the bed and worry instantly covered his face. “I’ll go check on them. I’m sure that they’re still awake because I saw the light was still on.”

“Okay. Come back as soon as possible. Don’t forget your coat; it’s cold outside.”

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