
Chapter 62 The Truth Only Seraphine Known 2

Unaware of Evan\'s thoughts, Seraphine felt as though he was peering into her very soul, seeing things that she herself was not aware of.

The more intense his gaze, the more it made her feel exposed.

She could feel her heart rate increase as she tried to maintain eye contact with him, willing herself not to flinch or look away.

"So beautiful."

Despite the discomfort of the situation, Seraphine couldn\'t help but be captivated by Evan\'s eyes - they were a brilliant shade of ocean blue and seemed to hold an endless depth of emotion.

His eyes were so similar to his older twin\'s; it was unbelievable.

It was as if they were two sides of the same coin, but one side had been wiped off the face of the world, not a single trace of his to be found in the Black Eye Galaxy.

\'She praised me?!\'

Evan\'s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he heard a word that he never expected to hear from Seraphine\'s mouth - at least, not when it was directed towards him.

His mind raced as he tried to process what had just happened.

"What did you say?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mixture of confusion and disbelief.

He couldn\'t quite believe that Seraphine had said what he thought she had said - it was so unlike her to show any kind of positive emotion towards him.

Realizing she had spoken her thoughts loudly, Seraphine felt a jolt of surprise. She hesitated for a moment, her eyes locked with his.

Evan could see the uncertainty written all over her face, and it made him feel strange. How could she show such a sight to him? What was she up to? Was she intentionally taking down the walls around her to make him lower his guard so that she could strike a fatal blow? He couldn\'t help but feel suspicious of her.

"I...I said your eyes are beautiful." He had heard what she said, and she knew he didn\'t like being lied to, so she gave him an honest reply, saving herself from a scolding. "And thank you, Your Highness, for helping me," Seraphine replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "I know I am not worthy of your care, but I truly appreciate it."

Evan was caught off guard. He didn\'t mind being threatened as he knew how to respond to such situations. What he minded was an enemy speaking to him so kindly.

However, he didn\'t, for a moment, believe that Seraphine had submitted to him. A leopard couldn\'t change its spots.

For a moment, they stood there in silence, the only sound the soft rustle of the wind through the trees.

"You don\'t need to remind me. I know you\'re unworthy."

The silence was broken by Evan this time.

He broke eye contact and turned away. His lips pressed tightly together.

Seraphine let out a breath that she didn\'t know she was holding, feeling a strange mix of emotions - relief, confusion, and something else that she couldn\'t quite put her finger on.

They wandered deeper into the forest.

The trees grew closer together, forming a natural canopy overhead that filtered the sunlight and created a green, dimly lit world. The forest floor was blanketed with a soft layer of leaves, moss, and ferns, creating a cushioned pathway underfoot.

The air felt cool against their skin, and its fragrance, filled with the scent of pine and earthy undergrowth, soothed their souls.

Birds chirped and sang in the trees, their melodies carried by the breeze.

As Evan led Seraphine along, she felt a sense of intrigue and curiosity about where he was taking her and why. The anticipation bubbled inside her like a fizzy soda, and she couldn\'t help but wonder what he had in store for her.

The rustling of leaves and the chirping birds gradually faded into a peaceful silence as Seraphine followed after him.

Finally, they arrived at a hidden oasis, tucked away from the outside world.

A wide open space surrounded by a grove of tall bamboo trees stood before them, the graceful stalks rustling in the gentle breeze. The sunlight filtered through the canopy overhead, casting a warm golden glow over the clearing.

The atmosphere was serene and secluded, the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The surroundings were adorned with a touch of luxury as if they had stumbled upon a secret paradise meant only for the most privileged.

In the center of the clearing, a small pond glimmered in the sunlight, its surface shimmering with the colors of the surrounding forest. Heavenly flowers and divine herbs dotted the edge of the pond, their petals a riot of color against the lush green backdrop of the forest. Butterflies and dragonflies flitted about, their wings catching the light and casting iridescent reflections on the surface of the water.

The area was tranquil and peaceful, the perfect place to relax or train and forget about the outside world.

Evan surveyed the clearing and took a deep breath. "This spot is perfect for training the Phantom Shadow Step," he said, his eyes scanning the area.

As Seraphine stepped into the clearing, she was struck by its natural beauty. She couldn\'t believe such a place existed in the land of the Frost Clan, and she wondered how she had never known about it before.

Evan seemed to read her thoughts and let out a small chuckle.

"Well, my dear," he said, "this is actually my private property. It\'s protected by an illusion formation that hides it from the naked eye. You see, you can\'t enter it without my permission."

Seraphine, still dressed in her eunuch attire and still unaware that Evan knew she was a woman, approached him curiously. Her sweet fragrance was a pleasant surprise to Evan\'s senses.

"Why have you brought me to such an important place, Your Highness?" Seraphine asked, edging closer to Evan. Her eyelashes fluttered with a hint of uncertainty, casting a shadow across her features.

Evan turned to face her, his eyes gleaming with a hint of predatory amusement. He loomed over her smaller frame, imposingly and dominantly.

"Do I need to spell it out for you?" he teased, his voice low and husky.

A sudden pang of unease shot through Seraphine, causing her to cross her arms defensively across her chest. Was he planning to take advantage of her in this remote location?

"Your Highness, please remember that I am just a slave," she said, her tone formal but with a hint of pleading. "No matter how I look, I am not fit for your affections."

Evan narrowed his eyes and snorted with disdain. His disgust for Seraphine was evident, and he had no intention of entertaining her delusions, no matter how fair of face she might be. Evan\'s indignation mounted at the thought of her underestimating him, presuming that he would develop any feelings for a traitorous lowlife who had turned against him in the past and might very well still be betraying him.

pαndα`noνɐ1--сoМ "Curb those filthy thoughts of yours, Havelock," he chided, his voice cold and biting. "I have no room in my heart for someone as despicable as you." He was being as harsh as he could to make it clear to her that he would never ever have a place for her in his heart.

Seraphine felt a sharp pang of hurt at Evan\'s cruel words, but she refused to let it show on her face. However, the twitching of her cheeks betrayed her true emotions, and Evan could tell that his words had hit a nerve.

Despite the pain she felt, Seraphine maintained her composure and gave a humble reply, careful not to disrespect Evan in any way.

"I understand, Your Highness," she said, her tone soft and respectful. "I am sorry for any offense I may have caused you."

Evan regarded her coldly, his eyes flickering with annoyance. "You should be," he said, his tone cutting. "Now, let\'s move on to the reason why I brought you here."

Seraphine nodded obediently, her eyes fixed on Evan. "Of course, Your Highness. May I ask what it is that you require of me?"

"You are here to assist me in my training," declared Evan with authority.

"Assist you in your training, Your Highness?" she repeated, unsure of what he meant, as she looked at him with surprise and confusion.

"Yes, you are here to assist me in my training," Evan nodded and declared in a voice laced with authority, "And I require your utmost loyalty and discretion in this matter."

"Okay, but how exactly?" she asked, her voice eager to learn more.

"Your Crescendo\'s Renewal Skill Crystal has the power to rejuvenate the body and mind. If you use it on me, it will keep my body refreshed and my mind sharp, allowing me to perform at my best." Evan explained matter-of-factly.

Seraphine was taken aback by Evan\'s request. She knew she had two skill crystals, but she had kept the second one a secret. It was a supportive crystal that allowed her to heal and rejuvenate a person\'s body and mind using her cello. The only skill crystal anyone knew about was her Celestial Symphony Crystal, which was an offensive type, allowing her to transform her soul energy into sonic waves that could devastate her enemies.

"I...I don\'t understand, Your Highness," she stammered, trying to conceal her surprise. "How did you know about my Crescendo\'s Renewal Skill Crystal?"

Evan regarded her coolly, his eyes piercing. "I have my ways, Havelock," he said cryptically. "But that\'s not important. What matters is that I require your assistance, and I am willing to compensate you generously for your services. Of course, you can choose not to. But then, don\'t blame me for showing your true colors to the entire clan."

Seraphine hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to say.

She knew that helping Evan in his training would be a risky move. She would be helping her enemy become stronger, but she also knew that if she didn\'t, she was done for.

"I understand, Your Highness," she said, bowing her head slightly. "I am at your service, and I will do my best to assist you in any way I can."

A satisfied grin spread across Evan\'s face as he listened to Havelock\'s response.

"Good, good. That\'s what I like to hear, Havelock," he said, his voice laced with taunting approval. "I knew you wouldn\'t let me down. With your help, I have a feeling this task is going to be a lot easier than I anticipated."

In the clearing, surrounded by towering trees and the gentle sounds of nature, Seraphine took her seat by the tranquil pond, her cello cradled in her hands.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, letting the fresh air fill her lungs before beginning to play.

The melody she crafted was soft and gentle, each note plucked with precision and care. It was as if each sound she made was a stitch in a grand tapestry, weaving together a symphony of sound that filled the clearing with its haunting beauty.

As the music grew stronger, the breeze began to pick up, rustling the leaves and stirring the surface of the pond. The music was imbued with the power of her skill crystal, a power that could heal and rejuvenate all who listened.

Evan felt the music wrap around him like a warm embrace, its notes seeping into his mind and body and filling him with a sense of clarity and strength. It was a sensation he had never experienced before - as if the music was reaching deep into his soul and revitalizing him from the inside out.

Seraphine continued playing, her cello singing with a supernatural energy that seemed to infuse the clearing with its power.

[Ding! The perfect environment to train has been created!]

[Buffs will be applied!]

[Increased Comprehension and mental fortitude by +100%!]

[Decreased stamina consumption by 1000%!]

[Decrease basic debuff probability by 10000%!]

\'Her skill is too much of a cheat. If loyalty could be purchased, I would have made her mine no matter what the cost!\'

Evan knew that anyone would do anything to have Seraphine on their side. After all, she could turn trash into genius.

The idea lingered in his mind, tempting him with its seductive promise. He imagined Seraphine working to death for him and felt a rush of excitement course through him, but even as he indulged in that fantasy, Evan knew that true loyalty could never be bought or sold.

It had to be earned, through trust, respect, and genuine care for another person, something that was impossible between them.

They had started off on a very bad page. She could never be loyal to him, and he wanted to use her to achieve his goal.

Besides, once he solidified his position, wouldn\'t he become worthy of her devotion? And even if he didn\'t, she would have no choice but to stick with him to ensure her survival.

He didn\'t know that she was against him for an entirely different reason than he thought. She wasn\'t like the other pawns who were vying for power.

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