
Chapter 379: Overwhelming Strength

Chapter 379: Overwhelming Strength

China and North Korea were separated by Yalu and Tumen rivers, there were not many locations from where China could invade in large numbers, so they had to do things in batches from various locations.

This gave Magnus’ army a better chance. The members of the Golden Company were by now one of the fiercest warriors in the world, with their specialised equipment, they were deadly, each of them equalling the power of 10 men. Their guns, their armour, all were made by FutureTek.

Their General was Frank Willis, a retired US Army General, one who was wrongfully forced to retire, wronged by the nation he served. He was also a member of the Order of Merlin, hence his loyalty was absolute.

Being well experienced in warfare, he commanded his troops like a god of war. Positioning tanks and artillery in places he knew enemies would come. There was a surprise waiting for the invaders.


FutureTek’s tanks boomed as they covered the sky with shells. High-intensity bombs fell on brides connecting China and North Korea, destroying them in one scoop. The Chinese military could only try the pontoon bridge, but those were also under the radar of wizard units in the sky keeping an eye on all activity.

With satcoms, General Frank devised the troop movement carefully. The Chinese side had a lot of men, too many in fact, but they were mostly meat shields. While 60 thousand Golden Company men were all supposed to be the best soldiers possible.

The war didn’t even start and the Chinese side had to retreat, their army was not modernised enough to deal with this. Their men could only shoot guns, only a select few units were strong enough.

Slowly, they learned that the entire North Korean side was like a fortress right now. Nothing could get it and nothing could go out. At the same time, the American Pacific fleet also arrived, encircling the entire Korean peninsula with their nuclear subs and carriers.

Dragon Team caught 200 Generals, 500 commanders and killed them right there and then. A selected few were still there who had a good heart and instead worked diligently while helping whomever they could.

North Korea had a population of 16 million, out of which 1 million were soldiers. Among the soldiers, 20,000 were killed for they were too evil and deserved nothing less. 140,988 were arrested and would be put on trial for crimes against humanity. 300,876 were arrested for offences such as ****, murder and kidnapping.

At the same time, in Pyongyang, Magnus blasted through the last door, leading to the biggest underground chamber, a lavish panic room for the President of the country.

“Kim Il-sung, come out, no need to hide behind the sofa,” Magnus called the man.

He was in here with his wife, and 3 kids, he had three more but they were already killed. Even the three that were here were adults.


Magnus just pointed his staff at them and the three, as well as their mother, fell down like lifeless dolls. He could at least give these people painless death by destroying their hearts and mind at the same time.

Kim Il-sung was terrified and he cried seeing the destruction of all his life’s work. “WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? Take whatever you want, money, people, take anything.”

“The day you stood alongside the communists, you signed your death warrant. I have no real problem with communism, but the problem is, none of you are true communists. If Karl Marx was alive, he’d rather be disappointed with you all. You are just a dictator, living like a king, establishing his own dynasty.” Magnus said.

“You are also a king.” Kim Il-sung argued.

“Yes, but I am different. I do not run the country, elections happen, people choose their own leader. What I am doing is just like the cherry on the top, I am the secret engine to the already moving train that is my nation. While you are the engine that’s standing like a boulder in front of a moving waggon. If I don’t remove you, that waggon will not move.” Magnus said, talking in analogies.

“You’re a hypocrite.” Kim Il-sung accused him.

Magnus shrugged, “Who cares, my fist is heavier than you, so, please die.”

And Magnus did punch his face, but he was not going to kill the guy, so a proper trial was needed to really kill him. However, Magnus did obliviate him, after all, he couldn’t have him scream about the British King using magic and killing his family.

As soon as Kim Il-sung fell unconscious, Magnus called all the leaders of the attack and told them, “Got him,”

That was enough for them to understand the signal. This meant that all were to go full power and take over the entire country. A few Generals who were good were used to making sure that nobody in the army does something stupid.

Golden Company made their hold on the border stronger, while the South Korean Army was also on high alert at the DMZ. To make sure nobody trespasses.

On 23rd December 1976, at 11 AM in the morning, the new Prime Minister of the UK, a man under Magnus, came on the television and made an announcement. “Today, I am announcing something that the UK took part in and has successfully won. At 4 AM in the morning, South Korean and British intelligence launched an attack on North Korea and successfully won over. I am to announce that there is only one Korea now, while at the request of the South Korean administration, the UK will send a contingent of 60,000 soldiers for peacekeeping.

“His Highness Prince Magnus spearheaded the entire operation while being on ground zero. The Kim family has been removed from power and many have been arrested. Next, their crimes will be investigated and they will be given a proper trial.”

The news took the world by storm, such big things don’t usually happen all of a sudden, but here it was, Korea was unified, the US failed but the UK succeeded. All so-called experts that appeared in the news were left in shock. Why? Well, they too acknowledge the fact that things such as launching an attack on North Korea and taking it over was a huge task and such things don’t happen silently. The planning takes months if not years.

Then soon, the South Korean new President, democratically selected this time, announced that Korea was unified now and Kim Il-sung was arrested. After that, the UK announced that it will be sending tonnes of food to Korea to tackle starvation.

Meanwhile, the common man of the United Kingdom was at first shocked, then they felt proud. Because finally, their country was entering the global stage and bringing some changes to the world order. One thing any sane person had noticed was that behind most of these activities, Magnus was there. Magnus went to Saudi, he brought oil. He went to Thailand, he got contracts, a new military ally and an island. There was so much, and behind everything, Magnus’ presence was noticeable.

It didn’t take long for Magnus’ popularity to shoot through the roof, and every single news channel and paper made multiple stories about him, his life and whatnot. His name was slowly taking over everyone’s tongue and mind, forever to make an impact and stay.

Magnus’ new house,

“Pfff… what the hell? MAGNUS DID WHAT?!” Grace, who was drinking water, heard the news and spat out.

“Big brother Mag!” Three little kids shouted as soon as Magnus’ image appeared on the television.

Grace turned to Adam, “Do you know anything about this?”

Adam shrugged, “I have absolutely no idea. I had some doubts that something big would happen because FutureTek defence was having too much activity, but it’d be related to him, I didn’t know.”

“I hope he’s safe.” Grace, like any mother, worried.

Adam laughed, “Dear, he’s probably eating pancakes in Kim Il-sung’s office. Don’t worry,”

Adam was wrong, Magnus was not eating pancakes, he was eating chicken with tasty kimchi, as he rested in Kim Il-sung’s chair, feet on the table. Adrian, General Frank and a few more important people sat opposite to him, eating noodles and talking as if they were on a picnic.

“Sir, how did you deal with the Soviets? I thought I would have to fight them.” General Frank asked.

Magnus smirked, “Hehe, can’t tell you, Frank. This one is my personal secret, only I can use it because it’s too sensitive. Maybe, the day USSR disintegrates, I will tell you.”

Adrian nodded, “No matter what, your plan was great, things went smoother than we ever expected. I’m sure your name will be written in history for years to come now.”

Shrugging, Magnus continued to eat, “Who knows, history has proved to be inaccurate many times. Every writer has his bias, so, history isn’t really history, it’s just someone’s views on an event that occurred.”

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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