
Chapter 563: Lord of the Battlefield

The Flaming Sand Cup can only be regarded as ordinary in the realm category.

The black river covering the entire Yuan\'ao mystery realm suddenly roared and collided with the flames of the Lord Yuan\'ao.

"Boom..." The flame was forced to retreat.

It is also a domain type treasure, and different people use it, and its power is different. For example, when the Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Chaos cast the same treasure, their power is naturally different.

Wang Yi is now the Lord of the Universe anyway. Although he is not as good as the Chaos City Lord to control this pinnacle realm-type treasure, it is not a problem to suppress the top realm-type treasure "flaming sand cup" of Yuan\'ao Lord.

The Lord Yuanao was also a little surprised. "I heard that the Lord of the Human Chaotic Source has a peak domain type treasure, which is huge, and it really is true."

"Master of Chaotic Origin!" The thunderous roar rolled across the void, the towering cyclops stared at the black-haired red-armored man, and roared angrily: "I have been in the primitive universe for so many years, the universe Among the Lords, no one can despise me, and neither can you! Don’t think that you can run wild if you have the pinnacle of treasure, I must teach you a good lesson today."

Wang Yi also drew his sword behind his back, and said, "Anyone can tell big things, I\'m here. Come if you have the ability." Although his mouth was mad, Wang Yi didn\'t care much in his heart, and his eyes stared at his opponent. , An existence that was only slightly weaker than the Lord of the Galaxy, also aroused his fighting spirit a little.

After all, no matter how you learn from the Lord of the human universe, it is not a battle of life and death, without the kind of real feeling.

"It\'s just a little guy who has cultivated for a hundred thousand years and relied on the treasure!" Although the Lord Yuan\'ao has never seen Wang Yi, he has also heard of his fame and deeds. Among the deeds of the mainstream of Chaotic Source, the most abrupt It is the most powerful treasure in him.

"Without the treasure, you are nothing!"

The Lord of Yuan Ao roared and turned into an endless stream of flames that had rushed in front of Wang Yi\'s eyes.

Although the pinnacle domain type treasure can suppress the top domain type treasure, for an ancient and powerful leader of the top universe, the treasure domain is only a part of its strength. With its powerful strength, the master of Yuan\'ao forcefully lined up the endless Heihe with a momentum. Majestic rushed towards Wang Yi.

"Dead!" With the thick and powerful arms of Lord Yuan\'ao, one of them is holding a huge dark red circular shield, while the other right hand is holding a long-handled round hammer. Bronze and blood-stained, the long handle is very thick, the round hammer is even bigger, and there are sharp nails on it.

Wang Yi also squinted at the weapons of Lord Yuan\'ao. Because Lord Yuan\'ao was huge, he chose round hammers and shields to defend his opponents who were too flexible.

Moreover, he has a pinnacle of treasure armor on his body, and his divine body is as high as one million kilometers. Coupled with a powerful secret method, it can be said that he is completely fearless like the Lord of the Chaos City and the Lord of the fifth-order universe, and he is qualified to travel alone in the universe.

"Unfortunately, no matter how powerful you are, I have a supreme treasure on my body. You are destined to fall today. The blame is on you for being an accomplice of the world beast."


Wang Yi fiercely pulled out the saber behind his back.

Each divine body\'s supreme treasure weapon is different. The Yanxing behemoth is "Fantasy Slash", and this human deity uses "Cangyue".

The Void Zerg clone is the "Scar of Eternal Star".

Youhai clone is "Silver Tide".

Although the names are different, they are all war swords!

It is like a crescent moon, the arc is beautiful to the extreme, and it brings out a translucent blue war knife with a dreamlike hazy brilliance. Under the supernatural power of Wang Yi, the second secret pattern is instantly urged. After getting the war knife for so long, you can participate day and night. Realize, Wang Yi has mastered the second secret pattern.


The sharp blade slashed on the long handle of the round hammer, and the power erupted instantly, and even the surrounding space had long since turned into a stream of particles.


The Lord Yuan Ao was chopped with a hammer and flew out.

Wang Yi was also affected by the impact and retreated dozens of kilometers.

But this distance is almost impossible for the Lord of the universe.

"Haha! Come again!" Wang Yi steadied his figure and threw his knife up again.

"How is it possible!" The Lord Yuan Ao\'s one-eyed expression was shocked. "Why are you so strong? Even if you rely on the domain, you shouldn\'t!"

There are many treasures in the pinnacle realm, but the Lord of Yuan\'ao has never been afraid, even if the Lord of the fifth-order universe has not played against it.

The feeling that the Lord of Chaotic Source gave him just now was even more terrifying than the attacks of the Lords of the Universe.

The Lord Yuan Ao didn\'t even know that Wang Yi had the Xeon Supreme Treasure Sabre in his hand.

A good treasure has a very large impact on strength, and the closer you get to the "Xeon treasure", the more crazy the gap becomes.

If it weren\'t for the absolute tyrannical body of Yuan\'ao\'s lord\'s divine body, it had the peak treasure body, and it was blocked in time just now, maybe the divine body would be seriously damaged.

The Lord of Yuan Ao was shocked and angry. He felt that the Lord of Chaotic Source\'s sword technique just now was not very powerful, and the Lord of the Universe had the ultimate secret technique level. Although the Lord of Yuan Ao did not use any powerful secret techniques for a while, The gap shouldn\'t be so big either.

"Eight wind and rain!" Wang Yi\'s face was cold and his eyes were full of murderous intent. He is now the lord of Chaotic Source, and of course he can perform the three great skills.

In Primordial Star, Wang Yi had never done it so happily, after all, he had to worry about the reaction of all forces.

As long as he can\'t kill the Lord of the universe, he won\'t do anything.

But now, facing the mortal Lord Yuan\'ao, he had just this worry, and he broke out without any scruples.



The Youlan War Knife entrains infinite power and power, and breaks through layers of time and space with a subtle to the extreme knife technique, bringing out the beautiful and secluded moonlight that makes people fascinated, straight down.

Before that, all ten directions were destroyed, with the Xeon Arcane War Sword, the Lord of Yuan\'ao flew all at once.

Now it is the more powerful "Eight Directions of Wind and Rain", eight phantoms of sword light that traverse the sky and the earth appear around, the sharp sword energy is vertical and horizontal, as if even time and space are frozen by the light of the sword.

"This Chaotic Source Lord is so strong, it\'s incredible."

The Lord of Yuanao was secretly shocked~www.mtlnovel.com~ But the Lord of Yuanao was a super existence that traversed the universe for endless years. He suddenly roared and banged... I saw that the dazzling body suddenly appeared around the Lord of Yuanao. The flame vortex, this flame vortex is like a bright nebula, surrounding the Lord Yuanao. But the vortex of flames that spread out exudes incredible power.

Even the "Black River" was forced to open for a while.

"Burn Mie!" The Lord Yuan Ao\'s voice was strong, containing endless killing intent.

boom! ! !

The Lord of Yuan Ao slammed and killed him with a fierce hammer!

A monstrous evil spirit spread directly, ignoring all defenses and directly penetrated into Wang Yi\'s body, and began to impact Wang Yi\'s will.

"Dead!" The endless roar echoed in Wang Yi\'s mind.

"You are even the Lord of the Universe, but after all, you have only cultivated for more than a hundred thousand years. I am afraid that you have not tempered your will at all. Under the impact of my evil spirit, you will definitely be affected. Then it will be my opportunity." Murder in my heart.

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