
Chapter 7 07 - Trailer?

The next day, when Gabe woke up, the first thing he did was pick up his cell phone to look at the Residual Devil stats.

[Residual Devil: Village]

[Downloads: 981]

[Average Play Time: 2 Hours.]

[Accumulated Mana: 1,962]

Looking at the amount of Downloads and Accumulated Mana in the game, Gabe had a huge smile on his face!

In just one day he had earned the equivalent of what he would have spent on the game in 20 days! If he converted that Mana into his own Mana, despite having to convert 100 Units of Mana from the game to 1 Unit of Mana for himself, he could still receive almost 20 Units of Mana, increasing his total Mana by 20%! This was a very large increase, and because of this, many Developers just ignored improving their games and absorbed the Mana completely.

But despite being tempted by the idea of ​​absorbing it into himself, Gabe decided not to and used the Mana to continue developing Resident Evil. The biggest factor for him receiving only 2 Mana Units for each player was that players could only play for an average of 2 Hours, as the game had a maximum of 1 Hour of content, i.e. the average player played the game 2 times, or it took 2x as long to fully explore the village.

Of course, this was on top of the fact that most Rank F players only had 2 Mana Units, so it would be impossible for them to play much longer than that. The players who played for 3 hours were the players who really enjoyed the game, to the point where when they finished playing, they started to meditate to recover Mana, and as soon as they had Mana available they would go back to the game and play again.

Gabe imagined that the average game hours per Download for the Demo would be around 4 Mana Units, with average players who only played the game 1 or 2 times. There would also be players who realized that training was much more effective in this game by playing the next day for another 2 hours, and then there would probably be those Try Hard players who would have an average of 6 hours of play.

So leaving the average game total at 4 hours for each download (a fantastic number for a game with only 1 hour of content), Gabe figured if he added more play time, it would make the average play time skyrocket through the roof. And just like in his previous world there would also be crazy people who played some games thousands of hours. If he developed Residual Devil: Village well, that would also be possible in this world!

Before going to sleep, last night Gabe had already realized that some players had found the shotgun he left hidden in the village, and many were already managing to reach the end of the Demo without even being hurt by any of the zombies.

What made the game even better known was that when players experienced the story a second time, they realized that it was much easier to hit the heads of monsters - that is, the firearm training in this game was very effective! It was to the point that 1 hour of training in Residual Devil was more efficient than several days of training in other games! The biggest drawback was that the game only had 1 hour of content, and even if they played the game a second time, they wouldn\'t get as much improvement as they did the first time. But that was already something Gabe had imagined would happen.

Even though the game only had 1 hour of content, Residual Devil still received almost 1k downloads on the first day, jumping from the last place in the ranking of the University contest, to the 5th place! The number one spot was still Spear Training, with 2743 Downloads, but seeing how fast Residual Devil was catching up, Gabe understood that it was only a matter of time before the game took the number one spot!

So with the 100 Mana Units he had, and the nearly 2,000 Mana Units the game had available for him to use, Gabe intended to push Residual Devil\'s development forward by 20 days, doing everything today. Thus relying on word of Mouth Marketing from players to increase downloads, especially when they saw new content coming to the game, Gabe wasn\'t worried about the amount of Mana he would spend. If he added another 2 hours of content, the game\'s 1,000+ downloads would already recover all the Mana he spent on the game, not counting the new players who would experience this or players who would play the game again.

But before developing the game, Gabe decided to make something even more important: a trailer!

As the other game pages didn\'t have trailers other than scattered screenshots, Gabe thought that something like this wasn\'t possible to do, but upon reading Viewers\' comments on Amoura\'s livestream, Gabe realized that this sort of thing was possible! So, to increase downloads even more, Gabe decided to make an Animated Trailer to attract viewers\' attention for this game when they landed on the sales store page and convert most of them to players.

Fortunately, most of the things needed for the trailer were already done, like the Zombie Lycan, the Zombie Uriah, the humans, leaving him to just make the vampires, horses, and the maps. So having all the resources needed for the Trailer, Gabe started dedicating himself entirely to making it, ignoring everything around him.

Unbeknownst to Gabe, despite Resident Evil: Village Downloads still only being at 1,000, the game was already doing quite well. For bored Players, watching Livestreams was one of the great ways for them to pass their boredom, being able to just relax and have fun while watching someone they liked train in games.

Eric was one of those players. Even though he had recently become an E Rank Player, he still followed some F Rank players who were livestreaming, and after participating in a real-world mission for a few weeks, today was officially his first day off.

With interest, Eric opened the livestream site to look for something interesting to watch, and was surprised that among the Rank F streamers he followed, there were at least 8 Streamers who were playing a game called Residual Devil: Village. He had never heard of this game, so out of curiosity, Eric hopped on the livestream that had the most viewers to see what game it was.

That livestream was from Amoura, a cute red-haired girl who Eric had started following because of her looks. Every now and then he would make some donations to try to attract her attention, as there were only 100 to 200 viewers when he started following her, but to his surprise, on her most recent livestream there were 723 people!

"What happened to Amoura in such a short time for her to grow so much? Did some famous streamer bring her viewers?" Eric wondered, confused.

[I swear to you, in my marksmanship test, while before I managed to score 630 points, after playing Resident Evil yesterday I managed to raise my points to 700! Do you know how long I would have to train to get my points up that much? At least another two weeks!] Amoura said excitedly as she showed off her long red hair.

Eric was momentarily entranced as he stared at her, until he realized what she\'d said.

"What do you mean?! Amoura is already scoring 700 points on the marksmanship test? I\'m still at 810 points and I\'m already a Rank E Player!" Eric was shocked as he went to check out the marksmanship test site.

Since he was an old viewer of hers, he was lucky enough to get her to accept his friend request, so he could see her Ranking by being on her friend list. Eric was shocked to see that Amoura had increased her score by 70 points yesterday. At that rate, in a week she could apply to participate in a Rank E quest!

"She said she got that much better while playing this game called Resident Evil that everyone else is playing?" Eric wondered confused.

Looking back at Amoura\'s livestream, Eric read the comments and was even more shocked.

[I\'m not even a firearms focused player, but after playing Resident Evil I decided to take a marksmanship test too, and guess what? On my first attempt I got 300 Points! Hahaha, I\'m a genius marksman and I kept wasting my talent on a stupid sword!]

[300 Points? I managed to score 315 Points and I had never held a gun in my life! Even though Resident Evil is so scary, I\'m still willing to play for another 3 hours today after I finish meditating. If I could stand it I\'d like to play for 10 hours even if I had to repeat the story 10 times in a row!]

[Damn, if the story was longer, I think it would be less tiresome to repeat this…]

[Hey, Amour! Developer called EA has updated the Residual Devil page, show us!]

When this comment appeared, Amoura who was reading the comments quickly opened the Resident Evil store page and started looking for the changes.

Right off the bat, the first thing she saw was a large message written above the game\'s Synopsis.

[Game Demo: Available!]

[Game Trailer: In Development. Estimated Time - 127 Minutes.]

[Chapter 01: In Development. Estimated time - 23 hours.]

[Chapter 02: In Development. Estimated time - ????]

When Amoura saw that, she was shocked!

"Tomorrow Resident Evil will release a new chapter?! What does that mean?!" she said excitedly.

[I think the Developer will release more story for this game some time tomorrow!]

[Damn, he\'s not going to make another game?]

[I thought it was more profitable for developers to make more games instead of focusing on just one game?]

[I think he\'s doing this for us! He must have seen that we liked the game so much that he decided to make more story for the game, even if it\'s not that profitable for him!]

[What is the name of the Developer, I have to thank him, the story he made is so good!]

[His name is EA!]

[Hey guys, what\'s the Game Trailer? Hasn\'t he already released some explanatory images?]

[I do not know either…]

[I think it\'s like a movie trailer! Heck, EA is going to spend Mana just to make a trailer for the game, wouldn\'t it be better for him to just absorb that Mana for himself?]

[I don\'t know, the trailer will be available in 2 hours, we can wait and see.]

Amoura also saw that the trailer would be available in 2 hours and decided not to play Resident Evil for the time being. She said that she would like to watch the trailer first and see if it could have any impact when she comes to play before she would play it.

Viewers thought it was a good idea and they also decided to do the same thing.

Suddenly, the amount of players online in Residual Devil decreased a little, but unbeknownst to Gabe, the amount of new people discovering the game because of the Hype and the curiosity of viewers for its trailer was increasing a lot.

Even Eric, who was a Rank E Player was curious about this, deciding to watch Amoura\'s live stream to find out what it was all about and why this game was doing so well.


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