
Chapter 17 Myth Weapons

Seeing Nial\'s expression and the spear which he was trying to hide behind his back, Miles looked at his son in doubt, the moment he saw him entering the living room.

"Hello Nial, you are back earlier than I thought. How about you show me what you bought?!"

By giving Nial 10,000$ Miles wanted to teach his son how to handle his finances.

Nial never had the need to do anything with money as he would seldom leave his home.

At most, he would only toil in his backyard while the sun scorched his back as he practiced with his now broken spear.

It was because of this, that his fundamental knowledge about saving money and efficiently using it to earn even more was restricted.

Miles had wanted to teach his son about all of this in the past, but it had been much harder than one could expect.

Not only was Nial occupied with all kinds of other things his mother taught him, but even his wife seemed to have sided with their son and betrayed him.

"He doesn\'t need to use money. We will take care of him, forever!"

Unable to say anything to his overprotective wife, Miles had been forced to obey her.

As such, Nial had just experienced his first business deal, and that too with an amount of money that was high for their family\'s standards.

Even if Nial bought something bad, it would be a good lesson.

Though an expensive one, it would be even better because Nial would try to never make the same mistake again!

As such, Miles didn\'t say anything even after seeing his son\'s expressions which told him that something was not good.

Yet, the moment Nial handed Miles the spear, an involuntary gasp escaped his lips.

Nial could only sense his father almost tearing the spear out of Nial\'s hands as he inspected it, full of shock.

"You got that for 11000$....? Are you sure...like seriously...you didn\'t rob a bank or so?! It have a unique function and even a special effect? Do you even know what that means?" Miles\' voice climbed an octave with every question and there was no mistaking the disbelief and dumbfounding in it.

Letting his father marvel at the spear, Nial smiled innocently as he asked,

"I have no idea! What do the unique function and special effect mean?"

This was the truth because Nial just knew that the Viper spear was extremely good, and something he had only received because of his great fortune.

He was also thankful to the blacksmith who had simply handed him the best weapon he could have ever laid his hands on.

It caused a bright smile to emerge on his face, replacing the sad expression Nial had tried to maintain.

Miles saw this, and he felt like punching his son for the first time in his life. Not only was Nial playing with him, he didn\'t know what kind of magnificent weapon he had obtained!

"So, you want to tell me that you were able to purchase a Myth weapon for 11,000$, and you had no idea what you were doing? Where the hell did you buy it?!"

Unable to hide his envy, Miles almost shouted at Nial, whose lifeless eyes were staring straight at his father.

Seeing his innocent expression, Miles couldn\'t help but sigh and try his best to calm down as he reluctantly returned the weapon to his son.

Nial accepted the weapon with a faint smile and he was just about to answer his father\'s question when he heard him explaining the big difference between Myth weapons and normal weapons.

"Son, I know that we slacked off a bit in teaching you, but how can you not know what Myth weapons are? With 11,000$ you should have already been glad about being able to purchase a Common grade weapon at the lowest quality.

The quality of a weapon determines how much mana you can insert into it, and how sharp, durable, and tensile the raw ingredients used to forge a weapon had grown.

Meanwhile, a Myth weapon is something completely different! Even the blade adjusting and retracting function alone is already a complex mechanism that is connected to the use of profound engraving on the spear.

One indicator for a Myth weapon are its engravings.

When you insert mana in the engravings, a weapon becomes much stronger than the material\'s limitations are.

Additionally, functions like the retracting and readjusting of blades are unique.

That means the blacksmith, who forged this weapon must be extremely talented. However, the spear you purchased for...less than 11,000$ has an additional effect. There is an extremely rare poison crystal embedded into the tip of the weapon, and the entire staff is connected to it, including all blades!

By injecting mana into the poison crystal, you will be able to poison every foe as long as you manage to scratch them! The poison crystal is also not a simple one. I cannot even figure out its maximum capabilities because my mana is not enough to test its potential to the max.

As such, the crystal alone should be worth more than everything we own!!"

Nial had expected a boring explanation, but what he heard shocked him to the core. "Just the crystal...more than everything we own? Even our house and the dungeon?!"

Even after seeing Nial\'s flabbergasted reaction, Miles didn\'t think that it was enough yet.

It seemed as if his son was still oblivious to what he had brought back home.

"The entire Myth weapon you brought back might only be at the common rank, but in order to wield it properly, you need to have undergone 9 enlarging processes and manifested at least 1 origin ring additionally!

Its value is tens of times everything we possess and had ever possessed in our entire life!

Just where did you get this weapon from?!?"

Nial\'s mind went blank upon hearing his father reveal everything he had been oblivious to.

They had been so engrossed in discussing the weapon that he even forgot to tell his father about the result of the evaluation of his mana core limit and mana vein\'s talent.

Even Miles forgot about it momentarily because he was utterly bewildered to see his blind son carry a treasure as if it was an ordinary dagger.

\'Was that why he laughed like this?!\' Nial suddenly asked himself, recalling Arnold Birg\'s reaction. This made him feel embarrassed because he realized that he had made an utter fool of himself due to his lack of knowledge back at Arnold\'s shop.

There were too many things he was currently lacking, and time seemed to be running away from him.

While he was deep in thoughts, Nial didn\'t even notice that he had subconsciously answered his father\'s question which he had repeated for the third time.

"I was given the Viper Spear in the blacksmith shop which is located in the Central district, and is close to the Originals association!"

There was no reason for Nial to lie about the fact that he had been given the spear by Arnold Birg, even less in front of his family.

Yet, his father seemed to misunderstand him once again.

"This stingy geezer sold the Myth weapon for less than 11000$?!?! How is that possible?! He forged it himself too?"

Nial didn\'t know the real reason for Arnold\'s generosity either, but before he was even able to say a single word, his father added with an incredulous look.

"Are you the God of fortune himself or what?!"

It was evident that his father was jealous of him, but Nial could understand this.

He was still struggling to come to terms with the truckload of information his father had dumped upon him.

And, it shocked him no less than anyone else to learn about the spear\'s true value.

He had been under the impression that the spear was of a slightly higher quality, and not something that was worth more than anything they possessed, by several times.

At that moment, Miles recalled something, which caused him to calm down within an instant.

"Ahh, now I remember!! I heard that one of the blacksmith\'s daughters was blind and that she is now bedridden....maybe it\'s because of that! Did he possibly ask you weird questions?"

While his father awaited an answer from him, Nial couldn\'t help but be shocked as his mind began to rattle wildly.

\'Wait...don\'t tell me that the blacksmith was Shana\'s father?\'

This seemingly simple realization cleared every single doubt he had.

Now everything fell into place as he finally understood what was going on.

Yet, it caused Nial to feel weird.

\'Does that mean..the Viper spear belonged to Shana\'s sister? Is that also why the blacksmith was so oddly emotional?\'

Nial was just about to give his father a proper answer when Maline, his mother, entered the living room.

"Why are you two creating such a ruckus? Was your evaluation at the Originals association that good...or is it worse than ours?"

Her sudden question made both Milan and Nial look at her and smile dryly, recalling that there had been something they completely forgot about- Nial\'s evaluation as an Original!

Calming down, Nial decided to tell his parents everything that happened from the moment he left home up to the point he returned, attempting to not leave out anything important that could shock them.

It took a while, but both his mom and dad were flabbergasted when they comprehended what had happened to their son in such a short amount of time.

"So, the girl that tested your talent was one of the daughters of the blacksmith Arnold Birg? What kind of coincidence was that? You really are lucky that they seemed to like you…

I heard that the blacksmith has a bad temper and that he is stingy. If rumors are to be believed, he does not sell weapons to people if he doesn\'t like them.

But he is said to love his daughters over everything, so maybe you made him recall his sick daughter?"

Maline said with a shrug and Miles could only nod his head.

"That\'s likely...either way, the dungeon should have reseted...do you want to slaughter some slimes with your new weapon?!"

Hearing this, Nial jumped up from his seat, while Maline could only sigh deeply as she worried about her son even before he entered the dungeon.

However, now that he had received an extremely strong weapon, killing the slime boss should be relatively easy and it was only Nial\'s strength that was lacking.

Despite that, Maline was especially worried about Nial\'s confidence that would rapidly soar owing to the weapon he used, which might be the reason for him to overestimate his capabilities.

Unfortunately, she knew just how stubborn Nial was.

As such, she told him to be careful, and to retreat if it was necessary.

After that, Maline added all kinds of warnings, but Nial couldn\'t hear them anymore because he was already rushing toward the portal.

"He is really fast...it\'s good that he has great mana veins to perceive his surroundings...he is almost unrestricted…"

Miles could only nod at his wife\'s emotional and a bit proud comments on her son.

Upon hearing her, his envy about Nial\'s weapon dispersed, recalling the hard times Nial had undergone.

"To think that he grew up so fast after awakening his origin...it is as if his entire demeanor changed...It doesn\'t look like he is forcing himself to smile for us…not anymore"

Holding each other, Miles and Maline looked at the retreating figure of Nial, who disappeared inside the permanent slime dungeon.

Their expression was filled with joy, pride, and relief.

At least Nial was able to overcome the disability that had been holding him back all this time.

He had finally awakened his origin, even if it was pretty late.

Now, they could pay their complete attention to Sabrina, which was more than necessary because the medicine she took was being used up much faster than they could replenish it!

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