
Chapter 562 Abandoned House

Fein, Sofia, Aoi, and Voli decide to spend a weekend in a supposedly haunted mansion that has a reputation for being cursed before they plan to go back to the South.

Fein, Sofia, Aoi, and Voli walked towards the abandoned house. As they approached, they could feel a chill in the air. The house was old, with cobwebs covering the entrance. The wooden boards creaked as they stepped inside.

Fein looked around the dark room, his eyes adjusting to the low light. "This place gives me the creeps," he said, his voice low and serious.

Sofia nodded in agreement, her expression grim. "I heard rumors that this place is haunted," she said, her voice hushed.

Voli snorted, a spark of electricity crackling from his paw. "Ghosts don\'t scare me," he said confidently.

Aoi remained silent, her purple feathers rustling as she scanned the room, her expression unreadable.

As they made their way further into the house, they heard strange noises, whispers coming from the shadows. Fein drew his sword, his grip tight as he scanned the area for any threats.

Suddenly, they heard a loud crash, and Aoi let out a startled screech. They turned to see a vase had been knocked over, shattered on the floor.

Fein narrowed his eyes, his expression serious. "Something\'s not right here," he said, his tone warning his companions of the danger lurking in the shadows.

As they were walking along the dimly lit hallway, Fein and Sofia noticed a strange painting hanging on the wall. It depicted a woman with piercing red eyes staring straight ahead, giving the impression that she was watching them.

Sofia stopped in front of the painting and examined it closely. "This is quite an eerie painting," she said, tilting her head. "I wonder who the artist is."

Fein couldn\'t help but feel uneasy as he looked at the painting. The red eyes seemed to follow his every move. "I don\'t know, but I have a feeling that we\'ll find out soon enough," he replied, his voice low.

Suddenly, they heard a creaking sound coming from the end of the hallway. They turned to see that the door to the room at the end of the hallway was slowly opening by itself, revealing a dark and ominous interior.

Sofia gripped Fein\'s arm tightly. "Do you think it\'s a good idea to go in there?" she asked, her expression uneasy.

Fein looked at her reassuringly. "Don\'t worry, I\'ll make sure we\'ll be safe," he said with confidence, his eyes glinting with determination.


As they made their way through the hallway, they suddenly heard a faint whisper. It sounded like someone was calling out for help. The voice was barely audible, but it was enough to send shivers down their spines.

Fein stopped in his tracks and looked around, trying to locate the source of the voice. Aoi and Voli also stopped and looked at Fein, wondering what was going on.

Sofia, on the other hand, looked worried. "Did you guys hear that?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Fein nodded and pointed to a door at the end of the hallway. "I think it came from there," he said.

Without saying a word, they slowly approached the door, their hearts beating fast. Fein was the first to reach the door, and he carefully turned the handle, his other hand on his sword.

The door creaked open, revealing a dark and dusty room. They could barely see anything, but they could hear faint whispers coming from inside.

Fein stepped into the room, his sword at the ready. "Who\'s there?" he called out, his voice echoing through the empty room.

Suddenly, a figure emerged from the shadows, slowly walking towards them. It was a woman, dressed in a tattered and torn white dress. Her hair was long and unkempt, covering her face.

Sofia gasped in horror, her hand over her mouth. Aoi and Voli also looked scared, but Fein remained calm, keeping his sword steady.

The woman continued to approach them, and as she got closer, they could see her face. Her eyes were bright red, and her skin was pale and almost translucent.

Fein raised his sword, ready to defend himself and his friends. But before he could do anything, the woman let out a blood-curdling scream, sending chills down their spines. Suddenly, the lights went out, and they were enveloped in darkness.

"What the hell is going on?" Voli shouted, his voice barely audible above the woman\'s continued wails.

Aoi clung onto Sofia, trembling with fear. "I don\'t like this," she whimpered.

Fein tried to stay calm and keep his wits about him. "Everyone, stay together and don\'t panic. We\'ll find a way out of here."

As his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Fein noticed a faint red glow coming from down the hallway. "There," he said, pointing to the light. "We need to head in that direction."

Sofia nodded, her eyes wide with fear. "Okay, but we need to be careful."

They moved cautiously down the hallway, their footsteps echoing loudly in the silence. The closer they got to the red glow, the more they could make out the shape of a figure standing in the distance. The woman\'s screams had stopped, but now there was an eerie silence that hung heavily in the air.

Fein and his friends approached the figure slowly, their hearts pounding in their chests. When they were close enough to see the figure clearly, they gasped in horror. It was the woman from the painting, her eyes now glowing bright red, and a wicked smile on her face.

Fein and his friends approached the figure slowly, their hearts pounding in their chests. As they drew nearer, the air grew thick with a pungent scent, like rotting flesh. The woman\'s eyes glowed bright red, fixed on them with an intense stare that seemed to pierce through their very souls. They froze in terror, unsure of what to do.

The woman\'s wicked smile widened, revealing a row of razor-sharp teeth. Her voice was like a whisper on the wind, cold and menacing. "You shouldn\'t be here," she said, her words echoing through the empty halls.

Fein took a step back, raising his sword in defense. But the woman only laughed, a shrill cackle that echoed off the walls. "You think that toy will protect you?" she sneered. "You\'re all mine now."

Suddenly, the lights flickered and went out, plunging them into total darkness. The only sound was the ragged breathing of Fein and his friends. They could feel a cold breath on the back of their necks and the sensation of something brushing past them.

The only sounds were the pounding of their hearts and the raspy breaths of the woman. Then, a low growl echoed through the room, causing Fein and his friends to freeze in terror.

A flicker of movement caught their attention, and they watched in horror as the woman began to contort her body in unnatural ways, her bones cracking and popping with each movement. Fein\'s grip tightened on his sword as he tried to stay focused on the woman, but the darkness made it nearly impossible.

Just when it seemed like the tension couldn\'t get any higher, the woman let out a bone-chilling cackle, filling the room with a demonic energy that made Fein and his friends feel like they were suffocating. They knew they had to act fast if they wanted to survive the encounter with the possessed woman.

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