
Chapter 570 Famous Again

Fein\'s sword domain continued to rain down upon Adrian, overwhelming him with the sheer number of blades. Adrian had taken out his shield artifact and activated his soul defense, but it was no match for Fein\'s power.

Fein watched as Adrian struggled to hold his ground against the onslaught of swords. He could see the surprise and fear in Adrian\'s eyes as he realized that Fein had become much stronger than he anticipated.

With a confident smirk, Fein pressed forward, his sword domain growing even more intense. The ground shook beneath their feet as the swords struck the earth, leaving deep gouges in their wake.

Adrian\'s shield began to crack under the pressure, and Fein knew that victory was within his grasp. He pushed forward with renewed vigor, determined to end the battle once and for all.

Finally, Adrian\'s shield shattered, and the swords pierced through his soul defense, striking him with deadly precision. With a cry of defeat, Adrian fell to the ground, defeated by Fein\'s overwhelming power.

Fein raised his sword to the sky, and suddenly, it began to glow with a bright light. The air around him started to vibrate, and a faint hum emanated from his blade. As he swung his sword down, it split into two, then four, and then multiplied exponentially. Soon, there were hundreds of swords, all floating in the air around Fein.

The swords shimmered with an ethereal light, casting a glow over the surrounding area. The sound of metal scraping against metal filled the air as the swords shifted, arranging themselves into a formation. Then, with a flick of Fein\'s wrist, they shot forward like a swarm of angry wasps, raining down on Adrian.

Fein gingerly took the soul artifact from Adrian\'s grasp, feeling its cool surface under his fingertips. As he held it, he felt a warmth emanating from it, as if the artifact was alive and pulsing with energy. He examined the artifact closely, tracing its intricate carvings with his eyes.

The artifact was shaped like a teardrop, made of a smooth, milky white crystal. The carvings on its surface were so delicate and intricate that they looked like they had been etched by the finest of needles. Fein couldn\'t help but marvel at its beauty.

As he held the artifact, Fein\'s mind began to fill with information about its history and origin. He learned that the soul artifact was created by a group of powerful mages many centuries ago, during a time when the world was plagued by war and chaos. They had created the artifact as a means of healing the wounded and restoring peace to the land.

Fein also learned that the artifact was imbued with powerful magic, which allowed it to heal even the most damaged of souls. It was said that a single touch of the artifact could cure a person of any ailment, whether physical or mental. This was because the artifact was said to be infused with the essence of life itself, which allowed it to repair even the most damaged of souls.

Fein was amazed by the knowledge he had acquired. He had never heard of an artifact with such powerful restorative abilities. He knew that with this artifact in his possession, he would be able to help many people in need. He vowed to use it only for good, and to make sure that it was passed down to future generations, so that its healing powers could be used for centuries to come.

As he continued to examine the artifact, Fein noticed that it had a small inscription on its base. The inscription was in a language that he didn\'t recognize, but as he studied it, he began to understand its meaning. It read:

"May this artifact be a beacon of hope in times of darkness, a symbol of healing in times of despair. Let it be known that those who possess this artifact are blessed with the power to heal, and that they must use this power only for good."

Fein smiled to himself as he read the inscription. He knew that he had been chosen to wield this powerful artifact for a reason, and he would make sure to use its powers for the betterment of all. With the soul artifact in his possession, Fein felt invigorated, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


Fein stood silently, staring at the charred remains of Adrian\'s body. He could still feel the power that emanated from the soul artifact in his hand, and he knew that it was the key to unlocking the secrets of the artifact\'s history.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "What are you doing?"

Fein turned to see a young man standing a few feet away, his eyes wide with shock at the sight of Adrian\'s burning corpse.

Fein didn\'t answer, instead turning his attention back to the task at hand. He raised his hand, and a purple flame erupted from his palm. It quickly engulfed the remains of Adrian\'s body, reducing it to ashes in seconds.

The witness watched in awe as Fein performed the act with ease, his movements fluid and precise. He recognized the two figures from the recent rumors and knew that he had just witnessed something incredible.

Word of Fein\'s victory over Adrian and the destruction of his body quickly spread throughout the village. People talked about how Fein had saved them from the evil of the \'Soul Stealer\', and how his power was unmatched.

The news eventually reached the ears of the Northern Council, who were impressed by Fein\'s power and bravery. They invited him to their headquarters to discuss the situation and offer their thanks.

The council members were impressed by Fein\'s power and bravery, and offered him a position as a high-ranking member of their organization. They also granted him access to their extensive library, where he could research the history of the artifact and unlock its secrets.

Fein accepted the invitation of free access to library and except for the position, and soon found himself in front of the council, his sword by his side and the soul artifact in his pocket. And spent the next few months studying the artifact and refining his powers. He became known throughout the Northern Kingdom as a hero, and people would often stop him on the street to thank him for his service.

Despite his newfound fame and status, Fein remained humble and focused on his goal of uncovering the truth behind the artifact. He continued to train and perfect his powers, always striving to become stronger and more capable.

And so, the legend of Fein grew throughout the Northern Kingdom, a brave warrior that took out a cruel SS rank degu user.

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