
Chapter 593 Dark And Twisted Mind

Lucian stood in the center of a crowd of people, all eyes on him as he spoke in a soft and soothing voice. His appearance was angelic, with blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. He wore a white suit that fit him perfectly, and he had an air of charisma that drew people in.

"Listen to me, my friends," Lucian said. "I know you\'re feeling lost and alone right now. But I\'m here to tell you that you\'re not alone. We all have struggles in life, but we can overcome them together."

The people around him nodded, their eyes glinting with hope. They hung on his every word, entranced by his silver tongue.

"I want you to close your eyes and imagine a world where all your dreams come true," Lucian continued. "Where you don\'t have to worry about money or work or anything else. Just imagine that world and hold onto that feeling."

As the people closed their eyes, Lucian continued to speak in a low, hypnotic tone. He painted a picture of a perfect world, where all their problems disappeared. And as the people listened, their expressions changed. They began to smile and nod, as if they were experiencing true happiness for the first time in their lives.

"Imagine, what if the person beside you tries to destroy such a perfect world? What would you all do?" Lucian said with a playful smile.

Suddenly, the smiles turned to frowns, and the nods turned to shakes. The people began to argue and shout, their faces twisted in anger.

"You\'re lying!" one person shouted at another person.

"This is all a trick! You guys deserve to rot in hell and die!!" another one yelled hysterically.

Lucian simply smiled, watching as the people turned on each other. He didn\'t need to do anything more. His words had already done the damage, planting seeds of doubt and despair that had grown into a deadly fruit. People\'s spiritual foundations are fragile, and psychology is his sword to attack it. Words, this is his weapon!

As the people began to attack each other, Lucian slipped away into the shadows, unnoticed. He knew that Fein and Voli were still searching for him, but he felt confident that they would never find him. His silver tongue was too powerful, his charisma too strong. And as long as people listened to him, he would always have the upper hand as words enabled him to kill someone without leaving physical evidence and make the crime scene appear like a suicide. So, even if they do find him, where\'s the proof and concrete evidence? Didn\'t they just take their own lives? Their deaths have nothing to do with him.


Lucian stood before the priest, his hands clasped in front of him as he spoke in a calm, gentle voice. The priest, a man of faith and devotion, looked up at Lucian with a mixture of confusion and reverence.

"Father, you have spent your life serving the Lord, have you not?" Lucian asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

The priest nodded, his eyes fixed on Lucian. "Yes, that is true."

"And do you not believe that death is a natural part of life?" Lucian continued.

The priest hesitated for a moment before answering. "I suppose that is true as well."

"Then why do you fear it?" Lucian asked, taking a step closer to the priest. "Is it not simply a journey to the next life, a reunion with the Lord?"

The priest looked down at his hands, his face twisted with doubt and fear. "I... I don\'t know."

Lucian reached out and placed a hand on the priest\'s shoulder, his touch light and comforting. "Let me show you, Father. Let me show you the peace that comes with embracing death."

With those words, Lucian began to speak, his voice soft and hypnotic as he wove a web of words around the priest. The priest\'s face went from one of confusion and fear to one of calm acceptance, his eyes closing as he listened to Lucian.

"Go to the roof of the church, Father," Lucian instructed. "There, you will find the peace you have been seeking."

The priest nodded, his movements slow and deliberate as he made his way to the roof. Lucian watched him go, a small smile on his lips. He knew what would happen next.

A few minutes later, the sound of a body hitting the ground echoed through the church. Lucian closed his eyes and breathed a deep sigh of satisfaction. Another soul had been freed from the burdens of life.


Lucian sat in his dark, secluded room, surrounded by stacks of books and scrolls. He spoke softly to himself, his words carrying the weight of his twisted logic.

lost in deep philosophical thought. His mind was always active, always questioning, always searching for the answers to life\'s big questions.

He believed that life was ultimately meaningless and that all human relationships were ultimately doomed to fail. People were weak and selfish, he thought, and their petty desires and emotions only served to drag them down.

Yet, Lucian didn\'t view this realization as a negative thing. In fact, he found a sense of liberation in the thought that life had no inherent value or purpose. It allowed him to be free from the constraints of societal norms and expectations, to live life on his own terms.

His thoughts then turned to the concept of morality. He believed that traditional morality was nothing more than a set of arbitrary rules imposed upon humanity by those in power. He saw no inherent value in concepts like love, compassion, or empathy, and viewed them as nothing more than weaknesses that could be exploited.

To Lucian, the only thing that truly mattered was knowledge and understanding. He was convinced that the pursuit of knowledge was the only way to truly transcend the limitations of humanity and achieve a higher state of being.

As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, Lucian couldn\'t help but feel a sense of superiority over those around him. He saw himself as a kind of prophet, leading the way towards a new era of human existence.

And he was convinced that, in the end, history would prove him right.

"Life is nothing more than a fleeting existence, a mere blip on the grand scale of the universe. It is a meaningless and worthless pursuit, a struggle that leads only to suffering and despair."

He paused, his eyes staring off into the distance as he continued to speak. "Relationships are no different. They are mere illusions, temporary distractions from the harsh reality of existence. They offer nothing but pain and heartache, attachments that only serve to bind us to this pointless existence." Lucian\' voice grew more persuasive, his silver tongue weaving a spell of dark logic.

"Why cling to something so fleeting and meaningless? Why not embrace the inevitable and end it all? To die is to escape the endless cycle of pain and suffering, to transcend this meaningless existence and reach a higher plane of being." He leaned back in his chair, a twisted smile crossing his lips as he reveled in the darkness of his own thoughts.

"Yes, to die is to be truly free. And I, Lucian, will guide them to that freedom, one soul at a time..."

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