
Chapter 614 Mysterious Shadow Army

As the shadow army appeared, a single figure stood out among them: the Chimera Ant. It stood tall and imposing, radiating power and menace. The devils hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to make of this new threat. But the Chimera Ant wasted no time in attacking. It charged straight towards Balanar, its jaws open wide. Balanar tried to dodge, but he was too slow.

The Chimera Ant\'s jaws clamped down on his arm, biting through flesh and bone. Balanar screamed in pain, but his agony was short-lived. The Death Knight charged towards him, its sword glowing with dark energy. Balanar raised his remaining arm to defend himself, but the Death Knight\'s blade sliced through it like butter.

Meanwhile, the angel of death hovered in the air, raining down bolts of shadow energy on the other devils. They tried to retaliate, but their attacks were ineffective against the angel\'s dark magic. As for the Chimera Ant, it was like an unstoppable force of nature. It tore through the devils with its sharp claws and powerful jaws, leaving a trail of blood and gore in its wake.

The devils tried to fight back, but they were no match for the Chimera Ant\'s overwhelming strength. The battle was over almost as quickly as it began. The shadow army emerged victorious, with only a few casualties. The devils lay scattered on the ground, broken and defeated.

The civilians and common folks who had watched the battle from afar were awed by the shadow army\'s power. They cheered and applauded, grateful for their unexpected saviors. The degu users, who had been on the brink of defeat, felt a renewed sense of hope.

The three shadow lords stood over the defeated devils, their dark power pulsing and surging around them.

Balanar, who was badly injured and on the brink of death, looked up at them with a mix of fear and curiosity. "Who are you?" he rasped out, struggling to keep his eyes open.

The shadow lords turned their heads towards him, their features obscured by the darkness that surrounded them. One of them spoke, his voice cold and ominous. "We are the servants of Fein, the true ruler of the shadows," he said.

Balanar\'s eyes widened in shock. "Fein? That fucking human!?" he spat out. "H-how? How can powerful creatures like you serve him!? How can he have such a powerful army!?"

The shadow lords didn\'t reply, and instead turned their attention back to their fallen foes. With a flick of their hands, the bodies of the devils disintegrated into ashes, as if they were never there in the first place. Balanar\'s eyes widened in horror as he realized his fate. "No...please, spare me," he begged, but the shadow lords paid him no heed.

With a final burst of dark energy, they struck him down, leaving nothing but a pile of ashes in their wake. As the shadow lords turned to leave, one of them stopped and looked back at the degu users and civilians who had been watching the battle from afar. "You should leave this place. It is not safe here," he warned.

The degu users and civilians, shaken by the events they had witnessed, slowly began to disperse, some of them still staring in awe at the spot where the shadow lords had stood just moments before. "Who are they?" one of them whispered to another. "I don\'t know," the other replied. "But I think we should listen to them and get out of here while we still can."

As they made their way back to their homes and villages, the people couldn\'t help but feel a sense of awe and fear at the power they had just witnessed. And with the mention of Fein, they couldn\'t help but wonder what other mysteries lay hidden in the shadows, waiting to be uncovered.

The Chimera Ant, Death Knight, and angel of death didn\'t stay long. They vanished as quickly as they had appeared, leaving behind a trail of shadow energy that slowly dissipated into the air.

The North had been saved, thanks to the shadow army\'s intervention. But the memories of the battle would linger for a long time, a testament to the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought on both sides.


Rumors and speculations spread like wildfire as news of the epic battle between the humans and the devils, and the sudden appearance of the shadow army reached different parts of the North. People whispered in hushed tones about the bravery of the degu users who fought tirelessly against the devil\'s army, and the sacrifices they made to protect the common folks. Some spoke about how they had seen the shadow creatures arrive and help the degu users in their hour of need, while others were skeptical about their intentions and feared they might turn against the humans.

As days passed, more and more people started to talk about the shadow army and the three shadow lords. Some believed they were angels sent by the gods to aid the humans, while others thought they were demons in disguise, plotting to take over the North. Theories and speculations ran rampant, but no one knew for sure who or what the shadow army was, and what their ultimate goal was.

The news of the battle and the shadow army also reached the neighboring kingdoms, and many sent emissaries to inquire about the events that had taken place in the North. They were curious about the shadow army and wanted to learn more about their mysterious nature.

The humans who had witnessed the battle had mixed feelings about the outcome. While they were grateful for the shadow army\'s help in defeating the devil\'s army, they couldn\'t shake off the feeling of unease that came with their presence. Some were afraid that they might pose a greater threat to the humans than the devils ever did.

Despite their doubts and fears, the humans couldn\'t deny the fact that they owed their victory to the shadow army. They spoke in hushed tones about the shadow lords, wondering who they were, and what is their connection with Fein was. They were also curious about the shadow creatures that had fought alongside them and marveled at their overwhelming power and abilities.

In the end, the story of the battle and the shadow army became a legend, passed down from generation to generation. The humans who fought in the battle were hailed as heroes, and the shadow army was remembered as a mysterious force that came to aid the humans when they needed it the most. Even after many years, people would still talk about the battle and wonder about the shadow army and their ultimate purpose.

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