
Chapter 631 Bonding With Melissa And Fey

As the mission board was implemented, the members of the Eyes of the Dark Knights excitedly lined up to take on various missions. Some preferred to go alone, while others formed a party, eager to tackle the challenges together.

As they perused the mission board, some of the members couldn\'t help but notice the F-rank missions that seemed more like menial tasks than heroic deeds. One member, a burly man with a thick beard, let out a laugh as he read a mission to find a lost cat.

"Looks like we\'re gonna be the Dark Knights of cat rescue," he chuckled, nudging his friend beside him.

His friend, a petite woman with short black hair and a mischievous grin, quipped back, "Better get your milk bowl ready, big guy."

Another member, a tall and lanky man with glasses, couldn\'t hide his disappointment as he read a mission to trim a messy garden.

"Seriously? We\'re supposed to be saving the world from evil, and they want us to do some gardening?" he grumbled.

But their disappointment quickly turned to amusement as they read on and saw the difficulty level rise with the higher-ranked missions. The C-rank missions involved tracking down a notorious thief, while the B-rank missions required infiltrating an enemy stronghold. And the A-rank missions? Those were reserved for only the bravest and most skilled members of the Eyes of the Dark Knights.

As they made their selections and formed their parties, the members couldn\'t help but joke and tease each other about their missions. They shared tips and strategies, laughing as they imagined the ridiculous scenarios they might encounter on their quests.

One member, a quiet and reserved woman with long brown hair, smiled as she watched her fellow knights banter and joke around. She was glad to be a part of such a close-knit group, where even the most mundane tasks could be turned into a lighthearted adventure.

As they set off on their missions, the members of the Eyes of the Dark Knights knew that danger and excitement awaited them, no matter how trivial the task may seem at first glance. But with their skills and teamwork, they were ready to face any challenge that came their way.

Fein entered his home and immediately found himself in the living room. His mother Melissa was busy in the kitchen, while his sister Fey was sitting on the sofa, reading a book. The smell of freshly baked bread wafted in the air, making Fein\'s mouth water.

"Fein! You\'re finally home," Fey said, jumping up from the sofa and rushing to hug him.

"Hey, sis," Fein replied, returning the embrace. "I missed you."

Melissa turned around from the kitchen, a bright smile on her face. "Fein! You\'re back!" she exclaimed, hurrying over to hug him as well.

Fein grinned, feeling warm and content in his family\'s embrace. "Yeah, I\'m back. And I brought some friends with me," he said, gesturing to the empty air beside him.

Fey raised an eyebrow. "Invisible friends again, Fein? You know we don\'t believe in that kind of stuff," she teased.

Fein chuckled. "Just wait until you meet them. They\'re not so invisible after all."

Melissa looked puzzled. "What are you talking about, Fein?"

Fein hesitated, wondering if he should reveal the truth about his degu user abilities to his mother. He had always kept it a secret from her, not wanting to worry her. But now, with the recent events happening in the Eyes of the Dark Knights, he knew it was only a matter of time before she found out.

"I have a confession to make, Mom," he began, taking a deep breath. "I\'m not exactly a normal human being. I have special abilities."

Melissa\'s eyes widened in shock. "What kind of abilities?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Fein smiled reassuringly. "Don\'t worry, Mom. It\'s nothing dangerous. I can control a certain kind of animal, called a degu. And I\'m not the only one. There are others like me, in a group called the Eyes of the Dark Knights."

Melissa looked relieved, but also curious. "And why did you keep this from me?"

Fein shrugged. "I didn\'t want to worry you. And I didn\'t want you to treat me any differently."

Melissa hugged him again. "You\'ll always be my son, Fein. No matter what."

Fey joined in the embrace, and the three of them stood there for a moment, enjoying each other\'s company. Fein felt grateful for his family\'s love and support, even in the midst of his dangerous missions and secret abilities.

Suddenly, his stomach growled loudly, breaking the moment. "Uh, Mom? Is there any food ready yet?" he asked, grinning sheepishly.

Melissa laughed. "Of course, Fein. You must be starving. Dinner\'s almost ready. And I made your favorite dessert, too."

Fein\'s eyes lit up. "Pie?"

Melissa nodded, smiling. "Apple pie. Just for you."

Fein\'s smile grew wider, and he felt his heart fill with warmth. He had missed his family more than he realized. As they made their way to the kitchen, he couldn\'t help but feel grateful for the small moments of happiness in his life, and for the people who made them possible.

Fein, Melissa, and Fey were sitting in the living room, enjoying a warm meal after a long day. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted in the air, filling the room with a pleasant scent. Melissa was beaming with joy, watching her children eat heartily.

Fein, who had a mischievous glint in his eyes, decided to play a prank on his sister. "Hey, Fey, do you remember that time when you accidentally set fire to the kitchen while trying to cook dinner for us?" he said, trying to hold back his laughter.

Fey rolled her eyes, knowing full well that it was a joke. "Ha ha, very funny, Fein. You know that never happened," she replied with a smile.

Melissa, who was not familiar with the context of their conversation, looked confused. "What are you two talking about?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Fein quickly interjected, "Oh, nothing, Mom. Just reminiscing about some old memories."

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