
Chapter 679 The War: South Vs Demons Pt.4

Brick quickly shifted his gun to his left hand and transformed into his pure black humanoid monster form. The devil was taken aback, but it did not stop its charge. Brick morphed his body and dodged the devil\'s first attack, then delivered a powerful punch to its face. The devil stumbled back, but it was not defeated yet.

The devil tried to attack again, but Brick was faster. He morphed his arms into blades and sliced through the devil\'s chest, killing it instantly. He turned around to see another devil charging at him. This time, he aimed his energy gun and shot a blast of energy at the devil, blowing it to pieces.

As he fought, Brick saw the Eight Little Kids fighting fiercely around him. They were a blur of movement, their Mwai Thai and Ju-Jitsu skills on full display. Brick admired their bravery and skill, but he knew he had to focus on his own fight.

Another devil approached, and Brick morphed his arms back to their normal state and aimed his energy gun at his enemy. He shot a barrage of energy blasts at the demon, but it dodged them all. The devil lunged at Brick, but he morphed his body and dodged the attack. He then delivered a powerful punch to the devil\'s gut, causing it to double over in pain. Brick took the opportunity to morph his body into a sharp spike and impaled the devil, killing it instantly.

Brick Norty moved swiftly, his energy gun at the ready. The demons were everywhere, but he could handle them. He had faced worse in the past. He charged forward, transforming into a pure black humanoid monster as he did so.

eαglesnovel`c,om "Let\'s do this!" he shouted, firing his energy gun at the nearest demon. The creature screeched as the blast hit it, but it was still standing.

"You\'re gonna need more than that," a demon growled, charging at Brick with its claws extended. Brick dodged to the side, then morphed his arm into a long spike and impaled the demon. It crumbled to dust, leaving Brick to move on to the next one.

The Eight Little Kids were fighting beside him, taking down demons with a combination of martial arts and super speed. Brick was impressed with their abilities. "You kids are doing great!" he called out, blasting another demon with his energy gun.

One demon managed to get close enough to grab Brick\'s arm, but he simply morphed it into a whip and lashed out at the creature. It recoiled, but before it could attack again, Brick blasted it with his gun.

"Come on, is that all you\'ve got?" he taunted the demons. "I\'ve faced tougher challenges than you!"

As he spoke, a group of demons appeared out of nowhere, surrounding Brick and the kids. He glanced around, calculating his next move. "Stay close to me," he told the kids. "We\'ll take them down together."

They moved as a team, Brick firing his energy gun while the kids darted in and out of the demons\' reach, striking them with swift kicks and punches. They were making progress, but the demons seemed never-ending.

Brick gritted his teeth, determined to push through. "We\'ve got this!" he shouted, blasting a particularly large demon with his gun. It staggered, then fell to the ground. The others hesitated, giving Brick and the kids a chance to regroup.

"We did it!" one of the kids exclaimed, grinning with excitement. Brick smiled too, feeling proud of their teamwork. "Great job, everyone," he said, clapping them on the back.

They continued fighting, taking down demon after demon. Brick knew they couldn\'t keep this up forever, but he refused to let the demons win. He had a job to do, and he was going to do it.

Brick continued to fight with all his might. He transformed his body into different weapons, such as a sword and a whip, depending on the situation. He used his energy gun to take down flying demons and morphed his body to dodge attacks from the ground.

As the battle drew to a close, Brick looked around at the aftermath. Dozens of demons lay dead, and the Eight Little Kids were breathing heavily but still standing. Brick transformed back into his human form, feeling exhausted but proud of his contribution to the war effort.

Anthony stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking the vast wasteland. He had been observing the battlefield for hours, analyzing every move of the demons and his comrades. He knew that he had to come up with a strategy to turn the tide of the battle in their favor.

He took out his notebook and started writing down his observations. He studied the demons\' weaknesses and strengths, their attack patterns, and the movements of his comrades. After a few minutes, he closed his notebook and stood up.

Anthony raised his hand, and a thick mist surrounded him. The mist was purple and had a distinct smell of poison. He took a deep breath and exhaled, sending a cloud of poisonous gas into the battlefield.

The demons coughed and choked, their movements slowing down. Anthony took out his bow and arrows, dipped them in poison, and shot them at the demons. The arrows hit their targets, and the demons screamed in agony as the poison spread through their bodies.

Anthony watched as the demons fell one by one, their bodies twitching and convulsing. He was satisfied with his work, but he knew that he had to keep going. He couldn\'t let his guard down.

As he walked towards the battlefield, he heard a commotion behind him. He turned around and saw a group of demons rushing towards him. Anthony didn\'t panic. He calmly took out a vial of poison and threw it at the demons.

The vial shattered, and the poison spread in a wide radius, engulfing the demons. They screamed and writhed in pain as the poison corroded their bodies. Anthony watched as the demons fell to the ground, their bodies melting away.

Anthony smiled. He knew that his poison was deadly, and he was glad to see it in action. He continued to move forward, taking out his notebook once again to come up with new strategies.

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