
Chapter 711 I Am Fein And I Am Niki

With the system\'s help, Fein managed to complete the fusion with Niki, but something was different. Fein was in control. Niki\'s will had been eradicated to the very depths of his soul.

Fein looked down at his hands, feeling the power of the fusion coursing through him. He felt invincible, like nothing could stop him. But as he looked up, he saw the fear in Melissa\'s eyes, and he knew that he had made a grave mistake.

Kidd watched from the sidelines, shock etched on his face. He couldn\'t believe what he was seeing. Fein had always been the level-headed one, the one who thought things through. But now he seemed almost possessed, like a different person entirely.

Fein turned to face Melissa, his eyes filled with a cold determination. "You\'re free now," he said. "You don\'t have to be afraid anymore."

Melissa looked at him, still trembling with fear. "Who are you? Are you still my son?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I\'m Fein, I\'m still your son..." he said, "but I\'m also Niki. We\'re the same person now. And together, we\'re going to explore the universe and all its mysteries."

Kidd stepped forward, his eyes fixed on Fein\'s. "What have you done?" he asked, his voice barely containing his anger.

"I did what I had to do," Fein replied, his voice cold and unfeeling. "Niki and I are one now. We\'re unstoppable."

Kidd shook his head in disbelief. "You\'re not the Fein I used to know," he said. "You\'ve become something else entirely."

Fein looked at Kidd, his eyes blazing with fury. "I don\'t care what you think, you\'re just a traitor. You don\'t have the right to speak." he said. Fein could clearly feel that his personality change after the fusion process. However, he was certain that Niki\'s soul was eradicated at the soul level. 

Fein asked the system in his mind as he tried to make sense of what had happened after the fusion with Niki.

\'System... Why did my personality change after the fusion?\'

The system replied, "It\'s because of the way fusions work. When two individuals fuse, their personalities merge together, creating a new being with a unique identity. In your case, Niki\'s dominant will was so strong that it overpowered your own. But your system was able to intervene at the last moment, allowing you to take control."

Fein nodded, trying to absorb the information. "So, what happens now?"

"Now that you are in control, you will have to learn to manage the power that comes with the fusion. You will need to find a balance between your own will and Niki\'s power, as they are now intertwined."

Fein took a deep breath, realizing the weight of his responsibility. "I understand. I\'ll do my best to make it work."

The system gave him a reassuring nod. "I have faith in you, Fein. You have always been a strong-willed individual, and I believe that with time, you will be able to harness the full potential of this fusion."


Fein listened attentively as the system continued to explain his new reality to him. He couldn\'t believe what he was hearing, yet it all made sense. He felt a strange mixture of emotions - awe, fear, and curiosity all at once.

"So you\'re saying that my soul is still a third-dimensional one, but my vessel now contains the essence of a 10th dimensional creature like Niki?" Fein asked, seeking clarification.

"Yes, that\'s correct," the system replied. "Your vessel is now a hybrid of third-dimensional and 10th-dimensional essence, which gives you a unique set of abilities and perspectives. And because of the fusion, you\'ve already become 1% 10th dimensional being. It will take a long time for you to reach 100%, but every 100,000,000 years, it will increase by 1%."

Fein tried to process this information. He wondered what it would mean for him in the long run. Would he still be able to connect with other third-dimensional beings, or would he be too different? Would he still be able to have human emotions and feelings, or would he become something else entirely?

"Will I still be able to feel human emotions and have human experiences?" Fein asked, his voice tinged with concern.

The system paused for a moment before responding. "You will still have emotions and experiences, but they may be different than what you\'re used to. Your perspective on the world will change as you become more 10th dimensional, but it doesn\'t mean that you\'ll lose your humanity entirely."

Fein nodded slowly, taking it all in. It was a lot to process, but he was determined to make the best of it. He knew that he had a long journey ahead of him, but he was ready to embrace it, no matter what challenges it may bring.


eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ The system continued to explain to Fein about his background and the potential he held within him. Fein listened intently, his mind racing with the implications of what he was hearing.

"So, you\'re saying that because of Niki\'s essence within me, I have the potential to become a 10th dimensional being myself?" Fein asked, still trying to fully comprehend the situation.

"Yes, that\'s correct," the system replied. "But it\'s not an easy task. It takes immense power and strength to become a 10th dimensional being, and not everyone has the potential for it. However, since you already have a piece of that essence within you, it\'s possible that you could reach that level if you train and hone your powers."

Fein nodded, his mind buzzing with the possibilities. He had always felt different from others, like he was meant for something more. And now, with the knowledge that he held the key to ascending to the 11th dimension, he felt a newfound sense of purpose.

"And what about the 11th dimension?" Fein asked, curious about this final dimension that he had never even heard of before.

The system explained that the 11th dimension was the final destination for all existence, and the first being to reach it would become the one and only 11th dimensional being, with complete control and ownership over the entire dimension. The power and knowledge held within that being would be incomprehensible to all others, and they would essentially become a god-like entity.

Fein\'s mind was reeling with the possibilities. The power he could attain, the knowledge he could gain, it was all so tantalizing. But he also knew the risks that came with such power, and the responsibility that would come with it.

"Thank you, System. I have a lot to think about," Fein said, his mind already racing with plans and ideas for how he could train and improve his powers. He had a destiny to fulfill, and he was determined to make the most of it.

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