
Chapter 762 A Role Model

Fein sat alone in his room, his two shadow emperors summoned in front of him. The chimera ant and archangel bowed to Fein as he inquired about the situation in the South during his absence.

"Well, how was it during my time away?" Fein asked, leaning forward in his chair.

The chimera ant, with his sharp eyes, began to speak. "My Lord, the shadow soldiers have been gathering for the past few weeks, ranging from the smallest events to the biggest."

Fein nodded, his expression serious. "And what events were those?"

The archangel spoke up this time, his voice calm and serene. "There have been some minor skirmishes between the shadow soldiers and other factions, but nothing we couldn\'t handle. We have also been keeping a close eye on the new businesses and establishments that have cropped up in the South."

Fein leaned back in his chair, deep in thought. "I see. And how has the morale been among our soldiers?"

The chimera ant\'s expression became serious. "They are as loyal as ever, my Lord. But there is a growing concern among them about the recent events in the South. Some are worried that the monsters from the Wasteland are growing stronger, and that we may not be prepared for what is to come."

Fein nodded, his eyes narrowing in thought. "I understand their concerns. But they need not worry. We are stronger than ever, and I will make sure that we are always prepared for any threat."

The two shadow emperors nodded in agreement, their unwavering loyalty to Fein evident in their every movement. Fein dismissed them, lost in thought about the future of the South and his role in shaping it.

As the two shadow lords vanished into the shadows, Fein leaned back in his chair, his mind racing with ideas and plans. He knew that the road ahead would be long and treacherous, but he was ready to face any challenge that lay in his path.

For Fein, the South was his home, and he would do anything to protect it and ensure that it thrived for generations to come.

As Fein sat at his desk, he couldn\'t help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the concerns presented to him by his shadow lords. They were worried about potential threats to their territories from the monsters. He wanted to come up with plans and counter measures. He sighed deeply and rubbed his temples, trying to clear his mind and focus.

Fein leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, thinking deeply about the situation. He knew he needed to be strategic and thorough in his approach. After a few moments of reflection, he opened his eyes and began to jot down notes on a piece of paper.

"I need to gather more information about the possible threats and their motives," he muttered to himself. "Then, I can assess the risks and come up with specific plans to address each one."

As he continued to write down his thoughts, he considered the resources he had at his disposal. He knew he had a powerful army of degu users, skilled assassins, and loyal allies. He also knew he had to be careful not to underestimate his opponents and be prepared for unexpected obstacles.

Fein\'s brow furrowed in concentration as he continued to plan out his strategy. He considered the different scenarios and potential outcomes, weighing the risks and benefits of each option.

eαglesnovel`c,om After a while, he leaned back in his chair again, feeling satisfied with the progress he had made. He knew he still had a lot of work to do, but he felt more confident in his ability to handle the situation.

As Fein stood up to stretch his legs, he caught sight of his reflection in the mirror on his desk. He looked tired and a bit stressed, but also determined and focused. He took a deep breath and reminded himself that he had faced many challenges before and always come out on top. Fein walked over to the window and gazed out at the city below.

After finishing his plans and countermeasures, Fein decided to take a bath to clear his mind. As he soaked in the warm water, he couldn\'t help but think about the recent drop in crime rate in the south.

"Thanks to my shadow lords," he thought to himself. "Their presence has made a huge difference."

Fein\'s shadow soldiers, all hidden in the shadows, had been making the stronghold a safer place to live. They lurked in the corners and blended in with the darkness, making sure that any criminal activity was stopped in its tracks.

Fein closed his eyes and let out a sigh of relief. He remembered how rampant crime used to be in the south before he took charge. Robberies, murders, and even rape were common occurrences, and people lived in constant fear.

But now, criminals dared not act rampant and became more cautious. They knew that Fein\'s shadow soldiers were always watching, and they couldn\'t afford to make any mistakes.

Fein\'s shadow soldiers had been instrumental in the drastic drop in crime rate. They were everywhere, patrolling the streets, alleys, and even rooftops. Fein had even heard stories of criminals getting caught before they even attempted to commit a crime.

Fein leaned back and let the water envelope him. He knew that he had made the right decision in creating the shadow lords. They had not only made the stronghold a safer place, but also gained the trust and respect of the people.

As he got out of the bath and dried himself off, Fein couldn\'t help but smile. He knew that the south was in good hands, and he had played a big part in making it that way. \'This how should politicians should act\'

Fein\'s thoughts then shifted to his role as a politician. He thought about how different he was from the corrupt politicians on Earth who were only interested in filling their pockets with money and power. He took pride in being a good role model for his people, someone they could look up to and trust.

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