
Chapter 897 Aftermath Of The Battle

With a heavy sigh, Fein\'s frustration reached its peak. The sense of boredom gnawed at him, fueling his desire to end things swiftly. Conjuring a massive ball of purple flames, the destructive power radiated from it, casting an ominous glow across the wreckage of the building.

His wings unfurled, propelling him upwards into the darkened sky. The plan was clear in his mind—to erase any trace of Lucifer\'s existence, to ensure that there would be no chance of revival or retaliation. The notion of their weakness only intensified his resolve, leaving no room for hesitation.

As Fein soared through the air, his eyes locked onto the unconscious form of Lucifer. A mix of disdain and determination twisted his features, his expression hardening with every passing second. He had grown tired of this game, and it was time to bring it to a decisive end.

With a swift motion, Fein hurled the gargantuan ball of destruction towards its intended target. The sheer magnitude of the attack was awe-inspiring as the flames consumed everything in its path. The impact was cataclysmic, causing Lucifer\'s body and the remaining Satans to dissolve into nothingness, their very essence reduced to atomic particles.

But the devastation didn\'t end there. The unleashed power was beyond comprehension, obliterating not only the immediate surroundings but also extending its reach for hundreds of kilometers. The earth trembled violently beneath the weight of Fein\'s unleashed fury, cracks forming on the surface as a deep rift split the land apart.

Fein\'s eyes widened as he beheld the aftermath of his cataclysmic strike. The rift, stretching for kilometers, revealed an abyss of infinite darkness—a visual representation of the immeasurable power he possessed. It was a sight that filled him with both awe and a chilling realization of his own might.

Yet, amidst the destruction and darkness, Fein remained composed. His purpose had been fulfilled, and the world around him bore the scars of his overwhelming strength. The wreckage of the building, the vanishing traces of the Satans, and the gaping rift served as a stark reminder of his dominance.

A sense of calm settled over Fein as he surveyed the desolate landscape. His aura exuded a mix of satisfaction and a hunger for more. He had proven himself to be a force beyond comprehension, capable of reshaping the very fabric of reality.

Fein\'s wings fluttered as he descended from the sky, landing amidst the chaos he had wrought.


As the ground shook violently and buildings crumbled, demons in the Middle Realm freaked out big time. They ran around like headless chickens, their faces filled with fear and confusion. The earthquake seemed to last forever, wreaking havoc in every damn city. But amidst the chaos, these demons weren\'t about to go down without a fight. They tapped into their magical powers to shield themselves from the disaster.

In one city, a bunch of demons gathered in the freaking square. They joined their powers together, mumbling some ancient chants like they knew what the hell they were doing. And what do you know, a freaking force field popped up, shimmering like some kind of magical dome. Debris came crashing down, but it bounced right off that invisible shield. The demons had this mix of serious faces and relief, keeping that damn barrier up to protect the scared folks hiding underneath.

In another part of the Middle Realm, there was this demon who clearly had some serious mojo. They pointed their finger at a crumbling building and unleashed a wave of power. It enveloped the whole damn structure, turning it into a glowing cocoon of light. That demon\'s face was like, "Yeah, I got this," as they strained against the earthquake, using their magic to keep everything from completely falling apart.

There was this one demon who had control over the earth. They didn\'t waste any time, manipulating the ground to create pillars and barriers. It was like watching them play Jenga with a collapsing city. They guided the scared peeps to safety, all while looking dead serious and totally caring.

Then wind and air wizards doing their thing. They whipped up gusts and currents, maneuvering the falling rubble away from where it could do some serious damage. Their faces were like, "Don\'t worry, we got your back," as they swooped in and saved the day with their freaking airbending skills.

All over the Middle Realm, these scenes played out. Demons using their powers to protect their cities and their fellow demons.

After what felt like forever, the earthquake finally calmed the hell down. Sure, the cities were messed up, but thanks to these badass demons, the damage was kept to a minimum. They stood there, looking tired as hell but proud as hell too. They knew they had faced a serious challenge and come out on top.

In the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that shook the Middle Realm, demons from different cities gathered together, their faces filled with a mix of curiosity and confusion. They stood in small groups, discussing among themselves, trying to make sense of what had just occurred. Unaware of Fein\'s battle with the Satans, they speculated about the cause, each demon offering their own theories.

In one corner of a shattered city, a group of demons huddled together, their expressions a mix of disbelief and amusement. One demon, with a smirk on their face, remarked, "You know, I bet this is just Lucifer playing one of his damn pranks again. Probably got bored and decided to shake things up a bit."

A nearby demon shook their head and scoffed, their tone skeptical. "Nah, it can\'t be that simple. This quake was too damn intense. I think it\'s some natural cause, you know? Like the realm just decided to throw a temper tantrum or something."

In another part of the city, a different group of demons engaged in a heated discussion. One demon, their brow furrowed in thought, suggested, "Hey, maybe it\'s a sign that a heaven treasure has spawned somewhere nearby. You know, like the realm is giving us a clue or something."

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