
Chapter 83 Loss And Regret 6

(Hiro-sama? I am so happy to meet you! Riluttante Zhertva! Please call me Rilu for short! I am one of Rhyne-sama\'s devoted at your service!)

(Oh! That is because I know you are innocent, my main skill [Scales of Justice] passively tells me which crimes a person is guilty of. So I know you are harmless, if that weren\'t the case I would have decapitated you at the door!)

(Hiro-sama, I like you but please do not interfere with the trial. I do not want to kill you please refrain from obstructing me of my duties.)

(Hiro-sama, please correct your statement. I didn\'t come down to save these people. I came here to execute them.)

(My lady Rhyne, I have executed Justice as you have commanded. The voices have stopped, did I at least bring the victims some small solace?)

("Hiro-sama, why do you still seek to associate with me? I just murdered a lot of people in cold blood. I can be considered a religious fanatic, deranged even, due to my loyalty to my dominator. I am a used woman who got ravaged by hundreds of men. I aborted babies numerous times, murdered my own father, and have no redeeming qualities. Are you alright with all that?")

(Rhyne-sama is my goddess, I am her scythe. I will reap her enemies to the last. Everything I am, mind, heart, and soul belong to her, remember this. I could not even go against her if I wanted to.)

(Hiro-sama, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for allowing me to unload my troubles earlier. My chest feels a hundred times lighter in comparison. I now begin to envy your harem. I wonder if they would welcome someone like me?)

His mind told him to attack the devoted assaulting Rilu if only to kill them in surprise. He should use this moment to kill them as fast as possible while they were busy with Rilu. But the words of the manticore continued to echo in his ears nonstop.

(I just… I have no excuses. Please forgive me, the woman, however, seems in the dark, I am unsure why she does not know yet leads the devoted, please treat her separately from the others.)

(The heir was your stalwart ally in our last life. I find it pitiful that such a person is now fighting against you. Her circumstances seem difficult. But prioritize your own life. Kill her if you deem it necessary.)

(I had hoped to be wrong, but you really did join the false princess. I apologize for being unable to save you from such a fate. Albeit short we were once allies in another life.)

"Shit, I am going to regret this" at those words Hiro drew his weapon and joined the fray.


Rilu\'s heart grew cold. She was currently struggling to break free from the wires that bound her limbs. Through her mastery of [Spirit Armor], she used her spirit power to protect her body.

However, due to the intensity of the attacks, she only had a couple hundred SP remaining. To be more economical she reduces the area for protection to her torso, neck, and head. Her legs as a result got battered and bloody. Luckily they attacked with fire too so some of her wounds got cauterized.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried to remain optimistic, she felt her hope slipping. Her own allies were now assaulting her with the intent of murder. If that was all it was she would have not felt anything. But when being attacked she used the last mode of her skill.

\'[Scales of Justice] Mode - Unspoken, cripple everyone going against Rhyne-sama!\'

[Scales of Justice] had three applications. The base use grants a punishment to those that confess their crimes. Judgment enforced Rilu\'s wishes by bending the laws of the world for HP.

And Unspoken, a truth is verified by the skill in exchange for life span. HP can be healed, but the life span once given cannot be regained. Thus Unspoken allowed Rilu to control battlefields as she wanted.

Due to her adoration of Rhyne, Rilu used Unspoken only in battles for her dom. She already lost close to fifteen years of her life, and the dominator who learned of such affection granted Rilu the authority to lead the devoted.

\'Why is no one getting injured? … You mean they are not going against the will of Rhyne-sama? She wants them to kill me? I am her enemy? But why?\'

Upon learning of such a truth, Rilu lost the will to resist. A split second of composure allowed her men to dismember both her arms. And prepare a trap to bind her.

Right now her body was fighting and defending itself on instinct. In her mind, only one word kept repeating like a broken record.


Why did her dominator who she offered everything to wanted her dead? Rilu had a submissive rank of Enslaved. Rhyne could just kill her by kicking her out of Starfall. Why go through all this? Then she saw a figure coming towards her.

\'No, please no… Hiro-sama don\'t interfere. Don\'t show me such kindness. Don\'t give me hope. Just let me die. I did nothing to deserve salvation.\'

"Don\'t come… Please let me die…."

Unable to stop her words from coming out. Rilu saw Hiro disappear and after one second the heads of two of the mages cleanly fell off their bodies. The corpses started to shoot out blood like water fountains as both bodies remained standing.

Frank was defended by the lightning swordsman, the normally stoic mage shouted seemly losing his façade of indifference.


Rilu followed Frank\'s line of sight and saw Hiro leaping in the air. suddenly the steel wires binding her all loosened. When she looked around for the wire user, he saw his entire body in two halves kneeling to one side.

Hiro who caught her in a princess carry landed on the ground. And said in an overbearing manner. "I do not answer to you and your ridiculous pencil moustache you piece of shit."

Despite how the woman looked, so long as her brain and heart were intact she would survive. System users with high enough STR no longer died from dismemberment and bleeding. Those with healing and regeneration skills could get back up despite experiencing more severe injuries than Rilu had.

Rilu who felt her heart warm up allowed herself to lean on the reliable chest embracing her. How lucky were the women who experienced such kindness 24/7

\'Ah, if only I could stay in this moment forever.\'

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