
Chapter 124 The Daughter Of Fire And Steel 7

Alan\'s eyes popped out of their sockets at the threat he just heard. Normally he would ignore such a thing as simply wishful thinking. But granted that he saw the butcher turn his worse products into veteran monster slayers. The merchant knew the man never joked.

Most people would grow scared at knowing such information. But Alan Srayver marched to a different beat than the majority. Here came a chance to have a large group of people die under unknown causes. He could even gain favors by telling people to not go.

After a minute of contemplation, Alan decided to do what merchants do best. Make a bloody profit out of anything possible. "I will have entrance passes for the black market prepared for you and your men. Please allow me to also arrange for masks and garbs for assassinations."

Hiro then shook his head as he replied. "Give me the passes, no need for the mask and garbs. Those are only for fleeing the scene. There will not be a soul alive once I am done."

The two men moved their discussion to a secluded restaurant and after a simple meal, Alan started to confirm what the butcher\'s plan actually entailed.

"Will you also be killing the products? And the innocents."

"No," Hiro answered curtly.

"Then please take them to a safe house I will appoint outside the city. Once they arrive my people can ensure their returns to the families if they were abducted, or give them employment should they have no place to return to."

Intrigued by such things Hiro gained some insight into the moral compass of Alan, while the merchant preferred to be clean, he wasn\'t afraid of getting his hands dirty.

Hiro had Alan sell off a small quantity of A-rank Magic stones for cash and paid him a bonus for his help with the passes and the aftercare of the slaves that would get rescued.

In line with his previous disposition, Hiro said he will not take any of the slaves as his own except for the dragonkin. Intrigued at the nature of their discussions, Hiro then asked the merchant a question that would stump most people.

"Are you fine knowing your compatriots would be massacred by me in the next few hours? Do you feel disgusted knowing I can plan and execute such a tragedy with literally no conscience?"

After some thought, Alan answered while tracing his beard. "I find your questions moot Musashi-sama. As per your instructions, I no longer consider you human so questions about your morality or conscience no longer matter."

He then continued as he drank a cup of coffee. "Would you fault a hurricane for destroying farmland? This is how I now view you Musashi-sama, as a force of nature. You act to your will as nature does. As you already decided, stopping you is pointless, however, capitalizing on your actions is not."

Hiro then made a disgusting smile as he lambasted the merchant. "There is a special place in hell for people like you. Are you not afraid of the consequences of your actions?"

Alan then started to laugh in glee while answering. "Well that would be terrible if I would be alone, luckily I would have you to keep me company Musashi-sama. I have a feeling so long as you are there it wouldn\'t be as boring."

Vein\'s nearly popped out of Hiro\'s temple in response to the verbal counterattack the butcher received. "I have to say though, are all merchants like you? I have yet to meet men with bigger balls than you."

Smiling at the compliment, the merchant then made his guesses to Hiro\'s statement. "Then that leaves only two possibilities Musashi-sama. You haven\'t met a lot of people. Or the males you all met are nothing more than children. The weak-hearted cannot prosper in business or anything for that matter."

"Indeed." The two partners in crime continued chatting about general topics while waiting for the San-Baka. Hach and his crew already left Alan, as they couldn\'t imagine him being in any danger with the Wolfen butcher by his side.

After three hours, the San-Baka arrived at the restaurant and proceeded to explain everything they found out. The three managed to learn everything Alan and Hiro knew and added some new bits of information.

"Master, the young lady seemed to be a normal child two months ago, after that she fell into a coma and started to speak in dragon tongue in her sleep. Her parents worried and looked for doctors who notified the local gangs."

Aurum who explained had a sad expression on his face as he elaborated on the pitiful life of the unnamed dragonkin. Lars then took over and explained the next events that lead to this point.

"As only dragonkin can utter dragon tongue, about a month ago local gangs murdered the parents of the child and took her as their property.

"The young lady appears only to have woken up a week before today with a regressed mentality. According to the doctors, she doesn\'t even remember who she was or what her parents looked like.

"Knowing that holding a dragonkin might bring about the wrath of the authorities on them the gang prompted to sell the child on the black market as soon as possible."

Hiro then interrupted to verify something "What is the name of the gang that took her?"

Lars answered with a face of irritation. "They are named the [hand of shadows] Master. I checked and they are a sub-harem of the [Convent of Shadows] they are based in Anvil with their base of operations in the auction hall."

The next one to speak was Geo who placed a large scroll on the table. "Master the little miss is the final item to be sold in the black market auction in the evening. Invitations are hard to come by so I had Lars steal four passes from unscrupulous individuals.

"We were able to get a copy of the floor plan from the city hall. The young miss is currently stored in the vaults guarded by an army of a dozen Lvl 50 Adepts.

"The clientele coming are comprised of various big shots of the Valorious underworld. The strongest system users are a couple of lvl 78 Adepts bodyguards of some crime lords.

"Funny enough even the one we previously ran from will be in attendance. There would be a total of 450 people attending the auction. Add in their guards and you are looking at over 1200 people.

"Combined these people control over 70% of the drugs, slaves, prostitution, assassination, and black market in Valorious. The worse bastards of this country. The land would be better off if all of them are dead.

"The building is secured from just three entrances, all weapons are confiscated upon entering and only defensive artifacts or battle suits are allowed."

Alan who heard such a thorough presentation started to become green with envy. The San-Baka performed well above what professional agencies could do and eclipsed what he could offer the Wolfen butcher.

Hiro commented with a smile. "Impressive, then we strike tonight. We will free all the slaves and deliver them to the safe house Alan prepared. "

Aurum then asked what do we do about the rest master? Aside from the guest, their guards, and the auction personnel, there would easily be over two thousand people. What do we do about them?

A cold chill pervaded the restaurant, the origin, the man before them. His words marked the beginning of a series of tumultuous incidents. His words while simple carried immense weight. "We kill them all. No exceptions."

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