
Chapter 185: Decisive Battle (5)

The Black Sea Empress’ army, wiped out in an instant, and a lone demon on top of a tower.

The Black Sea Empress, who was desperately trying to escape, was captured by the demon and exploded.

Literally, she just burst like a bubble.


Even though the Black Sea Empress was vulnerable in open combat, she was still a Lord of Calderic.

And yet, she was killed as easily as squashing a bug.

A demon with an unremarkable appearance, not much different from a human.

I realized who it was.

The moment I saw his raw power and the level above his head, I knew it was him.

The first ranking archdemon, Azekel.

During the time when the Demon King was sealed, he had completely dominated Altelore, the undisputed second-in-command of the demons.

It wasn’t the Demon King who’s on this battlefield; it was him.

A bit unexpected.

Even if demons didn’t know about Kaen’s existence, it was natural to assume that he, the Demon King’s fanatic and the strongest of the archdemons, would be by the Demon King’s side.

As expected, it won’t be easy.

There were nine Lords in Calderic.

Above all, there’s the Overlord.

Of course, the demons probably didn’t realize that the force they would encounter north of the Great Plain was Calderic. So, unless their intention was to waste their troops, they must have had a fitting force.

And that force, aside from the Demon King, only Azekel was there.


As if realizing it in an instant, the Wiseman muttered with a stiffened face.

I didn’t take my eyes off of him as he tossed the Black Sea Empress’ corpse to the ground, crushed beyond recognition.

The Overlord must step in.

【Level 98】

Even if all the Lords joined forces to fight, that monster would still be overwhelming for us.

There’s even a two-level difference between him and the Wiseman.

Only the Overlord of the same level could oppose that demon.


At that moment, Azekel made his next move.

Leaping from the top of the tower, he soared over the battlefield with a speed that could cut through the air.

A chill ran down my spine, and I shouted, “He’s coming!”

Azekel’s assault began immediately.

The green light that had wiped out the insect horde earlier now covered the sky, like an aurora, radiating a terrifying energy as it poured down to the ground.

If that hit, at least half of the central forces would be wiped out.

But there’s no way to stop it.

Desperately, with Asher and Ti-Yong, I tried to get out of the way.

The Wiseman threw the shield he was holding into the air.


Around the shield, a multi-colored barrier spread extensively, starting to fend off Azekel’s attack.

Surprised, I looked at the Wiseman.

Did he block this?

But the frown on his face, and the fluttering of his eyelids, told me that he was struggling.

He was just barely holding on.

Azekel, standing tall in the middle of the sky, extended his energy and leisurely surveyed the battlefield.


At that moment, the Ninth Lord, the Giant King, aimed a massive spear, even larger than himself, at Azekel with determination.

A giant figure appeared around Azekel.

It was the true form of the arm that crushed the Black Sea Empress.

This was Azekel’s power, the Giant of Antamara.

A boss skill that had a notorious reputation among players in the game.

The giant easily caught and shattered the full-powered spear thrust by the determined Giant King.

Other Lords also launched attacks, but none of them made even the slightest dent.

What is the Overlord doing?

Why was she still not moving when the situation had come to this point?

I glanced toward the rear of the camp, feeling impatient and puzzled.

However, the Overlord was nowhere to be seen.

Taking advantage of the temporary respite provided by the retreat, I quickly rode Ti-Yong and moved to where the command tent was located.

The chief of staff was watching the confrontation between Azekel and the other Lords with a stony face.

Upon noticing my approach, he turned his gaze toward me.

“Chief of Staff, it’s Azekel.”


“Where is the Overlord now, and why is he nowhere to be seen?”

The Chief of Staff hesitated, then answered, his face darkening even more.

“That’s because— I don’t know.”


“She suddenly disappeared without a word. I’m sorry, but I’m also confused because I don’t know what’s happening right now.”

What nonsense was this?

I couldn’t help but be bewildered by the Chief of Staff’s incomprehensible words.

The Overlord has disappeared?

She just disappeared without a word to the Chief of Staff? Why?

There’s no reason for the Overlord to behave like this.

Even if something urgent had come up, it would be normal to leave some sort of message.

Amidst a fierce battle, was it even reasonable that even the closest aide like the Chief of Staff didn’t know her whereabouts?

“Don’t play around. Where on earth did the Overlord disappear to?!”

If there’s no Overlord, who’s going to stop that monster?

I shouted in desperation, but the Chief of Staff remained silent with the same expression.

I turned my gaze to the man who walked beside him.

The Chief of Staff’s closest aide, Kradial, leader of the Shadow Wolves.

He had an expressionless face, but his eyes revealed a sense of turmoil.

Seemed like he didn’t know anything either.

“Chief of Staff! Where is the Overlord?”

Kradial followed, urgently asking the Chief of Staff.

Similarly, his expression twisted upon hearing the explanation of the situation.

“What reason could the Overlord possibly have to suddenly disappear? What absurd nonsense…”

Truly an absurd situation, just as she said.

Feeling like I might lose my mind, I turned my gaze back to the battlefield.

By now, the King of the Dead had joined in, layering his own magic on top of the barrier to help with the defense, but it didn’t make much difference.

It was clear at a glance that Azekel hadn’t exerted his full strength.

He was merely teasing the Lords, slowly increasing the intensity of his attacks.

Just when it seemed like true annihilation was imminent, a massive magical power surged from the direction of the Wiseman.

The fabric of space split wide open, revealing an abrupt appearance of a colossal golem.

…What’s that? Was that from the Wiseman?

It was several times the size of the other battle golems, and the magic power it exuded was unparalleled.

As soon as the golem appeared, the Wiseman immediately removed the barrier he had put up without hesitation.

【Level 97】

The golem, towering at an impressive level 97, maneuvered its bulky body to forcefully push away Azekel’s aura and charged forward.

Azekel’s giant clashed with the golem as their arms collided.

A massive shockwave erupted from the sky in the form of a ring.

Remarkably, the golem stood its ground, unfazed by the impact, and continued its battle of strength with Azekel.

“Is that…?”

The Chief of Staff said, letting out a small gasp.

“Chronogear. A combat golem crafted using ancient magical technology.”

“Ancient magic, you say?”

“Yes. It was made by the First Lord using blueprints provided by the Overlord for the preparation of the war.”

To think they went as far as creating something like this.

Amidst the Overlord suddenly concealing their tracks, this was a piece of relatively good news.

“Chief of Staff, heal my arm.”

I extended my frozen arm toward the Chief of Staff.

The Chief of Staff unleashed healing magic.

After treating my arm, I mounted Ti-Yong once again.

“We need to quickly find the Overlord and restore this situation to normal.”

After giving the final order with the Chief of Staff, I returned to where the Wiseman was.

Kradial followed me.


Azekel was exerting more energy to suppress the golem.

But this time, a dark aura rose from the golem’s body, slowly changing to a greenish color.

It was the exact same aura as Azekel’s.

I couldn’t help but gasp at the sight.

What, did it copy the nature of magic?

Was that an ancient magic technique?

It did not just copy any magic, but the power of a demon, the power of the strongest archdemon, Azekel.

No matter how powerful Azekel was, if a power of the same nature countered him, his opponent would be able to fight without being pushed back. Just like the golem.

Azekel seemed slightly surprised, but he soon showed a smirk.

“You’ve got an interesting toy. I will play with it well and break it.”

Kradial and I descended to where the Wiseman and other Lords were gathered.

The Wiseman, who had been sighing, spoke in a tired voice.

“That thing won’t hold out for long, either.”

I knew that too. Levels didn’t lie.

Despite the golem’s impressive copying ability, I distinctly felt the difference in magical power between the two.

Both in quality and quantity.

“Where is the Overlord? Why hasn’t she moved since that monster appeared?”

I explained the situation to the puzzled Lords.

“Is this really true?”

The Wiseman’s face was one of disbelief.

The Mad King muttered in an incredulous voice.

“What the hell is this nonsense? Are you telling me the Overlord fled alone?”

The King of the Dead chimed in.

“If that’s the case, then I’ll withdraw.”


“The Overlord has disappeared without leaving a word to anyone. A clear breach of responsibility as the head of Calderic. It seems I also no longer bear the responsibility to continue on with battle.”

The Mad King furrowed her brows.

“Stop blabbering nonsense. You’re saying you’re going to run away.”

“That’s right, Fifth Lord. The Eight Lord also died in an instant. Is there a reason to risk our lives against that monster?”

“Sure, it’s not like I have an immortal body, anyway.”

“It’s not complete immortality. And who knows, Azekel might have the power to obliterate my soul entirely. I’m not willing to fight recklessly.”

The King of the Dead looked at Kradial and asked.

“Are you going to stop me, Kradial?”

Kradial remained silent.

In this situation, he had no right to stop the actions of the King of the Dead.

The Lords were not beings who swore loyalty to Calderic.

There was no loyalty strong enough for them to risk their lives and hold their ground in a place where the Overlord had vanished without a word.

Of course, the millions of troops fighting would be abandoned without a word and annihilated.

There was no way Azekel would just let us escape.

Currently, Azekel was facing a golem, but if the core rulers show any signs of fleeing, there’s a high probability he would chase after us.

In the end, someone had to stay and fight.

…I, too, was shaken by the words of the King of the Dead.

Even before the war began, I had one clear goal.

I must help Kaen deal with the Demon King.

Should I continue to stay here and engage in a fight against Azekel with a slim chance of victory?

Of course, I could kill Azekel instantly, but…

I looked up at Azekel.

With my access being completely cut off, I honestly had no confidence to make contact with that monster.

If he had been observing me when I killed Farkkuli, he definitely wouldn’t let his guard down.

I recalled fighting against the third-ranked archdemon Kargos in the past.

Even then, I’d been taken down in an instant by an attack that even my super senses couldn’t keep up with.

Azekel was far stronger than such a guy.

If I try to fight, my life could vanish in a moment.

I had no intention of dying in this war.

But even if I were to die, it would be better to not die in vain, wouldn’t it?

“Yeah, then go away. I’ll stay and fight.”

With a growl, the Mad King placed her sword on her shoulder.

The King of the Dead turned without any hesitation.

“The choice is up to each of us. I wish you good luck.”

Riding on the back of an undead wyvern, the figure of the King of the Dead drifted away in an instant.

“Is there anyone else who’ll run away like that skull?”

At the Mad King’s words, the Wiseman shook his head.

“Of course, I’ll fight as well. But you’re quite a surprise, Fifth Lord.”

“What’s that?”

“I didn’t expect you to be so responsible as a Lord.”

“What nonsense are you talking about? Don’t you know me? I don’t care how many soldiers die. I’m not concerned about that. Instead of running from demons, I’d rather fight until I fall.”

Even the Giant King chimed in.

“The spirit of a great warrior. I too will not retreat.”

The Wiseman looked at the Thunder Lord. She clicked her tongue and spoke.

“What can I do? My family members are fighting on the battlefield right now, and there’s no way I, the patriarch, would abandon them.”

Kradial spoke up, too.

“I will assist the Lords. The Overlord will surely return.”

Only I and the Heavenly Archer remain.

The Heavenly Archer looked at Azekel briefly and scratched his head before saying.

“To be honest, it feels like we’re all going to die, so I don’t want to fight… Well, I’ll fight for a bit and run away if it gets too dangerous.”

The Heavenly Archer was also leaning towards continuing the fight for now.

Everyone’s gaze turned towards me.

I sighed and looked around.

There was still no sign of the Overlord appearing.

“Sir Ron.”

Asher called my name softly with a determined face.

Asher would naturally follow my decision. But I knew what she wanted to say. She understood my thoughts, what I prioritized in this war.

I opened my mouth to speak.

“You do realize that this is a losing battle, right?”

Whether there’s a rational reason or not, not fighting would be no different from using them as sacrificial lambs and running away. So, even with a low chance, I must wager on this battle.

Here, I would kill Azekel and quickly move to where Kaen was.

“I have a plan.”

“A plan? What kind of plan?”

“Azekel’s power has a single weakness. I know what it is.”

The Lords’ expressions were filled with surprise.

“Is that really true?”

I nodded.

The Giant of Antamara.

An extraordinary ability that combined absolute attack and defense capabilities.

The body is adorned with numerous eyes, as one could clearly see.

And among them, one is the Eye of Antamara.

If we could accurately strike the vulnerable eye, Antamara’s defensive strength would significantly weaken in an instant.

That is, if Azekel’s powers don’t differ from the game’s setting…

I was well aware that there are many differences between this real world and the game’s setting.

I couldn’t be entirely certain that the description of Azekel’s weakness would perfectly match the game’s details.

Of course, I didn’t have to tell the Lords about this uncertainty.

After all, there’s no other way to beat him, so it’s half a game of chance.

I explained Azekel’s weaknesses and my plan.

After hearing the explanation, the Wiseman asked me, “But how on earth do you know Azekel’s weaknesses?”

“There’s no time to explain that right now.”

I dismissed the question.

“As I just said, unless there’s a decisive moment, there won’t be a way to defeat him. If we can eliminate that power, I will personally finish off Azekel. I hope you can trust and follow along.”

The Mad King was the first to respond. “Fine, let’s give it a shot. There’s no other option, anyway.”

The other Lords also agreed willingly.

The Wiseman opened a space in the air and pulled out a hammer.

A somewhat peculiar hammer with a grayish tint.

The moment I saw it, I recognized its identity.


Forged by extracting the soul of the ancient Dwarven King who almost brought the world to ruin, the ultimate and most formidable weapon possessed by the Wiseman, a paradox of strength and malevolence.

A part of the hammer’s handle was stained black, and from what I remembered, if the entire hammer turned black, the Wiseman would die.

In short, it was a weapon that consumed the owner’s life force.

It was that powerful, hence the price it demanded was also that great.

“I’ll have to put all my strength into a single strike. I’m going right now.”

There was no time for further chatter.

All the Lords, including me, looked up at the sky.

The golem’s strength seemed to have almost run out, as cracks gradually appeared on its body.

The Wiseman and I rode wyverns and ascended into the sky on opposite sides.

The Wiseman reached out his hand towards the golem, which was on the brink of breaking.

Then, the golem’s core burst into a flash, releasing all its magic power and self-destructing.


Through the massive explosion, the Wiseman approached the giant.

The sole weakness, located right in the center of the giant’s forehead.

The moment the Wiseman’s hammer struck, a black thunderbolt fell upon the giant’s head.

With my heightened senses, I could see that his attack had accurately hit the giant’s weak spot.


Next, the Lords who were waiting on the ground launched their attacks together.

The Thunder Lord’s lightning poured out, the Mad King and Kradial spread their blades.

The Giant King, leaping greatly, collided his massive body with the giant, and the Heavenly Archer attack also hit its mark.

Finally, Asher’s strike precisely pierced the center of the giant.

The giant, unable to withstand the damage, collapsed.

Azekel was left defenseless for a moment.

There were no more obstacles left.

I wielded my blood art and unleashed consecutive spatial leaps.



A jade-colored thorn pierced directly through my chest.

Feeling my consciousness sway, I looked at Azekel in front of me.

The guy was looking at me with both eyes wide open.

Despite feeling a burning pain throughout my body, I managed to lift the corners of my mouth.

It was already too late.

You’ve lost.

Azekel’s lifeless body touched the ground, devoid of any strength.

Unable to steady myself, I fell with him.

Someone caught my falling body. It was Asher.

“Sir Ron…!”

Amidst the complete darkness that had stained my vision, Asher’s urgent voice calling out to me reached my ears.

For a moment, it felt like I was about to die, but my vision returned to normal.

I realized that I had lost consciousness for a brief moment.

The Lords surrounded the fallen Azekel.

“Hey, are you alive?”

I felt like I was going to vomit.

The burning pain throughout my body persisted.


I groaned and tried to get up.

Asher supported me.

How am I still alive?

I took Azekel’s attack head-on.

It wouldn’t have been strange if I had died right then.

Looking at the pierced wound, I noticed that it wasn’t healing properly.

“I used the Elixir, but it seems recovery isn’t going well. Rest for now.”

With a face worn out from exhaustion, the Wiseman’s half-finished elixir was finally poured into my chest.

I must have survived thanks to the super regeneration that kept me alive for the briefest of moments.


“He’s definitely dead.”

Where the gaze of my eyes fell, Azekel lay fallen.

This was it. Calderic had won.

“Sir Ron, your injuries are serious. Please rest and recover.”


Struggling to endure the pain, I leaned back against Asher and closed my eyes.

I just want to rest for a moment, no matter what.

Then, I felt mana from within my arms.

I immediately opened my eyes and pulled out the magical device from within my arms.

It was the communication magical device that I had given to Nuremberg instead of Kaen before the war began.

A precaution to quickly receive contact if Santea encountered the army where the Demon King was.

-Confirmed the Demon King’s location. The Demon King is with the central army.

-As you said, I’ll try to hold on to Kaen as long as I can. If you can join us, do so quickly.


Having read the contents, I shook off Asher’s support.

Asher held onto me firmly, not letting go.

“No, Sir Ron.”

I shook my head.

“I have to go.”

“It’s not possible! How can you face the Demon King in this condition…?!”


I murmured her name softly.

“I have to go. I don’t want any more regrets.”

Asher looked at me with trembling eyes.

Soon, she bit her lip and nodded.

“I’ll go with you.”

I didn’t stop her.

I honestly didn’t want to take her with me, but it was clear that trying to stop her would be pointless.

“What’s going on?”

I said to the other Lords.

“The Demon King is fighting against Santea.”

“What? No messenger came, how could…”

“I received word through magic communication. I’ll head there immediately.”

The Mad King narrowed her eyes and asked.

“Seventh Lord, you’re going to move in that state, for what reason?”

“I will help the hero and definitively defeat the Demon King. Please take care of the aftermath.”

“Hey, wait…”

Brushing off her objections, Asher and I got on Ti-Yong and took off straight into the sky.

“Ti-Yong, it might be tough, but give it all you’ve got.”

With a powerful roar, Ti-Yong increased its speed.

The central plain where Santea was fighting wasn’t too far from here.

With Ti-Yong’s full speed, we would arrive within at least half a day.

Meanwhile, I struggled to keep my wits about me and focused on recovering as much as possible.

How much time has passed? Slowly, the battlefield came into view in the distance.

The Santea army, engaged in a battle against the demons, and the clash of two immense energies that could be felt even from here.

…Demon King!

It was Kaen who was fighting against the Demon King.

As I hurriedly tried to move towards that place, the figure of someone blocking the path ahead came into view.

I confirmed who that person was, and my eyes widened.

And for a moment, I could only come to a stop.


She, who was looking at me with curious eyes, soon smiled and opened her mouth.

“Welcome, Seventh Lord.”

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