
Chapter 269 Hesitation

With unwavering determination, Ethan mustered his strength and pushed against the weight of the monster\'s tail. Muscles strained, and sweat trickled down his brow as he fought against the overwhelming force. And then, with a surge of power, he managed to deflect the tail and break free from its crushing grip.

Seizing the opportunity, Ethan unleashed his Lightning Armor, a shimmering aura of crackling energy enveloping his body. With lightning-fast speed and agility, he darted toward the monster, striking it with electrifying blows. Each strike sent sparks flying, illuminating the chaotic battlefield with bursts of light.

Ethan\'s attacks grew in intensity and precision, each strike delivering a surge of electricity that coursed through the monster\'s massive form. With each lightning-infused blow, the monster\'s defenses weakened, its flesh crackling and sizzling under the onslaught.

Summoning all his strength, Ethan delivered a final, decisive strike. He pierced through the monster\'s neck like a bullet, his sword slicing through sinew and bone with relentless force. As he emerged on the other side, blood spattered across his body, staining him in the aftermath of his triumph.

"I will help the wounded and those who are stuck under debris, stop the other monsters," Emily said while she was using wind magic to move some rubble around the area.

As Ethan surveyed the scene before him, his heart sank at the sight of the massive behemoths that now loomed over the city of Orlando. These giant monsters, their towering forms casting ominous shadows, had wreaked havoc in just a short span of time. Buildings lay in ruins, and the once vibrant streets were now reduced to a landscape of destruction and chaos.

Though their numbers were not overwhelming, the sheer size and power of these creatures made them formidable opponents. Each step they took sent tremors through the ground, and their roars echoed ominously through the air. It was clear that they posed a significant threat to the remaining structures and the lives of those who still fought to protect the city.

Ethan\'s mind raced as he assessed the situation. He knew that taking on a few dozen of these colossal creatures would be no small feat. Their size alone meant that they possessed immense strength and endurance, making them difficult adversaries to overcome.

"They are some pretty good anti-low-level heroes trap…" Ethan thought and then flew high in the sky.

Ethan didn\'t have time to waste using numerous attacks, so he decided to experiment… Still, he changed his mind since he recalled that he might have been watched; he couldn\'t reveal what he was plotting to the enemies.

One towering creature stood over 50 meters tall, its muscular form covered in thick, impenetrable scales. With a hunched posture and a menacing glare, its eyes glowed with an eerie red hue. Its massive fists were capable of demolishing buildings with a single strike, and its thunderous footsteps reverberated through the city.

Another monstrous beast resembled a hybrid between a dinosaur and a mechanical construct. Its metallic exoskeleton was adorned with lethal spikes and razor-sharp claws. Emitting sparks of electricity from its body, it possessed the ability to discharge lightning bolts, further amplifying its destructive power.

The next monstrous entity was wreathed in flames and exuded intense heat, causing the surrounding air to shimmer. Its lava-like skin oozed molten rock, leaving a trail of scorched earth in its wake. With each swing of its colossal arms, it unleashed waves of searing fire that reduced everything in its path to ashes.

"All of them are pretty massive, I wanted to start with the big ones, but it doesn\'t matter in this situation," Ethan thought.

With lightning speed and precision, Ethan engaged the giant monsters, unleashing his full power to combat the colossal threats that loomed over Orlando. With his sword in hand, he soared through the air, positioning himself above one of the towering creatures.

In a swift and calculated motion, Ethan descended upon the monster, his sword piercing through its tough exterior and into its vulnerable core. The creature let out a thunderous roar as its massive form crumbled under the force of the attack. Ethan swiftly withdrew his sword, leaving the defeated beast in his wake.

Turning his attention to another giant monster, Ethan executed a daring aerial maneuver, circling around the creature with a whirlwind of movement. With each pass, his sword sliced through the air, leaving behind a trail of destruction. As he closed in on the monster\'s neck, Ethan executed a powerful, focused strike, cutting a deep, precise line across its throat.

The monster staggered, a torrent of dark blood gushing from the wound. Its once fearsome presence now wavered, its strength faltering. Ethan maintained his relentless assault, capitalizing on his agility and speed to evade the creature\'s retaliatory strikes while continuing his onslaught.

In this battle of David against Goliath, Ethan\'s unparalleled skill and determination prevailed. He danced through the chaos, delivering devastating blows to the giant monsters, one after another. With each fallen foe, he grew more resolute, his movements becoming more fluid and precise.

As Ethan surveyed the battlefield, his mind teetered on the edge of a dangerous decision. The thought of utilizing his curse, harnessing the power of the souls of his fallen enemies, tugged at the corners of his consciousness. It was a tempting prospect, knowing that such power could potentially grant him even greater strength.

The allure of the curse\'s potential benefits beckoned to him. The more enemies he vanquished, the more souls he could collect, and the stronger he would become. The idea of harnessing that energy, fueling his own abilities, held an undeniable appeal.

Yet, Ethan hesitated. He understood the dangers that came with delving into the depths of his curse. The memories and experiences of those he absorbed could bring about unforeseen consequences, altering his own sense of self and burdening him with the weight of their pasts even further.

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