
Chapter 248 - Help you find a suitable match.

Chapter 248 - Help you find a suitable match.

The little being was all exhausted, both emotionally and physically. Her eyes had long dozed off before the argument between her father and Aunt broke in, back in the restaurant. Li Xue sighed in relief that her little pie did not have to witness that scene back inside.

After bidding Yi Lan off, Li Xue turned to look back at the man. He was holding Li Wei up in his arms, keeping her warm and secure from the cold wind that was blowing around them.

Looking at him like this, Li Xue felt that no other man can be capable of providing such care and warmth to them. His thoughtfulness has spoiled them to an extent where now no other man could even make anywhere near his set bar.

\'But … Aye … why do his expressions look so awful. Is he upset because of something? What happened to him suddenly?\' Li Xue thought internally, not knowing why the man looked so angry when he was all fine moments before.

Stepping a little more near him, she asked lightly, "Is – is everything fine? Are you mad with something?" her words came out through chattered teeth. Jingling city has always been like this, unexpected about the sudden drop of temperature. It was really cold outside and her facial muscles were slightly shaking to get warm, causing her teeth to hit on one another.

"You are cold?" He asked, looking down at her with a slightly worried expression. Though she has got the height fitting a fashion model, still in front of him she looked really tiny. A perfect suitable body whom he can easily give a warm and cosy bear hug.

"I – I …" Before she could even say anything, the man got his thick jacket off his shoulder and dr.a.p.ed it over her. Li Wei stirred in her sleeping position but the man patted her back to send her back to her deep sleep.

"From next time make sure you have layers on yourself before you go out anywhere", he said and Li Xue presented a soft smile to him.

"Giving your own jacket to a woman …that\'s such an outdated romantic trick, any man can use these days. Don\'t you fear that you will catch a cold if you lend it to me". She thought to crack a joke to lighten his mood.

Feng Shufen narrowed his eyes at her for a second then turning back on his heels, he said and slowly took his steps away. "I am not in your list of cheap admirers who will pull such stunts to impress you. I have much better ways"

Though his words had a flirtatious tinge in it, still there was something amiss in it. This man was definitely upset. But for what? \'Long list of cheap admirers\' … is this … Was it the date?

She rolled her eyes at him as she followed behind him. Since the devil is mad she needs to coax him for better. She could not bear to see him upset.

Getting back to his Maybach, the man comfortably put the little piece on the back passenger seat, carefully buckling the safety belts around her. Then straightening himself up, he moved back only to find the woman looking at him blinking her eyes all lovingly.

"You did not bring Du Fan today?" She asked curiously, not seeing the man sitting in his usual driver seat.

She really has guts to ask that. "…" Feng Shufen did not reply.

"I thought you were no longer mad over my date with Su Fai. Are you still upset because of it? There was nothing like a date in our meeting. It was more like a friendly get together if you believe me".

And damn that was enough to melt the man even in such freezing temperature. Seemed like he, himself, had no idea about how much control he has given to her.

"I am not upset", he said with a frown.

"And guess what, I can fly up in the sky. Do you want to see that?" Li Xue threw a sarcasm, directly on his face, retaliating his white lie.

"Get inside the car. It\'s cold outside. We can talk even inside the car", He said as she gentlemanly opened the door for her to enter.

Li Xue puffed up her cheeks up giving an air of stubbornness but in the end, she complied. Closing the door for her, he too made his way to his side. But entering the car, he was again back to silent. Nothing talking like he promised.

"Mr Beelzebub, are you really mad over the date thing. I said I was …"

"I said I am not mad because of that", he repeated, without letting her complete.

Not mad because of it? Then what did she do after that? She thought and then putting the scattered pieces together, she eyed him suspiciously, "Is it because of Yi Lan?"

"She needs to be taught a lesson. You are spoiling her too much". The man did not accept directly but indirectly his words meant the same.

"She did nothing wrong for which she needs to be punished. Are you mad because I restrained you in front of her?" Though Li Xue knew that he was not such a man to care such a menial thing but still she asked to put a confirmation to her belief.

Suddenly the car was brought to a screeching halt as the man turned to answer her. "I am mad because the pledge you made to keep me restrained!"

Li Xue tilted her head to the side, remembering the words she said before. "Ahh … That … There is nothing to be upset about. I thought you would have been already confident in the ways you treat me. Do you think after spending my time with you any man will ever be able to cross your set bar? Impossible!"

"…" the man had no words to retort. This woman was using him to defend herself from him. How brave!! "Still she …"

"Shufen, she had the best for me in her mind. You cannot think to punish her for that. If you did, then I would feel bad and guilty. And truthfully, to help her revenge you, I won\'t mind proving my earlier pledge to be true. Then keep searching for ways to deal with your love rivals."

Shufen brows got raised when he heard her and without giving her any prior notice, he unbuckled the seat belt and leaned forward to peck her lips lightly. It was soft and gentle, indicating nothing but pure trust. Something that was not related to the content of the story, right at this moment.

"I can never keep you caged because I am too confident in the feelings your eyes express. The eyes that always let me know that slowly and slowly, I am becoming the home you will return at the end of every day".

The words instantly made Li Xue\' heart skip a beat as she looked into his eyes. "You got such high confidence in me. Do you find me that worthy? What if someday I really have an affair … will you not regret your words from today?"

"I won\'t!" he said curtly within an instant, making the woman raise her brows in confusion.


"If you ever plan to have an affair then let me know, I will help you find a better version of me every time to get your desire a suitable match".

This man … His flirtatious way can definitely never be crossed. He has determined to spoil her to an extent where no other man can ever get to cross his level.

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