
Chapter 595 - Need a psychiatrist.

Chapter 595 - Need a psychiatrist.

In the depths of the silent outskirts of the city, everything seemed nothing less than dead. Though this corner was just a corner end of a bustling and lively city, nothing exuberant felt in this neck of the woods.

It was so quiet at this place that when black Maybach drove its way inside, the woods didn\'t miss notifying the arrival to the air through the crushing whisper of dry leaves on the road. It was already dusk, with the coldness of the moon slightly evident in the sky.

"President Feng, we are here!" Secretary Gao announced while Du Fan pulled the brakes, causing the car to come to a halt. Their eyes stared at the front. Even though there were many guards with armed weapons standing at the front, their presence there was not making any change to the dead silent air of the place. They looked just like the other dead in the graveyard.

Once announced, Gao Fan came out of the car, moving back to open the door for Feng Shufen and then the man stepped out.

His eyes scanned the region, starting from one corner and reaching the ending corner. There was nothing pleasurable about this place but this was definitely a place of satisfaction. A place that he founded after his accident, 5 years back to find the truth that was yet hidden from him.

Usually, the things here were either looked over by Qi Shuai or Gao Fan. He was not an often visitor to the place. But his presence in the base meant a lot. It was enough to make the people working inside get cautious of their manners while the prisoners shivered to their death.

Feng Shufen took his strides in, his hands tucked inside the pockets of his pants. His usual cold aura did not change, rather it became colder and colder with each passing step.

Like the deserted environment outside, the inside of the underground base looked different. Though the sickly air of coldness was not different inside, the place looked a little less neglected. With well – lighted corridors, people walking in and out, and with changed screams every minute, there felt some hints of life in the place. Though those hints of life sounded a little painful, they were still there.

As Feng Shufen walked the people standing or passing by would stop to bow but without recognizing anyone\'s greeting, he would just walk straightway in. Upon reaching one of the cell rooms, on the extreme corners, Feng Shufen waited until Gao Fan opened the door for him from behind.

Inside there was a man sprawled up on the floor without any ties on his limbs. On hearing the approaching footsteps from outside and the metal gate opening, the man on the floor tried to get up but his struggle was too much. "W – Who are you? And why … why did you bring me here like this", he tried to yell, even without seeing who was there. But instead of yelling, his voice came out all weak and tired.

Feng Shufen did not say anything, rather he just turned to look at his secretary. And the next moment, Gao Fan wordlessly went forward to move the man up, revealing his dirty face to him at front.

"Ahh … be a little careful … ahh…" the man winced as slowly and gradually his face came to the light. It was none other than Han Guoli. If yesterday night, after Li Xue\'s paralytic drug he looked deadly pale and worn out, now he was looking none less than a century aged zombie. His features seem more than haggard. Just one night and everything in the life of the old man seemed changed.

Feng Shufen was satisfied looking at him like this but this doesn\'t seem enough for him as not even for once his eyes showed hints of mercy. Not even for the weakest moment.

Han Guoli\'s eyes stared at the man at the front. He looked tall in front of his stature and to look at him, he has to strain his neck to the fullest but even after straining not much came to his sight as the only source of light in the room was a dimly lit shielded light that was hung from the ceiling, forming a shadow onto the man\'s features.

"Who are yo – you?"? He asked, his voice breaking towards the end. His body trembling not able to hold the remains of torture on himself. Though nothing was evident on his face, he has received the injuries that none could see. "ehh … why have you brought me here? And why are you treating me like this?"

Feng Shufen chose to remain silent for the time. Not even uttering a word in the acknowledgement of his questions, he remained standing until a chair was brought in for him to sit.

"President Feng!" The man greeted, setting the chair down for him to sit.

Hearing his greeting, Han Guoli felt like some strong thunder had struck him hard. He has never known how the young President looked like, so the moment he heard, his eyes looked all curiously at the man. This time his face came clear to his sight, seeing him getting down on the chair.

One look and he did not suspect the identity of the man. The aura around him said it all. He quickly tried to set himself free from the hold of Gao Fan to present himself a little presentable in front of the man. He has not forgotten for the purpose he was back in the country.

"Ah, it\'s President Feng! Hearty greetings to you! I have not thought we would meet here for the proposal like this. I hope you won\'t mind my clumsy appearance at the moment. I just met with some accident and was brought here like this." He started saying without thinking much about his surroundings and seeing him like that the secretary at the side, could not help but shook his head.

"President Feng, I think this man needs the help of a psychiatrist. If you order, should we call one?" Gao Fan asked, shoving a mock at the pathetic man.

Han Guoli\'s eyes widened in shock. Something in his memory accounts seemed amiss, but before he could realize what that thing was, he heard the cold voice rippling within the silence.

"Did the training of the men in our base deteriorated? Realization doesn\'t seem to struck him yet!"

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