
Chapter 1047 - May Not Sustain His Wrath.

Chapter 1047 - May Not Sustain His Wrath.

The next day arrived sooner than anyone could expect it. Early in the morning after attending to the love of both her sweetie and sweetheart, Li Xue was quick to rush out after breakfast. Though Feng Shufen has offered to drop her, since it was too early for him, she rejected his idea.

"Mr. Driver, stop by the company. We need to pick Xiao Meng as well." She ordered before giving a smile to Du Fan, who in turn nodded to her before starting the engine.

And it was not long after Xiao Meng was along, all ready to assist Li Xue in her work.

"Sister Xue, here I have discussed all the plans of the event on your behalf. Today you have three things lined up one after the other. You have to recheck your measurements with their designer. Though we have forwarded your measurements to him, today you have to reconfirm it to check if any alterations would be needed." Xiao Meng informed before forwarding the file to Li Xue which contained the details of the activities.

"Later they would just click you with some candid pictures in your normal attire, just to check with the poses, or the angle of focus which would be good for you, and then, you would have a small rehearsal of the first main activity of the event, the skill of fencing."

The assistant informed before growing silent for a moment. When realized that silence, Li Xue looked up at her shortly, before again looking down at the file in her hands. "What happened to you now? Is there any issue?" She asked, slowly flipping the pages one after the other

Xiao Meng shook her head first in denial but then again went back to pondering. Though Li Xue didn\'t lift her head to look again at her, the girl\'s busy fingers and continuously moving feet were enough to let her know.

"It\'s okay, Meng Meng. If something is occupying your thoughts, you can tell me. Maybe I have a way to deal with it." She said before finally folding the file close and properly looking at the girl, who has clear worry written over her face.

Xiao Meng looked at Li Xue and fidgeted her fingers. "Sister Xue, that … In the art of fencing, I have heard Princess Shen has been unmatched all these years. She has taken advanced knowledge from the best royal teachers and from all past years of practice, she has turned herself to be capable to earn the title of \'best fencing socialite of the year\'. Later in the rehearsals, she might also be there and…"

She said and from her words, it was already audible what she actually meant.

"So, you are worried that, in rehearsals, I may not stand her fencing skills?" Li Xue still asked and the assistant didn\'t show any reluctance in admitting.

Nodding, Xiao Meng agreed. "Sister Xue, even though I agree that you are the best in everything, you still have the basic learning in fencing. Like yesterday, what if later, Princess Shen particularly aims to harm you? You might get hurt and you still have the whole routine to shoot and participate." She said and her concern was not wrong.

Given the spoiled upbringing of the princess, anyone would feel that Li Xue would be at loss.

Li Xue smiled. "MengMeng, though I agree with your concern, you know rehearsals are important and I cannot step back from it. Don\'t worry nothing will happen. At least see the good side of the story, I may not be an advanced learner of the game but at least I am not a noob. Don\'t worry I would be able to defend myself." She said before reaching out to pat over Xiao Meng\'s hands in assurance.

At the front, when Du Fan heard all of this, he was also worried. He tried his best to not speak in between but, he still couldn\'t help his restrain. "Madam is it really important to do it. I mean even if you defend yourself in the rehearsal, what if she still attacks you on the final shoot day. You know Young Master holds you so precious to his heart. If you are hurt even a bit, the other party may not be able to sustain his wrath." He said and his words like that were enough to make Xiao Meng blink her eyes in bewilderment.

"Sister Xue, is your boyfriend that dangerous? Does he not even fear the royals?" She asked and Li Xue could only send a glare to Du Fan.

Though the driver has not exaggerated his words but still even not an exaggeration, it was enough to create a novel story out of those words.

"Aye, you guys are thinking too much. Don\'t worry, nothing of such kind would happen. Haven\'t you heard \'fencing is a gentleman\'s game\'. I am sure being an advanced player of it, Princess Shen will definitely hold its dignity." Li Xue could only dodge an issue like that. Though she, herself, was not sure of what she said, she was sure of one thing that if Shen Bingling really try to pull any dirty trick, she would be able to save herself from it, or minimalize the damage from it, at least.

Soon the car entered the royal premises and Du Fan pulled it to get it parked in the respective parking lot.

"Mr. Driver, I will inform you later about the time at which we would need to leave later. Till then, you can relax here." Li Xue said as she looked around. "Also, I request you one thing on a very serious note. Later please don\'t pass your worry to your Young Master. That would get serious and at that time I may not be able to handle it. You remember the wrath you talked about. You may become the first one to take it." She said, not forgetting the last time when Du Fan has passed on the thing to Feng Shufen.

Du Fan was flushed at her words. But he nodded before getting out of the car to help the lady. Opening the door for Li Xue, he said, "I will try my best madam. But I have been appointed by Young Master to look after your safety. Until you are safe, I won\'t be bothered, but seeing any harm coming your way, I may not remain silent."

He said, and his situation was understandable to Li Xue as well. Pressing a smile over her lips, Li Xue once again assured. "Don\'t worry, Mr. Driver. I will be safe." She said before finally walking away.

Behind Xiao Meng looked at both and somewhat turned serious. She stared at Du Fan and as already guessing his words for her, she assured, "I will always be around, Sister Xue, Mr. Du. Don\'t worry.." She said and then ran after Li Xue.

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