
Chapter 225 - Please Don't Open

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"Thank you, father. After all, I am the son of my father, so I should represent well," Zale boastfully said.

His father smirked at him. His mouth was running sharp now and even though he had a great plan, he still had no arm and thus an indication that his enemy had won in the previous fight. "So what now is the plan and what have you been up to?"

"Ah, so much, father. Just so much," Zale replied in Joy.

"So much like what?" Zain was still not smiling till he could see or hear what his son had been up to. Only then would he determine whether it was profitable or going to end well and he could smile.

"Father is not believing of me. Perhaps he did not buy my idea of a façade but…"

"I did," Zain cut in sharply. "Now I just want to see what your one month of lying down there in the bed had done for you."

"Fine then, I would show you. This way please." He took the lead and made his way to another small study room in his room, behind a curtain and his father followed after him.

Immediately they arrived inside the room, Zain did not know how he was going to say what needed to be said but what he saw, stole the breath away.

"Oh my God! Zale."

"Yes, father. This has been my project all these months. Do you like it?"

"Like it? I love it. You have indeed outdone yourself son."

"Thank you, father. Please, step forward and see the plans for yourself." 

He stretched his hand, gesturing towards the walls in the room. Just as he said, Zain took several steps forward and began to feel his eyes with the work his son had been doing.

"I had my men get all that I needed and information for me and I began to form my own plan and mark out their movements. Right here," he moved to a region with more pictures and some mapping out points. "These all have the pictures and whereabouts of Xander in the last month."

"Hmm." Zain nodded in appreciation of the thorough work as he stepped to the side to have a good look.

"And here, this one is for the bitch that must go down for us to rise. She had the nerve of showing the world that she was still alive by calling for a meeting for the frost gang."

"Yes, about that, I sent a few of our men to check it out but the way and manner she had her security and eyes all very the place, made it impossible to get anything from there."

"Oh, relax father. I have made sure I got one of our persons inside as a spy."

"You did what?"

"O did what needed to be done." Instantly, Zain\'s eyes became filled with smiles, joy unthinkable and surprise.

It seemed as though that the loss of arm his son had encountered, had made him be extremely more serious and efficient.


"I have to do what I need to do to get things done. I plan on covering all form of loopholes from henceforth. Besides, it was just this way we could get some intel on the deadly iceberg and come up with our previous plan."

"Yeah. Just that with the death of the frost family, it almost felt like there was nothing more anyone could do about it when she went into hiding but now…"

"Now, we start again. We start afresh and this time, we take them down completely and reign over Moon Crest."

"I like that, son. Keep it up." He nodded his head at the work he was looking at and smiled, allowing his eyes to run through the series of events marked and the pictures and maps all spread out before him. "Just good."


Unknown to Zale and Zain, Xander had Sky and Jay check out their main hideouts, their mansions in Star Cross City and Moon Crest City and not just as any normal spies but the ultimate.

They were ordered to go in their natural forms and use the special eyes effect to spy into the mansion and look in deep. They had indeed gotten words from their spies but Xander did not feel it was all true. 

He knew the kind of ambition-filled person Zale was and did not think he would choose to be bedridden especially after all that was done to him and taken from him, his victory especially. And so the mission came.


"I have heard all that the spies sent but forgive me, I do not find it plausible. Think of it, yourselves," Xander admonished them.

"What you said is indeed true," Sky began. "However, they have been going in and out of his room and no changes. He barely allows them to bathe him or even eat. Every time it is the same quarrel and even his own father is growing impatient with the attitude of the son."

"I understand you but Zale is much too cunny just to let things be like that. Okay, just to be on the safer side, I want you and Jay to go check on the situation yourselves. Do me a favour and use the cloaking spell but above all use the special eyes to scan deeply the mansion and see what really is going on inside."

"That is true, considering the maids wouldn\'t be there with him all through the day," Jay added.

"Great. This mission is to last for two days, then after that, return."

"Noted," Jay and Sky said in unison before taking their leave.


They were to spy on the situation in the Anders mansion in Moon crest city especially and they did just that.

"That snake," Sky muttered to himself causing Jay to smile mischievously.

"It is as Xan said. His foresight into a matter really is good. Let us return for now and plan ahead," Jay suggested.

Sky and Jay turned to look at each other, their eyes reverting back to their normal hue in a silent communication before they both turned around and flew away.


By the time they returned after completing their missions, both had more than enough story to tell to Xander.

He nodded his head and brought his right hand to his jaw while supporting his elbow with his left hand crossed over his chest.

"I suspected much. That guy really is cunny."

"This also proves to us that he played you and used you to take care of his enemy, Mr Frost," Jay said from where he was standing before moving over to the side of Xander\'s office with a whiteboard on it.

"Escle ma… revelieae."

Instantly a white smoke appeared on the plain whiteboard and suddenly it changed from being plain to a map with so many dots on it.

"We have them marked and followed and even after hearing all that we did, we managed to get across to our spy and asked her to put a mini camera in his room so that we are sure to hear all of his plans."

"You trust her?" Xander asked. "You trust that she would not fail and be caught by that fox? He already anticipates that we have spies in there."

"Yes, he does but right now, he still plans on keeping up his façade while planning against us. His main focus is on getting back at you and killing Jade. Also if our spy can do it carefully and act naturally then yes, we have nothing to fear and I believe she can do it," Sky assured.

"Alright. I would trust your input in this guys, I just want everything to go on perfectly well, lest I make a repetition of the mistake that brought my misery and that of my mates. Sigh!"

"It would all be well, Xander, give it time," Jay assured calmly. "Escormbre delatidoo." The images and dots and maps on the board disappeared again and showed something else.

"You can always see what she is up to here, you know," Jay informed him, gesturing to the board.

"Jay, what have you done? How could you put her mark on the board against his wish?" Sky queried.

"It is okay. I should have done that soon but I guess I just preferred she took me by surprise, that\'s all."

"Still, she is your mate, so he should respect that fact and let you do it yourself," Sky added.

"I know, I am sorry but this is a mate that wants to kill him. Forgive you but since I made it, this is the first time I had checked it and that is because I want him to see it and know himself," Jay defended.

"Whatever. Just do not interfere again, please. Or else when it backfires, he may lash out at you, lest not forget, you tend to always be the one who gets to be lashed out at. Hehehe," Sky playfully remarked.

"Laugh all you want, dragon boy."

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