
Chapter 254 - [Bonus Chapter] Night Stroll 2



"Should I continue?"

"Hmm, okay. Let us see what you got." She folded her arms in front of her chest and waited for him to surprise her some more.

"Alright. It would be my pleasure. Also, the fact that you are not joining the others also indicates that you... You want to survey the vicinity just to make sure of her security right? It is smart and cunny at the same time while also being so thoughtful. I bet Jade must be lucky to have you," Aramis concluded.

"No, I am the one lucky to have her. Besides, I just want to enjoy the view of the night. Don\'t you think it is lovely?" she quickly changed the conversation and pointed to the sky.

His lips pulled back, revealing more tooth than necessary as his gaze remained on her face before following her line of sight and looking at the sky.

Surprising, y though, he just wasn\'t expecting that so when he said the skes up above, his cheeks tugged upwards, revealing more than just a small smile as he enjoyed the starry night skies up above.

"Yes. It sure is beautiful. So beautiful, just like you."

She pretended not to  have heard what he said and continued looking up but deep down in her mind, Asia could feel the countless butterflies begin to scatter in there.

"Hey. So what say you? You cannot deny it right? I got you."

"Says who?" she returned her gaze to his face, smiling like nothing had just happened.

"And if I sat, once an assassin always an assassin, she would deny it. Here comes the element of denial. You are denying the act itself. My dear, please do not be like that. You are only proving my theories right an di an we you gazes. Even though I am here with you, it did not stop you from doing your job."

"You sure are nosy," Asia finally confirmed, smiling at him in her not so little confession.

"I am not. Just that nothing gets past me without my notice."

"Is that so? Hmm, I guess I can say," she took two steps forward to meet him. "That it runs in the family. Take a good look at your twin sis for example. Even though she is nosy it is a gold thing as anything can be found out from her. While she is more into what she hears, the other twin is more or less into what he sees."

"Nice compliment. Although that would have worked better if the person you were doing that on was Markon."



"Why would you say so and what are you talking about?"

"You know, now stop acting like you do not." He took a step forward causing her to back down a bit, going back. He repeated the action and she did the same again. Until he outsmarted her, took three fast steps and wrapped a hand behind her waist while his other hand to snatch his gun say from her hand, lifting both up.

"Got ya."

"Naughty. You saw?"

"Told you, nothing gets past my eyes. It is why the house of Avi is in charge of the security of not just the palace but the entire kingdom. Our eyes can match those of a elf."

"Nice. Wait a minute," she dropped her hand, letting it rest on his chest as she looked up at him. "So you are saying that elves are deal?"

"If we are real, won\'t makes you think other races aren\'t? Tsk, little humans think they are the only race and dominant ones too. The world out there is full of mysteries."

Placing a finger on her jaw, she tapped away absentmindedly. "So even werewolves, mermaids and the likes are all real. Now thisis is definitely a drastic change. I am had though."

"Sorry to burst your bubbles. I am not so sure of mermaids or the other hidden races so much but I believe in the supernatural. So I guess, yes. They all exists somewhere in this world. And just like us, bet are hidden."


"I think humans cannot stand the fact that these wonderful beings exist without being afraid. I bet Macy was scared when she found out Jay was a dragon."

"Honestly, I heard she fainted at first," Asia revealed.


"You have got to be kidding me," Aramis looked surprised an for the record, Asia was happy something could surprise him since he made it to look like he knew everything.

"Nope a fright now, I think this is where your sister\'s good ears surpasses your eyes."

His brows kneaded, looking at her with narrowed eyes, trying to make out what she meant by what she just told him.

"Simple dear," Asia began, stating what she meant. "Sometimes, things that are not seen, could be heard and felt. I doubt she did not get wind of this. She is just too good. I think I prefer hers to yours."

Although his facial expression changed into something more gloomy, he still had a side smirk to mask it all up.

"I\'m sorry. That came out wrong," Asia quickly apologised. It made it look like she was comparing them and that was wrong.

He smirked even more, taking steps towards her as she backed away till she was caught between a tree and him.



All she could do now was give her best smile. Which was awkward by the way.

"So you prefer Astoria to me? You think she is greater?"

"I was wrong," Asia admitted. "Because there would be times where her own gift would be minimal to yours. After all, a picture can produce a thousand words, right? Tsk I got the proverb all wrong, didn\'t I?" She asked when his expression did not change.

\'Bummer, way to go, Asia, you just got him mad?\' She wasn\'t even sure in her head.

After all, who knew how a dragon was when he was mad?

Perhaps Jade had an answer to that but too bad Jade wasn\'t there to save her from the grinning dragon with a suspicious look in front of her.

Only one word remained in her head.

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