
Chapter 365 - The Ancient Secret

Chapter 365: The Ancient Secret

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

“We have returned.”

The Death Knight’s words were stiff, almost threatening.

This was the confidence that originated from the ancient times of the gods. After all, they were once upper-class people. Even the ordinary people among the descendants of gods were more honorable than the human kings.

The blood of gods flowed in the bodies of these descendants. It was the release of divinity, the inheritance of the gods’ honor!

However, Kant found it funny.


He even laughed out loud. “You guys are back.”

“Hahaha.” Beside him, Bandake and the Royal Knights were also laughing.

Even the surrounding knights, the heavy cavalry who were in charge of guarding and forming an encirclement, revealed a smile under their heavy helmets. However, there was not the slightest hint of a smile in their eyes. They were ice-cold, as if they were looking at a dead person.

A real dead person would bd hacked to death by them with no possibility of resurrection!

“You are still enjoying the glory of Father God.”

That death knight didn’t have any emotions.

However, sensing Kant’s contempt, he still felt a hint of anger. “Even though we have fallen into the ranks of the undead, you have to know that as humans, we are still the children of Father God!”

“Oh.” Kant stopped smiling and nodded calmly. “I didn’t mean to refute you.”

The surrounding knights also stopped smiling.

“Humans! Humans! Humans!” The death knights were even more furious. “You bunch of shameless traitors who don’t know how to be grateful. Just like your shameful ancestors, you have betrayed the glory of the gods!”

“Yes, continue.”

Kant still listened calmly.

But it was this calmness that caused the soul fire in the death knight’s eyes to ripple. “Human, what exactly do you want to do? Do you think that now is the time for the revival of all the God’s descendants?” His tone was stiff and unusually angry. “Do you know that our main force has gone to the sea of stars? When they return, you will become the most despicable living corpses driven by humiliation!”

“Well, maybe you misunderstood.”

Kant smiled. “I didn’t mean to refute you at all. I was just listening.”

He frowned slightly and put the king’s sword back into its scabbard. He turned his head to look at the battlefield that had basically settled down. He shrugged and asked the death knight, “You mean, your main force went to the sea of stars?”

“Heh, I thought you were fearless,” the death knight said gloomily. “That’s right. They went to conquer the sea of stars to retrieve the artifact that Father God had left behind. As long as we find the artifact, we can use the power contained in it to regain our life and become flesh and blood again!”

Kant asked, “You mean the Mannheim coast, which is occupied by Jackalan and Lizardmen?”

“Those Jackalan and Lizardmen?”

The death knight sneered disdainfully, “These stupid werecreatures slaves are even lower than you humans.” The soul fire in his eyes flickered, “Oh, you used to be our personal servants, but after betraying us, your status will be even lower, perhaps even lower than these werecreatures slaves!”

“I see.” Kant nodded. “I heard that they developed well in the Mannheim coast.”

“They relied on the resources and civilization that we left in the sea of stars!”

The death knight said in a deep voice, “Including you, human beings!” It raised its head and looked at the sun disk suspended high in the sky. Its soul flame flickered. “At that time, we will come back and inherit the glory of Father God!”


Kant nodded.

According to the death knight, he had a general understanding of the current situation.

“Excuse me.” Turning the reins, the warhorse under him stepped on the remains of the skeleton cavalry as usual and walked to the side. Kant nodded to Bandake and said, “Send our friends away.”


A red light flashed in Bandake’s eyes.

As the strongest general of Kant, this underworld apostle clearly understood the meaning of his words.

However, the death knight clearly did not understand Kant’s words. Instead, the blue soul fire in its eye sockets surged, it said in a provocative and hoarse voice, “Human, you have finally made the best choice. Now, submit to me, I, the ninth elector of the holy city...”

However, before it could finish, Bandake reached out and interrupted it, “Please wait.”


The soul fire in the death knight’s eyes shook.

Its special vision could already see that Kant had turned around and left without any intention of listening to it.

As for the so-called submission, it was even less so!

The remaining Bandake and the five royal knights who possessed powerful divine powers made it have an ominous premonition in its heart. It was just like when the intelligence of the gods and demons being betrayed by humans during the bloody battle was sent over!

The most important thing was that the loyalty of the humans had to be questioned.

“Are you still unable to differentiate the situation?”

The death knight spoke.

The soul fire in its eyes burned even more fiercely. “The gods are about to return. As the ninth elector of the sacred city, I can inherit a wider territory in the future. As long as you choose to submit to me, then in the future...”

However, Bandake stretched out his hand to stop it from continuing. “Wait, that’s enough. You’re talking too much.”

“It still doesn’t understand.”

The royal knights also shrugged their shoulders, looking impatient.

They were all impatient.

They had even pulled out the knight’s sword by their waists, and their bodies were faintly erupting with that mysterious extraordinary power. It was something that could only be possessed by emperors, and it was a powerful strength that was bestowed upon them!

It was also a variant of positive energy, and it could easily destroy and disperse any negative energy!

“All of you...”

A thick grayish-black fog burst out from the death knight’s entire body.

An icy chill that came from the dead instantly swept over. However, to these royal knights who had long been prepared, it did not have the effect that it should have. Instead, they worked together to surround each other, and this death knight was just right in the middle.

It was a dilemma!

“We want to send you away.”

Bandake spoke slowly.

On the knight’s sword in his hand, drops of black water seemed to condense. As the red glow in his eyes intensified, a tall and sturdy black figure with goat horns on his head slowly appeared behind him.

“Demon remnants from the abyss!” The soul fire in the death knight’s eyes revealed hatred and shock.


Bandake shook his head helplessly. “No, no, no, I’m from the Underworld.”

“I didn’t expect that humans would actually join hands with demons. How ridiculous. Do you really think that these demons will ally with you? They are the most despicable creatures. Betrayal and conspiracies are simply part of daily life. Do you really think that you are the same as demons? “Don’t think so highly of yourself. You will regret it!”

The soul fire in the death knight’s eyes shook violently, and the harsh words kept coming out of its mouth.

“When we find the lost power of Father God, the bloodline of the gods, which originated from the most glorious ancient times, is revived, you can continue to survive under the glory of the gods. But once you are ruled by the demons from the Abyss, what awaits you will be a complete massacre. These demons don’t have our benevolence at all... ugh...”

However, before he could finish his words, Bandake had already spurred his horse to move.

His was extremely fast.

It was like a flash of black lightning.

The underworld nightmare under his crotch spewed out black mist with the aura of sparks and sulfur. The dark red flames of hell that instantly exploded on his four hooves had also disappeared. Only a faint dark red light could still be seen on his four hooves.

“It’s settled.”

Bandake sheathed the knight sword in his hand again and said somewhat helplessly, “I didn’t expect it to be so talkative.”

“Chatterbox.” The royal knights shrugged and sheathed their knight swords as well. However, when they looked at Bandake, their faces were filled with fear. It was obvious that they were afraid of the highest general who followed Lord Kant, deep in their hearts, they felt fear and respect for the strong.

“Plop –”

At this moment, the death knight who was still riding his horse in the encirclement suddenly fell to the ground.

This wasn’t right either.

The entire skeletal warhorse and the knight’s body were split into two halves with the space between their eyebrows. They were directly turned into bones and fell to the sand with a crackling sound. They were no longer alive.

Even the blue soul fire in the eye sockets seemed to be extinguished by a jet black liquid!

“I’ll leave the rest to you.”

Bandake was not pleased with himself at all.

He gently shook the reins and rode his underworld nightmare to the side. He just ordered casually, “Pay attention to the casualties. If you can win, do it. I think Lord Kant doesn’t want to see his soldiers get hurt.”

“Understood!” The surrounding royal knights immediately responded.


Bandake rode his horse and headed towards the castle.

The remaining royal knights looked at each other and nodded with a tacit understanding, they continued to draw their swords out of their sheaths. The golden light brought by the king’s power burst out from their bodies and they instantly rushed towards the skeleton cavalry that were still surrounded on the battlefield.

“Kill –”

The shouts immediately rang out in the desert again.

However, it was the knights and heavy cavalry of Swadia who were leading a large number of Sarrandian people to encircle the remaining skeleton cavalry and turn these undead that should have died a long time ago back into eternal corpses.

The skeleton cavalry that had lost their high-end combat strength and also lost their command were no match for the Kant heavy cavalry.

All that was left was a cruel massacre.

The sand was filled with bones.

Kant had already returned to the castle and was sitting peacefully in the council hall.

The maids had sent him clean water to wash his face and clean soft robes. At this moment, Kant was more like a noble waiting for the results of the battle than a general personally leading his troops to fight.

“Lord Kant, it has been taken care of.”

Bandake entered the hall to report.

“Very good.” Kant nodded. This matter was not out of his expectations.

However, looking at Bandake, Kant still ordered, “After taking care of that group of undead and calculate the casualties of this battle. I need the most detailed report.”

“Understood.” Bandake nodded.

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