
Chapter 3 - Truth

The doctor visited after some time, the clock ticked 3 and I barely needed any sleep. The nurse left after giving me some liquid food as she thought I wasn\'t able to swallow yet.

The doctor entered with a big smile, his face showed his experience in the hospital, and probably was in his late 40s but he was still pretty fit and healthy-looking. His noticeably tall stature would never be missed out in the crowd along with his compassionate face.

He elevated my bed so I was comfortable talking to him, "Sorry I was in the middle of an operation, the nurse tells me you are feeling great!" and he took a seat beside me.

I replied sarcastically but not daunting, "I have a plastered eye and probably missing a part of my neck, But I definitely do feeling amazing doctor".

A little laugh escaped his lips as he went on to check the monitor, "Vitals and readings are all normal, there is no need to worry anymore. As for werewolves, we heal fast so don\'t stress about the small flesh you lost from your neck! And your thigh wounds will develop in a beautiful scar."

He extended his arm and touched the dressing that covered my left injured eye, "I\'m worried about this! The scratch marks will no doubt leave a badass battle scar... But... your eye is my concern" dropping his voice down low he continued, "it was wounded as well and I doubt it will be of any use again"

That would have in fact been the case for an omega if this wound was inflicted on them, but I was an Alpha princess with a rare ability. It is just that I don\'t wish to reveal it to the general public as of yet so I smiled at him dismissing that thought, "Don\'t worry about it doctor, I remember closing my eyes in time so it\'s most likely safe. It will heal!

"But you know what I need right now! A nice chilled chocolate shake" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Ha Ha," The doctor laughed, "I like your attitude, Selene, keep it up and you will heal in no time!". He got up from the stool and started heading outside, opening the door called in for the nurse "Nurse! Get some nice and chilled chocolate milkshake for this lovely patient here"

He turned back to me smiling merrily saying his goodbyes, "Don\'t hesitate to ask for anything here, and about the cuff on your ankle - it\'s just a formality so just ignore it. See you tomorrow!" And he headed out closing the door behind him.

"Thank you doctor" I replied to the closed door and sighed as the plasters on my eye irritated me at this point, I was probably completely healed in my past one day of slumber.

I removed the dressing on my eye to check if it really lost its sight! And as I slowly opened my left eye the dim lights flooded in blinding me and YES! They were all right and a sense of relief washed over me!

Suddenly I heard the door click and I got alert putting the patch back on my eye. The nurse entered with a rather small glass of chocolate shake and my medicines.

"Here!" She gently handed me the glass and started preparing the meds and the injection. I gulped the entire glass down in one go, and the nurse looked at me shocked. "Does your throat not hurt anymore?" She asked

\'Oops! she must be expecting me to not having been healed yet\'

"A little sting," I said with a fake pain-ridden face showing a thumbs up, "come on, bring on those meds and the injection, I\'m ready to go back in my eternal slumber," I said with exaggerated childish expressions.

I nurse chuckled forgetting about the milkshake and handed me my meds. Taking them one at a time I showed as if it was aching to even swallow water, so she won\'t get suspicious of my throat working all fine again. Then she gently gave me the injection which I barely felt touch my skin and asked, "Is there anything else you need?"

"Not really! Thank you for your hard work" I replied smiling at her.

"Okay! If there is anything you need press this button and I\'ll be here" saying this she started heading out, but I pressed the button before she could open the door.

A pager beeped in her pocket, she turned to me and asked, "Is there any problem dear?"

"Ya umm... can you tell me how is the alpha?" I asked her awkwardly not knowing whether she could reveal this information.

But she had a rather soft expression on her face, "Don\'t worry he is totally fine and healing, he just regained his consciousness a few minutes back; there is strict security outside his room, and he will be on his feet in no time!" Her reply gave comfort to my heart.

"Thanks a lot!" I said and taking her clue the nurse left the room. It would soon get lonely here, there were cuffs on my leg and no one to ask about me.

For a normal omega to heal from such injuries that I suffered would take at least a week to heal, but I probably started healing the moment the injuries were inflicted even though I held back my special abilities. The doctors were probably not removing any dressing considering an omega\'s heal time, but I wasn\'t one, to begin with.

"It\'s boring in here! And my injuries won\'t even develop into a deep scar how unfortunate for me" I started talking to myself, I sighed trying to search for any amusement but it was just a plane boring hospital room.

So I paged the nurse and she immediately came in, "Yes dear? You want something?"

"Can I get a mild dose of sleep inducers? I am really finding it hard to sleep", of course, I slept for 24 hours straight!

She nodded and went out, just to return after a long while, "The doctor said it\'s okay to give you moderate dosage if you can\'t sleep, here take this pill" and she handed me one whole pill of sleep med.

"Thanks!" I gulped down the pill in one go.

The nurse pulled the blanket up to cover me and left after greeting goodnight. I sighed as the door closed looking at the ceiling and counting sheep so I don\'t have to think about the chain around my ankle.

As my thoughts rushed through my head I started feeling more and more dizzy, giving in to this feeling I finally went to sleep.


The birds were chirping evidently showing I barely had few hours of sleep, and as the sunlight flooded the room waking me up I clicked my tongue irritated *tch* and covered my eyes with my arm.

"Good morning!" I heard a man\'s voice in my room and I immediately got up straight opening my eyes, or should I say my Eye!

"Woah, chill no need to be so formal we are both patients here" I heard his voice from my right and I turned to see our Alpha plastered from head to toe, he gestured me to rest back. I looked at his face, his half right hand was completely wrapped in white dressing and probably gave a hard time to the doctors for reconnecting it, but he still smiled from eye to eye.

"Salute to the alpha!" I said in a low voice considering our environment, "How are feeling now?" I asked.

"I\'m great," He said cheerfully, "Actually I was expecting to be in heaven by about this time, but thanks to you I\'m still alive. I heard you suffered great injuries protecting my life! I\'ll properly thank you once I\'m back on my feet."

He smiled at me, A smile so contagious and innocent, I hate to tell him that his own Beta betrayed him. But I had to, he must know!

Clearing my throat, I got myself ready to explain everything to him, "It was my job to protect you, there is no need for thankful gestures." I awkwardly shifted in my bed thinking of how to tell him, would he even believe me!?

"You have something to say? Don\'t hesitate" he said reassuring me.

\'It\'s Okay\' I talked to myself \'It\'s okay if he doesn\'t trust me, the truth needs to be known\'

"Alpha I have something to tell you, it\'s about our pack\'s Beta!"

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