
Chapter 25 - Operation: Freedom

- Feng Mian\'s Perspective -

Whew. Okay. Today was the action phase of Operation: Freedom. Can you believe that idiot Xuan Kai wanted to just call this plan "Full-On Assault"? I mean sure, that\'s what it is, but still.

That being said, it wasn\'t literally just charging in headfirst without any thinking. That\'s what I thought when I first heard the name of this plan, but well, turns out, there\'s actually some brainwork going on.

It was the day after our night together. I-I mean, our p-planning meeting! To tell you the truth, I was bombarded with questions at school regarding Xuan Kai\'s performance yesterday. The person in question himself? He took the day off to avoid the drama, leaving me to deal with it. What a man. Though I\'m sure he had his reasons....probably. H-He definitely had his reasons. In any case, I just brushed them all off with an "I don\'t know either". Hey, it was the truth...partly. I didn\'t know exactly how he is able to produce such powerful magic or how he is able to take in mana from the environment.

It was a cold, November evening...or at least that\'s what I want to say, but the truth was, the weather was insanely hot, considering it was supposed to be winter. This was due to that Fire Elemental\'s lair the IMF discovered recently, according to the teachers at Shenzhen Magic High School.

I was currently dragging an unconscious (?) Xuan Kai behind me, walking down the same dark pathway I had went down just a few days ago, and the one that Xuan Kai had saved me in. Just thinking back on the memory makes my heart thump...

A-Anyway! Beforehand, I had already followed the plan and contacted a certain person. I met up with Xuan Kai soon after, and everything proceeded smoothly. But that was just the beginning. Now, was where the operation truly began.

Not long after, I came face to face with a tall man wearing a cloak. Though to be honest, he was wearing a silver mask that covered the top half of his appearance, so it wasn\'t really face to face. Indeed, this was the person I had made a phone call to earlier. And yes - all those evil acts I\'ve done...he was the true culprit.

This man had the lives of my parents in his grasp, and he could end them anytime he wanted. That\'s why I had been forced to succumb to his immoral orders. But if this plan works out - all that will end today.

"Oho...so this was what you were talking about," the man rasped quietly while walking towards me slowly. "A wonderful gift indeed..."

I had called him earlier with only one message: "I have a gift for you. You know where to meet." After that, I hung up the phone, stirring his curiosity just enough in order to get him to call me back. Sure enough, here he was, in our usual meeting spot.

Of course, Xuan Kai thought of this, and not me. Honestly, I didn\'t think this would actually work. But again, it\'s him we\'re talking about. He has proven the impossible to me many times over. Does \'impractical\' mean anything to him at all? Who knows.

"So? What do you plan to do with him? The stone pendant is right on his neck."

The man began to bend down to closely inspect Xuan Kai\'s body. I stiffened, but I couldn\'t let him notice anything off...for if he did, this plan would get thrown out the back window. Sweat trickled down my back and it took everything I had to not break down from the tension. I felt a slight headache, possibly due to the stress. I continued to hold on to Xuan Kai\'s collar nervously.

C\'mon...Just a little more...

Great! He was within rang-

Just as I was about to unleash an attack, Xuan Kai snapped open his eyes and threw out a punch directed at the man\'s masked face. H-Hey! That wasn\'t the plan...

Whoosh! The man leapt back at a frightening speed, and paired with his cat-like reflexes, dodged the attack.

"Hah...nice try, little boy," he rasped, slightly out of breath. Then, turning to me, he gave an evil sneer. "You betrayed me for him, Feng Mian? Don\'t you know what will happen to your beloved parents now? Mwahahaha!"

"Hmph. You won\'t be able to leave here alive," I replied confidently.

The man laughed coldly. "Oh-ho...and what gives you that confidence when this waste-of-a-human partner of yours missed his only chance just now? What can he hope to do without being able to use magic?"

Xuan Kai gave a devilish smile in return as he climbed to his feet. "Heh...I\'ve already accomplished my goal."

The man appeared confused. "Huh? The hell you-"

Crrrrrack. Gradually, lines began forming on the silver mask the cloaked man wore, and shattered to the floor. The man, seeming to have realized what happened, widened his eyes in surprise. Xuan Kai, not giving him the time to let the news sink in, dashed towards him at an inhumane speed.

"What?! When did you-Ngh!"

Not even having time to finish his sentence, the man dashed backwards further into the dark alley. Xuan Kai followed. I quickly used Vanishing Shadows to increase my speed and keep up. Fortunately, there was no shortage of shadows for me to travel in around here.

"Ah...mou~ this wasn\'t the plan!"

I arrived at the scene just in time to see a massive wall sprouting out from the ground, cutting off the cloaked man\'s escape. Xuan Kai had him hopelessly cornered.

"Curses! I really wish I had awoken the Sky element instead right now..." the man swore to himself. He then turned around to face Xuan Kai. "That guy said not to make too much of a ruckus...but I guess I\'ve got no choice now. Heh...fine! You really want to fight, huh? I\'ll grant you that wish...if you don\'t mind dying in the process!"

Xuan Kai remained expressionless and charged directly at him, fist retracted to prepare for a punch. I assume he wasn\'t using ranged magic because it would attract a load of unwanted attention, considering how powerful his attacks are. Just when victory was all but assured, the man let out a terrifying howl. "Mwahahah! Witness the power of the Midnight Syndicate!"

The Midnight Syndicate? N-No...that can\'t be! They were a mass crime organization that was wiped out years ago! And if I remember correctly, all their members were at least Advanced Mages and could all use Dark Magic-

The man leapt into the air. "Demonification Level Three - Full Body Transform!"

It was too late. Demonification Level Three...that allowed for even a Human to wield the full physical strength of an adult Demon. A black whirlwind surrounded him, and began spinning rapidly. Although humans who transformed using only Level 3 Demonification couldn\'t use any Demon powers such as Mana Interference or Hyper Regeneration, they could still use physical abilities such as Flight and superior sense and awareness.

"Xuan Kai! Be careful, he is almost as powerful as an actual Demon now!" I called out in worry. I could provide back-row support at most, which at my level would not do much against an adult Demon.

I received no response. Xuan Kai, as calm as ever, merely got into a fighting stance once more. I winced at his carelessness. Meanwhile, the Demonification had finished - the whirlwind dispersed, and the once cloaked man was now a fiery red demon with crimson-colored wings sprouting from his back. Devilish eyes that seemed to stare right into my soul (even more so than before) bore down on us. An impish tail hung from his rear, and although I knew this was not the time for it, I still covered my eyes out of modesty.

The man - no, demon - cackled. "Mwahahahah! You forced me to do this! This takes years off my life, you know! What shall I do?" he paused before licking his lips in a evil sneer. "Guess I\'ll just replenish it...with your souls!"

He screeched before lunging downwards toward Xuan Kai. "Look out!" I cried. I quickly mustered my mana and began my incantation for a defensive spell. "Glacier Form - Wall!"

A chunk of ice rose from the ground, blocking the demon from coming any closer...or so I thought, but his sharp claws punched a hole straight through my defense. "No way..." I began, but it was futile. The outreached claw made contact with Xuan Kai\'s fist, and the demon forced his whole body onto him.

"Xuan Kai!"


Smoke filled the air from the impact. The demon had crashed into the ground, arm still pinning down something - the body of Xuan Kai. It took a minute for all this to sink in. Only a few seconds had passed, and yet it caused something that could change my life forever. Xuan Kai...did he really-

"H-Hey...X-Xuan Kai?" I murmured quietly, hoping to receive a response, desperate for an answer. My hands began shaking and tears formed in my eyes. Despite the demon still there, I began walking closer to where Xuan Kai lay.

The demon looked up smugly and stared at my disheveled figure, a nasty sneer on his face. "Heheheh...how do you like that, huh?"

"N-No..." I began, on the verge of breaking down.

"This trash without magic, what does he hope to do against me? Mwahahahah!" the demon mercilessly continued rubbing in his victory to me. But that didn\'t matter. Only one thing was on my mind. "Xuan Kai...hey..."

"Well well well...do you regret your decision, my cute little Feng Mian?" the demon got up at last, a fake smile plastered on his face. "Tell you what - if you serve me in bed tonight...I\'ll let your parents go."

But I paid him no attention. Nothing else could sway me right now. I just sat there in misery, muttering Xuan Kai\'s name over and over again. Was this really how things would end? Had I known, I never would\'ve gotten him to help me...Xuan Kai...don\'t leave me like this. I....I love-

"Level One Ice Magic - Skewer of Ice." A voice whispered an incantation quietly. But it wasn\'t just anyone...I looked up at the rooftop of the building on the left of the and felt hope, bringing a genuine smile to my face, and a happiness I\'ve never experienced before swept through my body, like a warm, gentle breeze.

At first, I thought it was just a mirage, or perhaps a fake that God sent to toy with me. But no - one look at him, and I knew that it was the real person - the one that I loved. The demon, meanwhile, turned around and felt fear. His eyes widened in shock.

"What?! How could you-" he opened his mouth lined with sharp teeth, but at that moment, he stopped talking.

...And he wouldn\'t talk again, for the rest of his life.

A massive black ice spike glowing with a red aura formed in the air, and came flying towards the demon faster than the eye could see, piercing a hole in his buff body. The demon\'s expression froze, eyes bulging and mouth hanging wide open.

"Tch. Don\'t look so surprised." Xuan Kai looked on at the dying demon, not an ounce of regret being shown. "You did the same thing to Feng Mian\'s defense."

I stared at his figure, wearing a simple black hoodie and ripped jeans, black hair swaying in the air. Those eyes...were that of a cold-blooded killer - a man that has suffered all the tragedies of life, and lived through them. But I wasn\'t afraid. Only compassion swelled in my heart, and...no matter how he is, what he becomes, my feelings from him will never change. I was hopelessly in love with this man.

As the demon turned to mist, I quickly wiped my tears away and stood up. "Hehe...you really like making people worry, don\'t you? Huh?" I called out at the top of my lungs. Unwanted attention? At this point, who cares?!

Xuan Kai shifted his gaze from the empty space where the demon had just been, and turned to look at me. He smiled warmly, and together, we stood like that, gazing at each other.

...There were a lot of things he had to explain to me, but that can be saved for later. For now, this is enough.

Yes...for now, this is enough.

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