
Chapter 570 - What Now?

Chapter 570 – What Now?

After speaking with Xuan Yu, the next step was talking to the other Founders. The only problem was… well. I didn\'t exactly know how to enter the Infinite Realm on my own. In the past, it\'s always been Sylvoir just roping me in when I fell asleep. She never taught me how to get in on my own. The Library was one matter, but the actual Infinite Realm was another.

But then again… I do faintly recall Sylvoir mentioning something along the lines of a \'Terron Record\' and \'always watching\'. This is a perfect opportunity to check if she\'s stalking me or not!

Smirking despite the situation, I returned to my own room, found a blank piece of paper and a pen, then began writing on it:

"Sylvoir, if you are seeing this, pull me into the Infinite Realm. We need to talk."

I waited a couple of seconds. No response.


After some thought, I tried something else.

"Sylvoir, you\'re ugly as shit."

Instantly, I felt my surroundings fade away, and the next thing I knew, I was staring at a vast open blue sky above my head and beneath my feet as well.

"Haha! Knew that was gonna wor- ow!"

Suddenly, I felt something hit me on the back of my head, and quickly spun around to see Sylvoir standing there with an unamused expression, arms folded.

"What did you write on the piece of paper just now?" She asked, eyes as cold as ice itself. Her voice was quiet, but more menacing than anything I\'ve heard before.

"Oh, uh… I wrote that you are very beautiful," I said, completely shameless. "But anyway, that\'s not the point. I\'ve found some pretty important info, and-"

"Yes, yes, I am aware. The other Founders are on their way here as we speak. I have the Terron Record—that is why you chose to use this method to get my attention, no? But if that is the case, you should also know I have already noticed what happened with your assigned obelisk—and the rest as well."

Faced with this statement, I could only blink.


Sylvoir sighed at my stupidness, and I laughed awkwardly.

"Okay, listen, I\'m usually not this bad. I just… uh, am thinking about other things. Like a plan going forward… y\'know, stuff like that."

"Of course," Sylvoir said, completely not believing me, and we fell into an awkward silence.

Thankfully, it didn\'t last very long as the other Founders appeared in the Realm one by one, standing before their respective pillars. Once all seventeen Founders were present, myself included, we began the meeting.

"As you all know, the operation to destroy the obelisks was unsuccessful," Sylvoir began. "For some reason, it appears to be completely immune to all physical and magical attacks, no matter how powerful they are. And according to Xuan Kai here…"

Sylvoir turned to me briefly, before continuing.

"The Hex appear to have obtained a power known as \'Order\'."

*Oh, shit, she heard me say it out loud… ah, well. Whatever. I\'ve been thinking for a while already, but it\'s about time I opened up completely to the Founders. 

"… Yes," I spoke up. "Order is a primordial power of the cosmos, on par with my own Chaos ability. In other words… even I cannot do anything about it."

"Order and Chaos… how poetic," Lord Luisfer mused. "But unfortunately, this does not help us in the least. Shall we begin devising a plan for what to do next?"

"I must agree," Count Draculus said, stroking his beard. "It is clear we cannot stop the Hex from coming now, so long as those Obelisks remain unharmed."

"It seems we can keep this under wraps no longer, then," Tian Lin said, folding his arms. "I have a possible proposal, but I want to hear everybody else\'s opinion on this first."

"Yes?" Sylvoir prompted.

"I propose we use the IMF\'s resources, and work together. This matter no longer only concerns ourselves," Tian Lin stated. "The formation of a professional force is necessary. We cannot run from this—we must fight it head-on."

"What kind of professional force?" Aluna asked. "A special school, perhaps?"

"Yes, exactly my thoughts," Tian Lin said. "We need to gather the elites, the best of the best from all corners of the world, and train them, creating a specialized force able to fight back against these Hex. They may have the power of Order by their side, but by the looks of it, they have not mastered it yet—otherwise, their minions would all be immune as well. However, they can still be hurt at this stage—and if they can still be hurt, they can still be defeated."

"Well said," Sino clapped his hands together, smiling. "I\'m on board with this plan. We Founders have been secretive for long enough—and we had the capability to do so because there were no threats we couldn\'t handle on our own. But this… this is different. We need to work together with the IMF—and Tian Lin can make that happen with ease."

"Please don\'t make it seem like it will be easy…" Tian Lin sighed. "However, there is a high chance of success."

"Hm… I\'m fine with it as well, I suppose," Fiona said, lifting her hand.

"I have only one concern," someone unexpected butted in—the X-Machina Founder. "Will the X-Machina be able to participate in this… school?"

"Of course," Tian Lin said. "All races welcome. So long as they have the ability, they can enter. The tests will be difficult, and the requirements strict, of course."

"Voting time then again, is it?" Kyoko said, arching an eyebrow.

"Hoho, voting! Been a while since we\'ve last done that to settle on a decision," Hephestus commented. "Very well, let us commence the vote!"

Sylvoir closed her eyes momentarily, then spoke.

"Those in favor of remaining secretive, raise your hands."

No one did—except Sylvoir herself.

"… And those in favor of working together with the IMF and forming the school, raise your hands."

Everyone else, myself included, raised our hands.

And just like that, it was settled.

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