
Chapter 295

Jordan felt lost, the reality was so far from what he had learnt… He then said sincerely to Isaac, ‘Thank you for telling me all this. Isaac, do you really want to know how I was able to use the black particles that are in the divine energy ?’

Isaac confirmed that this information would certainly interest Elias and that he could trade his freedom for it, but he also had to promise never to use this super-powered weapon again.

Jordan chuckled and said to him, ‘Isaac, I think I’ve learned my lesson, and I understand better now why there are so many Titans who are against the Emperor’s regime and the alliance with Lilith. The Titans in the stand behind you were Titans who support the emperor, and yet he was willing to kill them without a second thought just to fight a war that doesn’t need to be fought.

Jordan sighed, he was still confused… Why should his salvation come from his supposed enemy, he finally said to him, ‘Do you know that there are two different layers of energy, one is the spiritual energy and the other one is called the divine energy and only the Gods have access to it.’

Isaac smirked, he was finally getting the information he wanted, ‘No, I didn’t know that there were 2 different layers of energy, go ahead Jordan, I’m listening.’

Jordan sighed again, but he told him everything, the fact that in the layer of the divine energy there were only 2 kinds of particles, the golden ones and the black ones, and that he had had access to this layer because he had agreed to serve as a guinea pig for Lilith by absorbing some kind of pills made only with these black particles.

Isaac then asked him what effects these black pills had on him and he told him that his reserve of Soul force had doubled the first time and that afterwards, even if the effects had been less visible, they had still remained extraordinary.

He had absorbed 5 black pills in all and his reserve of Soul force had been multiplied almost by 4, moreover, the quantities of fire and darkness particles that he could absorb while he was meditating had increased considerably.

But not everything was perfect, there were also negative effects. After absorbing each black pill, his negative emotions were exacerbated and he had temper tantrums where he was completely out of control.

Fortunately, each time he had taken the black pills, he had isolated himself in desert places and so when he regained consciousness after a kind of total blackout, apart from the vegetation or the cliffs that were totally destroyed, he had never killed anyone.

Then during a few days he also had difficulty concentrating and therefore entering meditation, fortunately this phase never lasted long.

He also told him that he hadn’t had immediate access to this parallel layer where the divine energy was located, it was only after the absorption of the third black pill that he had begun to see theses black particles and the quantity that he could then draw was really minimal.

After each black pill that he had absorbed this quantity had increased and when he had absorbed the 5th, Lilith had stopped his experiment judging that the negative effects had become more important than the benefits he could gain.

Isaac was really blown away by what he had just learned and he said hastily, ‘Listen Jordan, I’m going to go negotiate your freedom with Elias, while you try to stay alive. You seem to be a powerful mage so I’m sure you can cloak this transdimensional communication stone so that you and I can stay in touch. Let me know immediately if your life is threatened, I will come to save you, I promise.’

Jordan chuckled and said to him, ‘Don’t worry about me, and don’t do promise that you can’t hold… It was nice talking to you.’

He then quickly added, ‘Isaac, you told me that you were the guarantors of peace in the universe, so if they ever execute me and the Emperor really does start a war, don’t forget that there are also innocent people on the Titans’ side.’

Isaac then said to him, ‘First, I don’t do promise that I can’t hold, and second, we, the Spirit Warriors who are under the command of the God of War, have always fought and will always fight to defend those who are not able to do so.

Whether they are humans, demons, legendary or divine creatures, it doesn’t matter to us, we protect all those who need it, this is why we exist, so Jordan I can assure you that we have no prejudice and we will protect the Titans who need it to the best of our ability.’

Jordan smiled sadly upon hearing this and he said before cutting off the conversation, ‘It’s been a real honor meeting you.’

Isaac swore when he realized that Jordan was gone and he immediately went to join Elias to report everything he had just learned, this discussion with Jordan had been very productive and now he had to convince Elias to help him.


While Mykael was hunting magical beasts powerful enough for Willow, he heard Colin’s panicked voice in his head asking him to come immediately.

He frowned because when he had visited them earlier everything was going well with Ian but he didn’t waste time thinking too much and he teleported immediately to him because he had rarely heard Colin having a panicked voice.

And the scene he saw when he teleported to Colin was barely imaginable. They were no longer in Ian and Liam’s pavilion but in a totally deserted place. The terracotta-colored ground stretched as far as the eye could see and the little vegetation that was here seemed to be long dead.

Ian was in his Drakonit form and he was restrained by chains of ice created by Colin who seemed to have trouble keeping him immobilized as Ian continued to struggle violently.

He also saw that Liam was there and that his mark of the Union had turned golden, a sign that something was really wrong with Ian.

He immediately asked Colin: “What do you want me to do?”

Colin gasped and swore as he was so focused on keeping Ian from doing anything stupid that he hadn’t heard him coming: “Help me immobilize him, he’s gotten out of control, he doesn’t even recognize Liam anymore and unless I hurt him, I won’t be able to hold him back much longer.”

Mykael nodded and then he said to Liam before walking towards Ian: “I’m going to use the pressure of my aura on him, that should calm him down enough for you to try and reason with him.”

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