
Chapter 318

When, after an exchange of blows, they found themselves separated again by a hundred meters, he took the opportunity to hit the ground with one of his hands and the entire surface of the dimension was immediately seized by violent earthquakes which caused huge cracks to appear everywhere and made the ground of the entire dimension completely unstable.

He smirked when he saw her destabilized by this sudden change of strategy, had she forgotten what a Priest was capable of, he clicked his tongue in displeasure and then he unleashed a cyclonic storm.

This dimension was completely ravaged by this storm, tornadoes, torrential rains, thunder that made a deafening noise while lightning streaked the sky and struck everywhere.

Both of them were protected by their force field and while Diana’s force field was constantly being struck by lightning, he decided to increase his attacks a notch.

He sent a hailstorm down on her force field, but this time it was no ordinary hailstones. He had added golden particles to the water and wind particles and he could see with satisfaction that her force field was cracking and that it wouldn’t last much longer.

Then he concentrated particles of water, wind, lightning, light and some golden particles around the blade of his sword and he took advantage of the fact that she was being blinded by lightning to use all his speed and all his strength in this ultimate attack.

He rushed at her and her force field was broken instantly as soon as it came in contact with his sword, but she again surprised him by parrying his attack.

Diana under the violence of this attack was thrown several kilometers away from him but she didn’t let go of her sword because without it, she had no chance to beat this Priest.

She had almost forgotten that the Priests, before the Warrior Spirits, had been the only humans who could stand up to the Gods, and according to the information she had about him, not only had he been the most powerful Priest who had ever existed but he was also the greatest warrior of his time, more powerful than Elias himself.

Now that all the information that the God of War, her master, had accumulated about him was resurfacing in her mind, she could only clutch the divine ultimate sword in her hand even tighter.

She didn’t know how he had been resurrected, but apart from the Creator no one else could have done it, and Elias had had to agree to become the new God of War, he who hated Gods more than anything, just to be able to get his husband back, that was the only possible explanation.

This human was already a monster of nature at the beginning of this universe, born with two different energy reserves, her master had only managed to kill him by joining forces with two other Gods and using the forbidden technique of the divine energy explosion.

Her master had wanted to exterminate all the inhabitants of this world and repopulate it with obedient slaves, but this man had succeeded in blocking this attack and making his plans fail.

Alistair had taken advantage of his temporary weakness to kill him by piercing him with this divine sword and by diffusing the golden flames directly into his body, which had had the effect of disintegrating completely his body.

And while Alistair had thought that the resistants would surrender without their leader to protect them, the strongest fighter after this Priest, who was none other than Elias, had then transformed.

His aura, already unnaturally powerful for a mere human, had suddenly exploded and all over his face and body golden symbols had appeared.

Alistair, who was the first of the Gods to be created and who was the only one to understand the runic symbols of the very cradle of magic, the one that the Creator had used to create life in this universe, had turned pale as he recognized the symbols of the apocalypse, the ones that heralded the end of an era and the beginning of a new one.

To be able to measure the new strength of this fighter whose golden and red aura was still swirling around him not completely stabilized, he had ordered the other God to kill him and he had then seen this murderous aura seize this God and immobilize him.

Then the swirl around Elias had disappeared and the symbols on his body had become half blood red and half golden and with one stroke of his sword he had decapitated this God, disintegrating his body in the same way he had just killed the Priest, using the golden flames that had a blood red outline.

Alistair had tried to run away from this human because there was no way this simple human’s body could withstand such power, he had thought that this explosion of power would not last more than a few minutes but he had underestimated Elias who no matter where he teleported in the universe followed him as if he could track him.

After a few hours and having been badly wounded by Elias, by a kind of wound that couldn’t be healed no matter what, he had finally stopped following him and it was then that he had decided to use the little time he had left so that when this human would come back to finish what he had started and kill him, his powers and knowledge would be divided between his 3 students, the 3 most powerful of the ancient Gods, and that his divine sword would be kept in this dimension until one of his 3 students became powerful enough to take it.

Diana immediately pulled herself together as she felt her force field being shattered for the second time and as this Priest seemed determined to kill her, she parried his attack once again with the divine sword and then she said to him: “Let’s see what you can do to counter this attack, Priest.”

Since the memories of that time had come back to her thanks to the appearance of this Priest she now knew how to use the forbidden technique of the divine energy explosion and she intended to use it well.

She smiled wryly at the Priest who would be stuck in this dimension forever because only those who had access to it could come and go as they pleased, and then she teleported into the arena to finish off those Warrior Spirits once and for all.

When Miguel saw her suddenly disappear he had a very bad feeling and decided to teleport back to the arena immediately to protect Elias and their men, this dimension had absolutely no hold on him so he could do whatever he wanted, only he needed to get back to the real world to be able to track Diana’s energy if she didn’t return to the arena.

He appeared in the arena just in time to stop her from piercing Iris with that sword and he immediately ordered his men: “Retreat!”

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