
Chapter 587 I won’t risk my baby girl’s safety

1.4+\'px\'}">587 I won\'t risk my baby girl\'s safety

Axel put his arm around Kevin\'s shoulders again and said to Raven and his men: "If you need anything, don\'t hesitate to let us know.

As for us, we\'ll let you know as soon as we know when we will leave for Sora and Lena\'s world, and while we\'re away, Dilan, Ian and Liam will be in charge of our world.

Derek and Connor will take over when Ian and Liam will leave for the world of the Drakonits, and Raven, I\'d like the person you trust the most and who has the right skills to support Dilan when we\'re away.

You and your men must continue training, the Warrior Spirits will continue your morning training, and I want you to continue perfecting your teamwork in the afternoons, which is why we need another person to help Dilan and preferably someone who is as powerful or more powerful than he is, just in case…"

Raven frowned and he asked them: "Are you worried about Dilan becoming a target?"

Kevin nodded and told them: "We\'ve made a lot of changes in a very short amount of time, and of course a lot of people aren\'t pleased with them.

So when those who aren\'t happy with our methods find out that Aaxeland I aren\'t here anymore, and since we\'re likely to be away at the same time as Ian, Liam, Phil and Blaise, not to mention that Kelan is staying with the Warrior Spirits most of the time now and that Nolan, Ashton, Alan and Erik are leaving with Mykael for another mission, Dilan will therefore be the perfect prey for those who want to take revenge on us."

Raven then told them: "You can rest assure that the Shapeshifters won\'t let anything happen to him, you have my word."

All the Shapeshifters then nodded, and Axel smiled, telling them before leaving: "We\'re counting on you, but remember, choose some men in your clans for this mission, not you… If I learn that you have stopped practising you will have to face the consequences, understood?"

Well, since the only consequences would be to be forbidden from participating in the upcoming war, they hurriedly reassured Axel that they would all keep practising and just after that Axel teleported them to the prison dimension.

Caleb was waiting for them with Isaac and the 3 Warrior Spirits still in coma and Willow didn\'t waste time and she again used her wings to join the one closest to them.

Kevin let her, even though he would have preferred to take her to the Warrior Spirits himself, and suddenly the melody was heard again and the first of the Warrior Spirits found himself surrounded by Willow\'s healing white light.

Caleb then asked them: "What is this white light? Shouldn\'t it be green if Willow\'s using light particles to heal him?"

Kevin shook his head and said: "Willow doesn\'t use light particles to heal them, and this white light looks more like spiritual energy that she condenses, but I\'m not sure yet, all I know is that this melody that emanates from Willow calms the spirits and soothes them, and this white light allows Willow to synchronize back the mind and body of the people she heals.

She explained to us that as all those who were still in a coma were completely healed, both their bodies and their mental fatigue, she just had to get this information back to their minds that had chosen to put them in a coma in order to force them to rest."

Caleb then sighed and said to them: "After all these millennia of existence, there are still things that manage to surprise me... Your daughter is truly extraordinary and from the way those golden Runes on her wings sparkle, I\'m guessing the other Phoenixes aren\'t capable of such feats."

Axel nodded and said: "We fed her with a lot of lava stone when Willow was still in her shell, but not only that, Dad also made sure that all the fire and light particles were absorbed by her, which is probably why our daughter\'s healing powers are so exceptional."

Kevin then told them: "The main thing is that it doesn\'t seem to be wearing Willow out, however that Warrior Spirit is taking longer than the Shapeshifters to wake up..."

Kevin\'s golden chains then activated on their own and they held down the Warrior Spirit who had just woken up with a start and nearly grabbed Willow\'s throat.

Kevin and Axel\'s eyes immediately turned golden and Caleb had to step in and tell them: "Sorry, let me handle this."

Caleb then activated his Stage 2 and when the Warrior Spirit recognised his energy, he deactivated his Stage 2 which he had activated by reflex as soon as Kevin\'s chains had pinned him to his bed and when he regained consciousness and his eyes had returned to their natural color he looked around in disbelief and asked: "What happened?"

Caleb motioned for Kevin to release him and he told the Warrior Spirit: "I\'ll explain later, the main thing is that you\'re out of the coma now."

Caleb then looked at Kevin and Axel who had calmed down and he said to them: "I\'m going to keep my Stage 2 on and stay with them, that should be enough to prevent this incident from happening again."

Kevin then wrapped a piece of his golden chain around Willow\'s neck and said to Caleb: "Just in case, I won\'t risk my baby girl\'s safety."

Caleb knew very well that these golden chains could protect Willow from any danger, so he nodded to reassure Kevin and Axel, even if it was useless because with his aura deployed around them, the Warrior Spirits wouldn\'t feel threatened and they would wake up normally.

Willow then said to Kevin who was carrying her after this \'accident\': "It\'s fine Daddy, we can carry on now, as you\'ve seen, I need a bit more time to resychronize the body and mind of a Warrior Spirit than of a Shapeshifter, and we still have to go help Nolan afterwards..."

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