
Chapter 35 35: Roast Bora!

—— |Celica forest - Outer zone Level 1 - 3|——

Around him, countless flora of vibrant yellow and orange colours swayed in the afternoon wind. He tightly shut his helmet as dark red lights glared through the metal visor.

His spiked white teeth seemed more brutal after his bloodline upgraded. He walked along the slight path made by other players with slow, but determined steps.

|Entered Celica Forest - Inner Zone Level 3 - 7|

Suddenly, noticing that many fled soon after entering this inner zone. They would sometimes look at his armour in awe, whispering insults like. "Damn a fucking whale." Or "What, I thought this game wasn\'t a cash shop game?"

These people would then try to message him, or add him to a party. Only to get rejected and feel deflated, some tried to follow him being mauled by the level 4 - 5 monsters that attacked players of a lower level at higher ranges. This was called pulling a mob normally.

Zell took around half an hour to reach his destination, filled with silence and the low growl of various prowling monsters. The inner zone is too high level for most players. Maybe the ones who play as a raid or assault party.

He pushed out his right arm, forming a shorter sword than usual. His choice was because many trees filled this forest and although he could cut down the trees with a full swing. This would drain his power quickly, because of his 100% synchronisation.

"Let\'s test out this combination attack then… Even if I have to practise it a thousand times against these damn monsters. I will burn the action into my body so it becomes reflex!"

— Flurgen | 16 Fire Damge | 8 Wind damage | STR+4 | Haste |

His short sword was around 90 centimetres long, jet black, with the demonic dragon coiled around the base of the blade and hilt. He noticed the dragon seemed to have grown larger, its body now wrapped around the blade. The sword now had a long dragon tail wrapped around the hilt.

"Hmmm… It\'s damn sharp!"

Zell traced his finger along the dragon on his blade, making sure it wasn\'t lowering his power, but lost 10 health points from the damage taken. "What an idiot. However, at least I know it won\'t affect me, no matter where the blade strikes."

He stepped forward and built his pace into a dash. The black high boots bouncing off the soft grass, thudding somewhat as his body shot forward like a viper striking his prey. No longer needing to say the skill names or click the interface.

He shot his body forward, performing a blade rush. His right shoulder leaned back, pulling his blade into his chest with the tip pointing towards the massive bora eating some plants unaware.

Instantly, the bora\'s body snapped towards him with fierce eyes, detecting the threat. It was sad the poor thing could only feel a sharp black sword pierce through its chest.

Thick red blood spluttered and splashed from a fierce thrust, before Zell twisted the blade and tore it out, spinning to the right, widening the cut with his arc.

The bora tried to flee backwards after a loud squeal sounded from its mouth. Zell could feel its desire to escape and pushed out his left hand while in the air, mid rotation. He had a ball of fire in his hand, which blasted through the air and exploded upon impact with the defenceless bora.

Which caused a thundering storm of flames and a roaring howl of wind that echoed off the trees. The force sending charred meat and bones flying around Zell, who stood with his hand still pushed out, unable to even feel when he finished the cast.

"What!? It\'s so damn fast… The game felt a slight delay in the past, even with instant casts. This spell just shot the moment I envisioned it. I need to practise, otherwise I might prematurely shoot it off and embarrass myself and cause my party members to be unsatisfied."

— Blade rush —> Flambur | Zell Delacroix

Mountain Bora [Lv 4] took 411 Damage! (Overkill)

— Killed Mountain Bora [Lv 4] gained 80 exp (80 free exp)

— Class: Magic Knight | Level 6: 190/600

— Sub Class: Lady Killer | Level 4 256/500

— Free Exp | 80/1,000

He spent a few moments looking through the remains, wondering about summoning Griselda. However, she insisted on watching the evil woman that wounded her lord. The only positive was that she would become stronger the more he trained.

"I must push myself to the limit! So that my cute wolf and rabbit will never die or hurt again. But most of all, to repay the faith and hope Infra placed in me."

— Killed Mountain Bora [Lv 4]

— …

— …

— Class: Magic Knight | Level 7: 70/700

— Sub Class: Lady Killer | Level 5 236/600

— Free Exp | 560/1,000

——| Attributes |——

HP: 62/62 —> 72/72

MP: 35/35 —> 40/40

STR: 36 —> 42

MAG: 31 —> 36

VIT: 31 —> 36

SPR: 31 —> 36

Attack: 72 —> 84

Magic Attack: 62 —> 72

Defence: 62 —> 72

Magic Defence: 62 —> 72

Mana Regen (Per Minute) : 31 —> 36

"Hmmm, I didn\'t learn any new skills again. Maybe it\'s because of the benefits of the system? Most class skills start after level 10 though, however that\'s when levelling because really hard. Should I have some free experience to boost myself to level 11 straight after levelling?"

Zell sat on a tree stub, near the entrance of Celica forest. His level was now so high, the monsters would literally lay on their backs as if to beg him not to slay them. He wouldn\'t either. Monsters who were over 5 levels below you became worthless, giving little experience.

"Maybe I should take some of this pork home. Those girls would love the texture and taste, haha let\'s make get their affection with cooking first!"

— Meanwhile, on the other side of Celica forest.

"Ah! Finally level 3 hehe we are so good!" Anya jumped up and down, her hammer covered in pig blood. She took a glimpse of the pork item that dropped and thought to herself.

—|Anya: \'If only we could take this home and have Zell cook it for us… In a naked apron! Fufu… Wait!? He\'s still in the game, that means, inside his pod is a naked man with a gigantic cock waiting for me to tease! This must not pass. I shall touch that wonderful thing!\'

Tessa cleaned her sword, game or not. Her life spent caring for her weapons, as taught by her late father. She looked at the sparkling eyes and lewd chuckle of her friend. Somehow, the thoughts seemed too clear as she frowned.

"This girl, she\'s going to play with Zell in real life, right? Doesn\'t she know he will kick her fat little ass if he wakes up!"

—|Tessa: \'Although, it is quite interesting. He is a good person to learn more about the male body from. I don\'t feel a sense of revulsion upon seeing or being close to him…\'

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