
Chapter 92: Duchess’s Growth

Chapter 92: Duchess’s Growth

Grenstan, the capital of Heroica Empire; two people casually conversed with one another, exchanging information about the general happenings of the capital and some interesting rumours they had heard about.

Soon, they approached one of the largest buildings in the capital, the General Library. It was the place with information about practically everything. Strick records were maintained to ensure no information is ever tampered with or lost.

In order to bolster the general knowledge of the citizens in the capital, the Heroica Empire allowed everyone to visit the library for free. Moreover, the library was situated right in front of the Royal Academy, bolstering the knowledge of the youth.

As for any records deemed important, they were hidden away within the Royal Library. Concerning everything else, they were present in the General Library. The two men casually entered the library, stopping at the entry check to flash their identity certificates.

As the guards checked their identities, they nodded as one of them pointed at a room beside, “Any belongings would be confiscated. This is to prevent any malpractice within the library. Please understand the value of the knowledge contained within.”

“We are aware,” The two men habitually nodded as they entered the room beside, not showing even an ounce of emotional upheaval. Rather, they seemed to greatly respect the attention to care given by the soldiers.

“They are really great men.” One of the guards whispered once the two men entered the room.

“You’re right about that.” Another guard nodded, “They are polite and value the information stored in this great Library. Honestly, if only there were more of them these days.”

“Right,” The first guard sighed, “Even my own son mocks the knowledge in books and only thinks about increasing his Darlac reserves.”

“Let’s not talk about our children. We don’t have to be depressed on such a great day.”

“Haha, you are right about that. Back in my days, we…”

Finished with their inspection, the two men finally walked into a massive lobby, eyes widened as they looked around at the pile of books everywhere, sighing in admiration.

“I wish to live here.”

“You’re right about that.”

“Such a treasure trove right in the heart of the city.”

“And it’s so sparsely crowded.”

They contained themselves, walking around as they browsed through the numerous sections, soon approaching a particular section as they pulled out books one after another. The two of them were silent, seemingly having not spoken a word to each other. But, they were constantly conversing through sign language.

“There’s a massive lake to the west of Bureta Forest. And, there is a Dungeon located a kilometre away from it. Let’s dig up all the information we can about them.”

“Let’s hurry. Lord Spirit doesn’t like to waste time.”

Soon, they found some records from a century ago that indeed talked about the details relating to the lake. The two of them immediately prayed, transmitting the content to Duchess. Once that was done, they began to look into other information about the Great Megwest Empire, anything they could get their hands upon.

Duchess was currently in her monster form, hearing all the reports while roasting a massive piece of meat on fire, drooling as she smelled the aroma. In contrast, seated near her was Compass Carburettor, appearing tiny in comparison.

Upon seeing that the meat was done, he cut off a large enough piece and began to eat it slowly.

As for Duchess, her head slithered in the air, making a curve as she arrived before the piece of meat, ripping off a massive piece before swallowing it whole. She similarly tore of another large piece, swallowing it after chewing it only twice.

Within a couple of minutes, she had finished the piece of meat that weighed as much as five Compass Carburettors. But, it seemed she wasn’t satiated yet, grinning as she looked at the lake over whose surface peeked out numerous monster heads, silently gazing her way.

Her neck elongated to its limit as she bit onto a fish, shrinking her neck immediately as she yanked it out of the water. She raised it high up in the air, pausing at a height of 20 metres before dropping the massive fish, causing it to crash land on the ground.

The impact elongated its body comically, causing all its bones to shatter from the force of the impact, killing it in the process. The head of Duchess flashed around a couple of times as she used her sharp teeth to skin the fish before expertly removing all the bones.

She then lifted up the massive piece of meat using her neck and hoisted it above the flame, roasting it a bit before beginning to tear into it violently.

‘Thank god I never foolishly tried to fight the Grogars.’ Compass Carburettor patted his chest, feeling his heart thump erratically as he watched Duchess casually yank out the terrifying fishes from the water and eat them like they were part of an ‘all you can eat for free’ buffet.

“Haven’t you already eaten your fill? You’ll have a hard time if you overeat.” Compass Carburettor warned her.

“I discovered something interesting.” Duchess smiled, “When I assume my Spirit form, my Grogar body remains within the symbol of Secret Society in me. And, my Darlac reserves in both the forms are connected.”

“So, even if I overeat, as my body slowly digests them, my Darlac reserves would be gradually replenished.” Duchess continued, “As I’ll be constantly expending my Darlac now, this is a good method to store up some excess reserves. Besides…”

Having finished the second massive piece of meat, Duchess expended 100 Darlac to turn into her human-like appearance, saying as she wore her clothes, “Ever since I have digested those massive reserves of Darble Crystals you have dumped in my stomach, my digestive system seems to have been upgraded. Therefore, I’m able to digest anything I consume rapidly. My Darlac reserve is also growing at a faster pace now, even though it had stopped growing long ago.”

“I feel like I would soon achieve strength on par with a Level 2 Dungeon’s Dungeon Monster.” She laughed as they began to prepare to enter the nearby Dungeon.

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