
Chapter 101: What…Happened?

Chapter 101: What…Happened?

Compass Carburettor and Duchess sat on either side of Hekatra’s shoulders as she blazed through the territory with tremendous speeds. She used her Energy Hand to shield the two from winds, preventing them from being blown away.

As they continued to head towards Mohart Dungeon, Duchess informed Compass Carburettor, “Regriel has finished all his plans. He is now travelling towards Bureta Forest, having the same intention as you, Lord Spirit. Based on the report from our scouts, one of his companions is a Puppeteer that controls insect type Puppets. Using that, they can easily fly towards Mohart Dungeon at top speed.”

“I see,” Compass Carburettor frowned, deep in thought. He soon asked Hekatra, “How much Darlac does a Haggon normally have. And how much does one at Transcendence have?”

“A Haggon’s Darlac reserve ranges between 5000-6000. That’s how they can regenerate nonstop for extended durations.” Hekatra said with a hint of pride, “And to attain Transcendence, a Haggon needs to attain 10,000 Darlac. In our entire Great Empire’s records of countless millennia, there hasn’t been any Dungeon Monster with a greater Darlac Reserve than a Haggon.”

“What about the Spirits?” Duchess transmitted a message to Hekatra. To ease the use of communication, Compass Carburettor Bestowed them both the power of Secret Society. Both of them had a loyalty greater than 100 after all.

And, after seeing how ineffective his Anthozoa proved against such large-bodied Dungeon Monsters, he decided that possessing Secret Society was better for them. And thanks to that, they were able to converse with each other in telepathy.

Compass Carburettor only talked with Hekatra to obtain information, remaining silent during the rest of the time, devising his plans. In the meantime, Duchess and Hekatra conversed nonstop.

“A Spirit doesn’t conform to the norm. Each of them possesses varying abilities. Though, most of them don’t amount to anything. After all, they have weak bodies. So, if their ability isn’t anything special, then they don’t amount to much.” Hekatra continued, “Based on our records, a Spirit possesses around 2000-7000 Darlac.”

“Then, why are they feared so much?” Duchess expressed her confusion.

“It’s because no two Spirits possess the same ability.” Hekatra sighed, “So, guarding against them is simply impossible. You’ll have to device new strategies against every single one.”

“Thankfully, the Spirits hardly venture out of their continent.” She sighed in relief, “Their continent is situated at a remote part of the world where the ocean and wind currents make it impossible to exit it. That’s why hardly any of them exits their continent. Otherwise, this world would have become a chaotic place.”

“If you pit two Haggons against one another, you can generally say that the one with a greater Darlac reserve would win. Since it would be a simple contest of them tearing apart each other up and using their regeneration powers to expend as much Darlac of the other party as possible.” She concluded, “But in terms of a Spirit, nothing can ever be stated as a fact. A Spirit with 300 Darlac could end up winning against one with 7000 Darlac. That’s what makes them terrifying.”

“140 years ago, our Great Empire fought against a group of Spirits.” She sighed, “It was a disaster as the Spirits constantly evaded our pursuit and wreaked havoc among the civilians. That’s why Spirits are feared on this continent to date.”

After more than ten hours of travel, Hekatra reached the Mohart Dungeon, sighing as she looked at the decrepit state of her capital city. Due to the robustness of the construction material used, the city remained the same as before.

The only difference was the lack of use, the liveliness of the people unavailable. Haggons casually roamed around the place, using any building that caught their fancy to rest within. Some of them tussled with each other to settle disputes. Though, the fight was too gory to witness.

Hekatra arrived before the Dungeon Gate of the Mohart dungeon, “Our Empire has hope of recovering now thanks to you, Lord Spirit. I, Hekatra am ever grateful to you.”

As Compass Carburettor smiled in response, she entered through the Dungeon Gate.

Level 5 Dungeon—Mohart Dungeon!

Right as they entered, Compass Carburettor shuddered as his Mental Energy form turned sluggish, being impacted upon by a Mental Energy stream that almost destroyed it into pieces. He barely transmitted the message through telepathy, “D-Dan…ger…”

But, before he could complete his warning, Compass Carburettor noticed that he was hovering in the air. And, something seemed to have slammed into Hekatra, causing a massive hole to form on her stomach, with the impact sending her flying out of the Dungeon Gate.

As for Duchess, she suffered an attack that sent her flying out of the Dungeon Gate too. And, the force of impact shattered her body into pieces, killing her instantly. Soon after, Duchess reappeared in her Grogar form, slick with sweat as she gazed at her human body that was a mushed paste now.

Hekatra quickly jumped up and rushed towards the Dungeon Gate, slamming into it as she was unable to enter it. An energy blade had wrapped around the Dungeon Gate, preventing her entry. She slammed her Energy Hand into it, failing to dent it, ‘There is just one person whose energy blade is strong enough to not even suffer a scratch from my attacks.’

She screamed at the top of her lungs, “Your Majesty, why?”

“Lord Spirit, are you alright?” Duchess screamed as she rammed into the Dungeon Gate, failing to cause any damage. She and Hekatra constantly mounted attacks on it but were unable to budge it. And, no matter how many times they screamed through their telepathy, none of them received any reply.

The energy blade blocking the Dungeon Gate had become opaque, instead of its usual translucent look every energy blade possesses, signifying the immense level it had been compressed into, the reason they were unable to budge it.

And, despite their state of panic, none of them received a reply, even though it ought to have just taken a thought. It was as if…their Lord Spirit, Compass Carburettor wasn’t alive anymore.

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