
Chapter 736

Chapter 736: Power of the Sapphire Executive


“You’re not my brother, huh.” Pilkan’s older sister, Peika stared at him with a cold tone, akin to staring at a block of dead wood, having already labelled him a dead man.

“What the heck are you talking about, sis…” Pilkan shouted in alarm before he stared at the massive stream of fate converging upon Peika, strengthening her naturally. The luck of the entire surroundings embraced her protectively, ensuring she wouldn’t be harmed by any variables of nature here.

Peika had been recognised as the protagonist of this world.

‘Where did it start to go wrong?’ Compass Carburettor recalled Runka’s team that he killed without any hesitation or the ship crew. Leaving aside the ship crew, Runka and his team had their fates closely intertwined with Pilkan.

Killing them prematurely in an effort to escape the machinations of Pilkan’s fate seemed to have counterattacked him, removing all the world’s support for Pilkan.

‘As expected, it’s not a Main Character’s trait to take over the body of someone alive forcefully. It seems that’s where I’ve made the mistake.’ He sighed. Truth be told, he couldn’t do anything about that.

Conjurer had ambushed him suddenly. And in that fraction of a few seconds, he could only come up with a scheme on the fly, relying on the power of Lore, a power that he hardly had experience in using other than once.

So, there were plenty of variables that could go wrong in this world, especially since his preparations were grandly lacking. This was why taking over Pilkan went wrong from the start. And now, here he was, having lost his legs.

In this world with primitive medical technology, losing a limb means you’re crippled for life. And judging based on the power system of this world, it was impossible to create a healing ability, irrespective of the heights one reached.

Staring at Peika’s death glare, Compass Carburettor took in a deep breath before his gaze turned calm, surprising the other party as he spoke, “You’re pretty efficient, I’ll give you that.”

“If you’re that willing to reclaim your younger brother, just find me a new body. I’ll set him free.” Compass Carburettor flashed a gentle smile, dodging to the side as a flash of blue severed the deck once again.


“Hold on!”

The four sailors struggled desperately, leaping onto the planks of wood that floated on the water, hurriedly swimming towards the island to survive.


Duketace stared in alarm as an arrow flew at him. He propped up a shield in hurry, grunting as the impact sent him flying backward.

“Dad!” Kowla hurriedly rushed towards the rescue of her dad that plunged into the water. A second later, he rode out on his eagle, grabbing hold of her as he took flight towards the island. “What about Lord Pilkan?”

“I’ll go for him once you’re safe.” Duketace grunted in anger, “Your Invoked Spirit was split in half right?”

“Give me a minute. It’s already reforming itself in my Dreamland.” Kowla said, her eyes widening in surprise upon seeing her dad risk his life for her. This was strange, for he wasn’t the type to do this before, ‘Did being in contact with Lord Pilkan change him?’

After all, she too was now concerned about her dad’s wellbeing, at least to the extent enough to chase after him in worry when he fell into the sea.

Thanks to the Main Character System fragments in their minds, influencing them little by little, they were indeed changing.

Three people surfaced from the seawater, standing on the water’s surface as their eyes were patterned with a tattoo resembling sea waves. Their limbs were entirely painted blue and there were over a dozen piercings on their lips.

At this point, they couldn’t be called piercing since they stitched their lips together.

The three people consisted of two men and one woman, all around Peika’s age. Their Invoked Spirits were all a startling five metres in height, hulking humanoid behemoths with two pairs of arms.

The first pair of arms held a bow and arrow while the second pair of arms held a sword and shield respectively. Hung on their backs was a quiver, containing at least fifty arrows. All three had a similar build in their Invoked Spirits.

And most of all was the faint glow emanating from them, one that glistened like the lake’s surface during noon. Strangely, these Invoked Spirits were able to walk on water as they rushed at Duketace, intending to capture him.

Arrows swerved at them rapidly, possessing enough power to shred apart their Invoked Spirits. If not for his renewed strength, Duketace wouldn’t be able to swerve his eagle fast enough to evade. Moreover, this was only possible thanks to the more than thirty metres of distance erected between the two.

The woman among the trio of attackers seemed to be the leader as she made a circling motion with her index finger, seated on her Invoked Spirit that crouched for a moment before bolting off into a sprint.

‘S-Shit!’ Staring at the opponent’s rush, Duketace was alarmed, raising his eagle’s speed to the limit as he increased the altitude, crossing the island quickly before pressing forth, dodging the arrows that came his way.


One of the shot arrows slammed into a tree upon missing its target. But a second later, a layer of water covered it as it slipped out of the tree trunk, falling onto the ground before strangely slithering like a snake. Soon, it seeped into the water, vanishing.

A Human Invoked Spirit rushed through the island, swatting away any eagle in its path as it soon reached the shore on the other side, grabbing hold of the arrow that leaped out of the water and placed it in the quiver.

There was water circulating within the quiver, gently nourishing the arrows. Following that, the Human Invoked Spirit launched another arrow as it rushed into the sea in full sprint. After missing its target, the arrows swam like fish through the water before returning to the Human Invoked Spirit.

As for its Invoker, she stared calmly, keeping the target in her line of sight. ‘You won’t escape, Duketace.’

‘My Lady already marked you dead, same for whoever it is that is backing you now. He’ll be disposed of too.’

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