
Chapter 609.1: So, How Should We Settle This? (1)

Chapter 609.1: So, How Should We Settle This? (1)

Throughout history, human civilization advanced alongside a cycle of war and peace.

The conclusion of each battle would trigger a series of chain reactions, though their extent depended on the scale of the battle and each country’s circumstances. Dealing with the aftermath of a battle was as important as the battle itself, as even the most minor issue could turn into a ticking time bomb for a future conflict.

That had been the case in Roel’s previous world.

He would have never imagined that a day would come when he was one of the ‘issues’ to be dealt with.

“It should be plenty obvious since Roel is my subject.”

In a tent, Nora stood beside the unconscious Roel as she glared at the other three women in the vicinity. Her forceful assertion prompted Charlotte, Lilian, and Wilhelmina to turn severe.

The five of them were still on the battlefield.

The aurora that had destroyed the Egg of the Beast God continued to linger in the sky, whereas Shrouding Fog, despite having suffered severe damage, had not dissipated yet. The presence of those two monsters in the sky exerted tremendous stress on the humans below.

The four women had cooperated and successfully rescued Roel from the heart of the desert, bringing him to the safety of the united army. Unfortunately, this gave rise to another pressing question—what was their next course of action, and who should stay with Roel?

While the battle between the humans and the deviants had concluded for now, the situation had only gotten even more dangerous. The four women were aware of the Kingmaker Clan’s relationship with the Six Calamities.

There were plenty of cases in history where the Six Calamities had killed a member of the Kingmaker Clan, not to mention that Roel’s disappearance a year ago was caused by Shrouding Fog’s attempt on his life. The four women hated those monsters with a passion, but they had to prioritize Roel’s safety right now.

Despite how threatening the Egg of the Beast God was, it had balanced the scales of battle. They were still in a relatively safe position earlier when the Egg of the Beast God and the Six Calamities were curbing each other. As soon as one side was defeated, humankind would be placed in an unfavorable situation.

Thus, the four women proposed the idea of splitting up to break out of the encirclement.

Roel would most certainly be swept into the conflict if they stayed together, whereas his chances of avoiding the Six Calamities would be higher if they split into four groups. There was nothing wrong with this proposed course of action, but here came the problem.

Who would be the one taking Roel with them?


To resolve this issue, the four of them quickly gathered together under the protection of the united army. The first one to make a move was none other than Nora. She strongly demanded Roel be put under her protection, as she was his liege.

Needless to say, the other three callously shot her down.

“You must be joking. It doesn’t work that way!”

“Of course not.”

“I object.”

The three women unanimously shot down Nora’s proposition. Charlotte’s reaction was the most vehement since Roel was currently in her hands.

“You might be his liege, but I am his fiancée! He should be cared for by a family member at a time like this! Besides…” Charlotte pointed to the Square of the War Angels in the backline. “Does the Genesis Goddess Church plan to forsake their treasure? If not, your retreat will be slowed. You’re not in a position to care for Darling!”

“Tsk!” Nora clicked her tongue in annoyance.

She looked at the church’s holy artifact in frustration. There was no way she could forsake the Square of the War Angels, the church’s strongest area-of-effect offensive means, even if it was for Roel’s sake. Thus, she had no choice but to back out of this race.

Charlotte heaved a sigh of relief, but before she could celebrate her victory, Lilian suddenly trotted over on her war steed and looked at Charlotte with an icy expression.

“Shouldn’t I be the one to care for Roel if you’re talking about family members?”


“‘Fiancée’—your words. You’re an outsider until the matrimony, whereas Roel and I are bloodline kin. Is Rosa’s military strong enough to ensure his safety? The only thing that can stop the Six Calamities is my Ten Fortresses. I’ll take care of him.”

“You must be out of your mind, Lilian! Have you forgotten Emperor Lukas’ order? You’ll take care of him? Your Austine Empire is the one we have to be wary about!”

“No one can touch him as long as I’m here.” Lilian spoke with a firm and unwavering voice.


The other three women fell silent. None of them could refute her words.

Despite being put in charge of one of the most treacherous regions along the eastern border, Lilian’s influence hadn’t diminished in the past two years. If anything, she had become stronger than ever. Not even Emperor Lukas could easily touch her anymore.

Nora and Charlotte’s faces turned bitter as they couldn’t find a reason to refute her, whereas Wilhelmina voiced her objection after some contemplation.

“I disagree. Lilian, I don’t deny your ability to protect Roel with your Ten Fortresses, but you possess the Kingmaker Bloodline too. Two inheritors of the Kingmaker Bloodline traveling together are bound to draw the aggression of the Six Calamities, no?”


Lilian’s expression stiffened. She had to concede that there was some sense in Wilhelmina’s words.

“Entrust Roel to me. I am the only Origin Level 1 in the group. While Knight Kingdom Pendor might not have the largest army, the fighting prowess of its top tier is not to be made light of. He’ll be safe with me.” Wilhelmina looked at the three hesitant women and spoke with an objective tone devoid of the slightest selfish motive.


Nora and the others were forced to consider her proposal.

None of them could deny that Knight Kingdom Pendor was the optimal choice if they prioritized Roel’s safety, but the trio was hesitant about leaving Roel in Wilhelmina’s hands.

Wilhelmina’s identity as Knight Kingdom Pendor’s princess, as well as the fact that she had just braved danger with Roel, left them feeling threatened. They instinctively sensed that it would be dangerous, in another sense, to leave Roel with her.

Furthermore, there was a subtle change in her attitude toward Roel. While she had been unyielding in her stance regarding Roel in the past, she had never participated in their rivalry before. But now…

The three women, with their sharp intuition, sensed that something was amiss, but they knew that Roel’s safety had to be prioritized here. After a moment of dilemma, they decided to give in. Charlotte maneuvered the Golden Soul over to carry out Roel’s body, but all of a sudden…

“That black thing isn’t dead yet?”

“It’s back! Damn it!”

Much to Nora and the others’ shock, the black sludge on the ground had started to wriggle again. Sensing the Egg of the Beast God’s movements, Shrouding Fog began to descend from the sky.

Shrouding Fog’s approach had the four women narrowing their eyes murderously.

They knew that Shrouding Fog was currently weaker than ever, and they stood a good chance against it if they went all out. However, they resisted the urge to attack and instead ordered the united army to retreat.

They harbored utmost animosity toward Shrouding Fog for having taken Roel away from them, but they knew that it was not safe for them to remain here when the Egg of the Beast God was still alive and kicking. Furthermore, Light Devourer could still be in the vicinity.

So far, Light Devourer hadn’t done anything other than to attack the Egg of the Beast God under the orders of the woman who resembled Alicia, but there was no saying how it would react if the humans launched an attack against Shrouding Fog.

In any case, the good news was that Roel was unlikely to be the Six Calamities’ number one target anymore, so there was no need for them to split up anymore.

“It’ll be better for us to move together.”

“There’s still the threat of the deviants’ Race Sovereigns. It’ll be unwise to dilute our fighting prowess since the Egg of the Beast God is tying down the Six Calamities on our behalf.”


The ‘divide and retreat’ strategy was abruptly terminated with a couple of words from Nora and the others. Wilhelmina wanted to protest, but she couldn’t find legitimate grounds to do so. In the end, she could only give up on the notion of spending some time alone with Roel.

Thus, the united army hurriedly retreated to the backdrop of Shrouding Fog’s deep growls and the Egg of the Beast God’s bestial roars.

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