
Chapter 95 Rescuing Ray (Part 1)

"Over there, I see something", Aliya shouted as she ran forward.

Behind her were other members of the team, all running in a hurry so they could catch up to Ray and help him in any way possible.

Even Tim and Elina were running the best they could.

As they continued to run forward, they approached a small clearing where multiple people could be seen moving around.

Aliya looked back to Emma and asked,

"Could you please sense who they are and what is happening over there? Also, could you sense Ray in there?",

"Wait a moment", Emma said as she activated her ability and her eyes turned blue.

While Emma used her ability to sense what was going on ahead, Tim and Elina caught up as well.

"What happened, why have you all stopped", Tim asked as he regulated his breathing.

"Look ahead and you will understand", Aliya responded to Tim as she continued to look forward.

Within that time, Emma finished her search as her eye color changed and she stopped using her ability.

"So what did you find out", Aliya asked impatiently.

"Okay, so I found two things. First, I can sense Ray and he seems to be hidden somewhere there. Though, his energy signature is weak, indicating that he is hurt and also very exhausted", Emma explained as she gave everyone a slight sense of relief.

"What about the other thing, what is it?", Tim asked suspiciously

"That\'s the bad thing, the ones you see over there are no allies of ours. They are mutated wolves who failed to fully transform and are in a half-transformed and crazed state, but the worse part is that they are closing in on where Ray is hiding", Emma spoke in concern as she became the bearer of bad news.

"So, what are we waiting for? Let\'s fight and beat the hell out of them and rescue Ray", Tim said in vigor as he readied himself to fight.

Looking at him being childish and hot-headed, Elina hit her head as she put some sense into him,

"You and fight? Look at you for a second and then tell me, can you even run for a few meters without collapsing to the ground while your wounds reopen? Not to mention that hole in your stomach that Aliya just fixed",

Aliya nodded with Elina as she continued,

"No, Tim can\'t go, he isn\'t fit to exercise, not to mention fighting against some crazed, half transformed blood thirst wolves",

"So what do we do? Emma can\'t fight, Elina and I are hurt and you can\'t do much. Only Noah is left and he isn\'t much of a melee fighter", Tim questioned as he calmed down and used his brain.

"Also, we don\'t have much time either", Elina chimed in as she leaned her back against a tree.

"I know we don\'t have much time, so I say we distract them while one person rescues Ray", Aliya spoke as she presented her opinion.

"It\'s not a bad idea, but let me ask, is it plausible for any of us to outrun them? Even if they are half-turned wolves, their strength is superior to ours while the forest is their natural place to hunt. If nothing else were to happen, they would simply kill us by instincts alone", Emma questioned Aliya.

"So what do you say we do, there is not enough time for anything else", Aliya retorted as she continued,

"If you don\'t want to step forward and rescue Ray, then stay here. We will do it ourselves",

"It is not that, I am just saying that we should wait and think of a better plan", Emma justified as she heard Aliya exclude her from the rescue plan.

"That is the thing Emma, we don\'t have time to wait and think. They reach Ray any moment now and you say we waste those moments wasting our time",

"Both of you, cut it out. You have wasted enough time already with your useless arguments, here is the plan. We distract all of the wolves into 3 different locations while Tim and Aliya go rescue Ray", Noah spoke up as he finished the useless quarrel between Aliya and Emma.

"And why should we listen to you?", Aliya questioned Noah angrily as she scrunched up her face in annoyance.

"Because he is right", Elina cut Aliya as she shouted at her and supported Noah\'s idea.

"So what if he is right? I won\'t follow him or agree with him", Aliya responded as she crossed her arms in disagreement.

"Why? Tell me, why wouldn\'t you agree with him", Emma questioned as she also took a clear stance while opposing Aliya for her words.

"You don\'t know Emma, you don\'t know what he did", Aliya said flatly.

"He is sorry for it Aliya, he has been helping us all night, and above all, we are on the same team. We must trust each other and not blame each other or turn fingers at one another. Also, he is sorry for it. It just happened, he is young and this served as a lesson for him as much as it did for us", Elina said as she put some sense into Aliya\'s stubborn mind.

"She is right, you need to learn to forgive. It\'s life, accidents happen. No one is perfect, even you aren\'t", Tim spoke up in defense of Noah as he also agreed with Elina.

"If he is sorry for it and has learned his lesson, then he should at least apologize for it", Aliya said as she demanded Noah apologize to everyone.

However, everyone understood that in truth, she wanted Noah to apologize to her.

Hearing Aliya\'s words, everyone turned to look at Noah, who at this moment had his head down in embarrassment.

"Noah, please apologize. If not for us, please do for Ray", Elina said as she tried to convince Noah for apologizing.

"No need Elina, I know I wronged you all. It\'s my duty to apologize and seek your approval", Noah said as he lifted his head and walked towards Aliya.

He walked to her and stood in front of her, keeping his head down, Noah clasped his hands as he said,

"Aliya, I know what I did was wrong and unethical. For that, I am deeply sorry and ready to repent. If possible, I seek for your forgiveness, nothing more",

Hearing Noah apologize to her, a small ray of light lit up in her heart as she felt warmth spread through her chest.

However, she kept shut and said nothing.

Seeing her be like this, a tear slid down Noah\'s cheek as he turned around and readied himself for rescuing Ray.

Seeing all of this happening, Elina smiled lightly as she stood near Aliya and spoke in her ear,

"Be happy, he is truly sorry for what he did. I am sure he wouldn\'t wrong you ever again",

Listening to Elina, Aliya nodded slightly while she kept her head down.

"Okay, everyone. Tim and Aliya will be rescuing Ray. Noah, I and Emma are going to distract the wolves", Elina said as she proceeded with the rescue plan.


Within the infirmary, Sirius lay on the bed silently as suddenly,

His eyes opened wide.


A/N:- First of all, I am sorry for such a late chapter. I accidentally fell asleep while writing last night. I just finished it.

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