
Chapter 384 Loid Tells Of The World’s Past

Chapter 384 Loid Tells Of The World’s Past

Sitting in the silence, the Grand Elder seemed to have aged by quite a bit, his disposition turning weak, his back turning lonely as if he was the only barrier standing in a place full of darkness, shielding the last bit of light left in the whole world.

"Dont worry, I have a solution," a wind blew by as a hand appeared on his shoulder. Looking up, the Grand Elder\'s eyes shone by a bit, gaining their vitality as the Grand Elder smiled,

"I trust you," saying so, he stood up and walked back to his chambers. He was the Grand Elder and had many matters to attend to.

On the other hand, the other person who had arrived in tent to console and stand with the strand Elder was none other than the Oracle. His eyes were fierce and despite his lanky body of a weak and feeble old man, it burned with the spirit of justice and heroism. After all, he had always stood at the side of humans, protecting and helping them through every hurdle they had face up till now.

Looking down at the table, his eyes turned golden for a moment before returning back to normal.

"Hmmm, to think they would have infiltrated to this degree," the Oracle muttered to himself and disappeared from his position.

Appearing near an alleyway, he saw two shriveled up corpses in the darkness with a few dogs and rats munching upon the left overs.

Waving his hand, the foul stench and the strays were removed. Walking up to the corpses, the Oracle checked their conditions before muttering,

[Fate Recollection],

As soon as he said those words, the corpses in front him burst into a golden light as strings formed out of them. These were the strings of fate that the Oracle had control over and right now, he was using the strings to peer into the fate of these people and check what had occurred right before their fate ended in death.

The vision around him changed, he saw the two men standing together; discussing of the rumors and telling each other about what they had heard. It was all normal until the third man, the Oracle wasn\'t able to witness where the man had come from.

All the time, his face was obscured by a thick veil of darkness, the Oracle couldn\'t discern much. The scene after that although confirmed his suspicions, it didnt help him much when pinpointing the culprit.

"Atleast we know that they have infiltrated this deeply. Now we need to take countermeasures," said the Oracle before putting the two corpses away and then disappeared.

Briefly visiting the Grand Elder, the Oracle told him of the situation and what he had found about. "Although I couldn\'t make out its appearance, it wore a suit and had a hat as well. We could at least single out the individuals dressed like this, it would help us greatly," The Oracle spoke to which the Grand Elder totally agreed and promised,

"I will take care of this, what about the two newcomers you brought inside? Are they safe?"

"Yes, they are safe. I have asked them and the whole group we sent to stay at the safe house," The Oracle answered.

"Hmm, thats feasible. That place should provide them all with enough rest and also help them in preparing for the coming situation," the Grand Elder answered and then went away.


Within the safe house,

The dean and the leader of the group were discussing amongst themselves, sharing their knowledge about their respective worlds,

"So you guys have a nice world but its currently facing nothing but apocalypses,"

"Yes, but we have planned for it and although the casualties would be great, Im sure that humanity would eventually come out on top, stronger than ever," the dean answered, "But you guys, your conditions arent well at all. With just a few ten thousand humans left as a whole, the future of humanity on this planet is all but bleak,"

"It is what it is. You know it wasn\'t like this always, there were times when the planet wasn\'t shrouded in darkness and the humans were plenty with great cities located everywhere," Said the team leader Loid,

"What happened then?" The dean asked, his eyes filled with curiosity. After all, something must have happened for the whole civilization to go near extinction.

"Well, calamities occurred one after another," Loid answered , his expression turning sad as he continued, "Some called it the wrath of gods while others simply said that it was the work of beasts, trying to bring us humanity down,"

"Then?" Asked the dean.

"Well, it started with natural disasters such as earth quakes and tsunamis. That wasn\'t the har depart, we prepared for all these disasters and faced them easily. After that, it was the resources that were affected. The land started turning dryer by the year and it went so bad that the whole land turned infertile in a few years, no crops were yielded and we faced a great famine. However, we even face that head on and fought against the problems, coming on top," Loid stopped for a moment after that, his voice had reached the point of cracking, tears welling up in his eyes, it was clear that the topic wasn\'t easy for him to share but from within his eyes, the dean saw the determination.

The determination that the person in front of him had decided to face his demons and open up to the dean. As for why? The dean didnt know but he was sure that atleast Loid trusted him enough to open up to him and let him know about everything.

"Dont worry, you guys still lived on and are still alive. However the situation, humans always come out on the top and that\'s what matters. We humans are even more resilient than cockroaches and that\'s what makes us the topmost of the food chain," the dean encouraged Loid.

Hearing the dean\'s words, Loid felt better, saying, "Yes you are right. We have lived till now and will only continue to live on. Yeah, after the famine it was the water. It was contaminated by some sort of substance causing great mutations to anyone who drank it. It was then when we lost more than eighty percent of our population," Loid answered and then his expression turned serious as he spoke,

"Although we were able to face everything. The next things that occurred weren\'t good at all. We noticed that the sun\'s energy that we used so much was declining by the day and soon enough we found out that the sun was extinguishing itself. As for why? We didnt know and we tried our everything to make preparations and survive but after the sun was gone, darkness reigned and the monsters evolved. Humans turned on the defensive and slowly cities fell one by one. Some by the hands of monster,s some due to internal strife, hunger or just bad luck and soon enough we were left and we would have also died but we remained standing because of two people only," Said Loid, his expression turning of pride and honor at the mention of those two people.

"Who are those two legends?" the dean asked.

"Who else than the Oracle and the Grand Elder. Both of them truly care for our city and have been working for the people of the city ever since and have helped us all fight through all the challenges," Loid Said and then stopped for a moment. Leaning in closer to the dean, he asked,

"You know why the vampires are our biggest enemies?"

"Because they think of humans as their cattle?" The dean replied, a bit startled at the sudden question.

"No, thats not the reason. They have the blood substitute and can indefinitely make human blood,"

"Then why?" The dean asked, shocked at the revelation as his mind churned nonstop, trying to find out what Loid was trying to tell him.

"it\'s because they practice evil arts and believe that for them to rule the whole world, all humanity should be turned into vampires and thats why they try to fight against us so hard as we are the only humans left in the whole world. Either we die or we surrender to them and turn into them," Loid answered and then turned silent.

On the other hand, the dean felt his mind filled with shock, "Why? Why would they want that?" The dean questioned himself as he felt even more confused than before.

"No need to be confused, I will tell you both why?" The Oracle\'s voice sounded from behind.

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