
Chapter 781 - Wang Ming’s First Real Battle

All the teachers sucked in their breaths at these words…

This was a blatant declaration of war!

Although the gap between realms could be lled with the use of magic

treasures, these usually played a limited role. Uttering such words was simply

looking for a ght. Wang Ming didn’t lack EQ, and Wu Zhenjun was well aware that Wang Ming was deliberately goading the other teachers into forcing him to have an all-out ght with the latter.

As expected, Wang Ming’s method worked.

The surrounding teachers on the scene were aame with indignation. “Wu Zhenjun! Beat him up! Tear open his armor, let’s see what he’ll say to that!”

A lot of students were also cheering for Wu Zhenjun.

Because what Wang Ming had said was too arrogant and outrageous.

“Go, Teacher Wu! Don’t be scared! It’s just crap armor!”

“Who is the strongest demolition expert in Huaxiu? Teacher Wu, it’s up to


“Teacher Wu, good luck! Use EDM and Skr Skr him to death!” Most of the students were like the melon-eating masses, forever the kind to

enjoy a show without a care for the big picture. Now that their time in the remains was about to end, a ght between two

teachers was well worth seeing! This would be the grand nale for this summer

camp in the remains, and could even be looked upon as a precious opportunity

to observe and study a ght!

Of course, many of the students still stood on Wang Ming’s side. The majority of them were from No. 60 High School, as well as those who had been cowed by

the murderous expression in Zhai Yin’s eyes…

“Can Teacher Wang win…” Little Peanut pulled his neck back at this scene.

In the formation, Wang Ling gazed indierently into the sky, the expression in

his eyes completely unrued.

In the minds of most, like the teachers cheering for Wu Zhenjun, magic

treasures usually played a limited role. While they might make up for a disparity in realms, it was impossible for them to help a person surpass the other party.

For example, a person with a lower realm could indeed make up for a disparity

in strength with a powerful magic treasure, but if their realm itself fell short, it was hard for the magic treasure to display its full battle strength. Hence, it was common sense to feel that a powerful magic treasure certainly

couldn’t act as a substitute for realm. Many factors were involved, a main one being the artifact spirit.

The rapport between a person and the artifact spirit was crucial in determining how much battle strength the magic treasure could demonstrate.

But a lot of people were overlooking one point: the mecha armor which Wang Ming was wearing wasn’t a cultivation magic treasure in the conventional

sense… but a scientic magic treasure.

This magic treasure didn’t have an artifact spirit.

In other words, the artifact spirit was computational data!

The armor had a high-tech AI program in place of a weapon spirit, which was able to make decisions and learn autonomously. Hence, Wang Ling didn’t say a word. He knew very well how strong his dumbass brother was.

Ever since Wang Ming repeatedly lost to him as a kid, this person would never do anything reckless.

Instead of this ght, what Wang Ling should be more concerned about was still

the head of state’s reaction. He was well aware that the head of state was secretly looking for that “mystery person.”

To stop the Sea And Sky Array this time, Wang Ling had almost exposed himself.

Luckily, for the time being, the head of state and Huaxiu Alliance didn’t suspect

that their target might be a student, but speculated that this mystery person was among the teachers.

Currently, Wang Ling was wondering whether he should nd a teacher to take

in as a disciple like Odd Zhuo, in order to shoulder this particular wok for him…

… Wu Zhenjun knew there was already no way out. Wang Ming was too intense and condent.

And so, Wu Zhenjun sighed. “Since Teacher Wang is so insistent, then please…

I’ll let you make the rst move.”

“Wu Zhenjun, I still think it’s better for you to make the rst move since I want

to test my armor’s strength.” Wang Ming waved his hand, completely unafraid

of facing Wu Zhenjun.

As Wu Zhenjun frowned, a little dissatised with Wang Ming’s slightly

frivolous provocation, he saw Wang Ming in the air stick out his tongue at him

all of a sudden. It wasn’t Wang Ming’s own tongue, but Wang Ling One’s builtin bionic tongue, which could identify materials and also had the mass taunt ability.

And after three upgrades, its abilities had increased yet again. Not only could it perform a mass taunt, it could even do a directed taunt! Hence, the moment Wang Ling One stuck out its bionic tongue, Wu Zhenjun was suddenly besieged by inexplicable wrath. As if he had come under mind

control, anger surged out of him.

“It works!” Wang Ming was elated.

As expected, the so-called “One Yang Finger + Lion’s Roar” from the movie

still wasn’t as useful as this tongue. Wu Zhenjun tried his best to contain his emotions, only to nd that he couldn’t.

It was at that moment that he realized why Wang Ming had manipulated this armor into sticking out its tongue. It wasn’t a meaningless move, but a magic

treasure ability to taunt the enemy through sight.

The reason why Wu Zhenjun let Wang Ming make the rst move was to test this armor’s strength from its rst attack. Unluckily, Wang Ming didn’t give him a

chance at all.

“Teacher Wang, you…”

At that moment, Wu Zhenjun’s face was already red with stied anger.

And then, under everyone’s stares, he couldn’t hold it in anymore!

Like the imperial bodyguard Fu Erkang , Wu Zhenjun’s hand started to twitch

involuntarily until it nally lifted in front of him against his control. Dense

spirit power molecules swirled in his palm and turned into invisible ne particles as spirit energy nally coalesced into a ball.

This wasn’t the legendary spirit energy rasengan , but was a sound wave


It was like the re-breathing routine in an acrobatic show. Wu Zhenjun put this spirit energy ball the size of a ping-pong ball into his mouth, aimed in Wang Ming’s direction in the air, and opened his mouth wide! With a yell –

In a split second, a white cannon blast of light shot out of his mouth!

This blast was extremely erce, like the Blue Dragon rising. Many of the students and teachers were deeply shaken at that moment.

A lot of teachers who were familiar with Wu Zhenjun could see that this was a

level four sound wave spell.

This was an attack that an average teacher would nd very dicult to defend


“Teacher, what is this spell? It’s so cool!” someone in No. 60 High’s formation


Old Antique raised his eyebrows. “As far as I can remember, this is one of Wu Zhenjun’s unique skills, and the rst technique he learned from Irascible Dharmaraja Wu Yifan back then: Sky-Battering Cry. But it looks like Wu Zhenjun has improved it by adding some of his own modications.”

“What improvement?”

“Can’t you see the electric sparks around the cannon blast?”

“…” Hearing this, realization dawned on everyone. He had actually added electric special eects!

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