
Volume 9 Chapter 512: Dark World Hidden Behind the Mirror and the Mystery of the Missing People

Volume 9 Chapter 512: Dark World Hidden Behind the Mirror and the Mystery of the Missing People

Translator: The Light

Edits by Grandia

At the Gabriel Empire’s capital, nearby Gabriels City’s imperial harem area, near the center of the Stardust Palace, Empress Deborah the Fifth’s chambers, the Star Rain Palace. Bella was currently scouting for the whereabouts of the Darkness Church but nobody could be seen when she arrived. Other than this strange mirror, don’t even mention people, she couldn’t even find a single corpse here.

The mirrors in this Other World dimension are tools connecting different worlds and spaces, so Bella didn’t dare to underestimate this strange-looking mirror. This mirror was three meters tall, already looking very much like a giant gate to another space. Bella walked in front of the mirror and saw some of the special characteristics present on magical mirrors. Bella’s reflection couldn’t be seen in the mirror.

Not only Bella, even the two black and white Gods of Creations behind Bella, Mary Rose and Mary Lola, could not be seen in the mirror. It’s very clear that this isn’t any ordinary mirror. Bella wasn’t that great with magic so White Creator God Mary Lola came forward to check it instead. Dark Creator God Mary Rose did not stay idle either. She was checking around the mirror, seeing if there are any traces left behind by demon activity.

“Mistress Bella, this mirror is an entrance to a parallel dimension, and if I’m remembering this correctly, it is a terrifying place inside that can trap many people. Mary Rose…Sister, did you make this?”

“Well, that guy, Gregory (Experiment Subject No.1) could have stolen the mirror I put in the lab. That naughty little thing. Mistress Bella, I can destroy this mirror, but the people caught inside of it will be destroyed along with it.”

“Spare that, could you let me enter the world inside the mirror as well? I want to see what’s going on in there.”

Bella refused Dark Creator God Mary Rose’s suggestion. According to Mary Rose’s guesses, there’s a good chance that Gregory is hiding right in that mirror world. If the two Gods of Creation join forces, then they can seal Gregory from outside of the mirror, but if they do so, then all the people trapped in the mirror will never be able to leave.

Gregory is very cunning and knows that even if he attracts the attention of the Pure White God of Creation, Mary Lola, she alone will not be able to seal him. He managed to guess this much, but He didn’t manage to guess Bella’s appearance as well as her ability to control both Gods of Creation.

The world inside that mirror is composed of the evil thoughts of the human possessed by Gregory. The dark side of a human is far greater than many of the other races. Second only to the demons, humans are the only race who come with the hidden attribute of being able to advance into a Demon King. It was inconvenient for both Gods of Creation to enter the mirror world. If they do, then Experiment Subject No.1, Gregory, would be able to sense their arrival and it’s very likely he will escape.

This hidden area can be considered a “solo dungeon” for Bella. Only Bella can solve this situation. However, both sisters thought that it would be too dangerous for Bella to go herself, so, united in opinion, they suggested for Bella not to go. Instead, with the joined forces of both the black and white Gods of Creation, they can seal Gregory inside of the mirror world.

“Mistress Bella, you don’t have to take the risk to explore the mirror world. There are too many uncertainties inside.”

“Mistress Bella, I also do not suggest you take this risk. I am roughly able to perceive the world inside, and if my guesses are correct, that parallel world is one with very high darkness attributes. If you go in, you will be greatly suppressed.”

“Don’t worry, just wait for my return here. I have my own ideas.”

Neither of the Creation God sisters, Mary Rose or Mary Lola were able to sense the multiple hidden identities in Bella’s body and only recognized her as Bella by the power of the previous generation Creator in her. Out of respect for the Creator, a God of Creation will not go into depth when it comes to probing into the stats of their master. This is something that is not allowed in this Other World.

Gods of Creation who dare do this basically possess their own thoughts. In order to prove their loyalty however, neither of the sisters had done so. Unless Bella speaks out the secrets hidden within herself, these two loyal Gods of Creation will not take the initiative to probe. As for Bella’s decision, the two Gods of Creation could only express their support in the end. A God of Creation has no more right than to persuade or give suggestions. The final decision is to be made by the Creator alone.

Bella had dark attributes within herself and will not be affected by it. These two sisters do not know of the presence of Sacred Demon God Samantha inside of her body, so they still do not know anything about the darkness attributes inside of Bella, which is why they tried to dissuade her against taking the risk.

With the help of the two Gods of Creation, Bella was successful in entering the mirror world. As soon as she stepped through the mirror, the surroundings instantly turned dark, and Bella felt as if she was descending rapidly in a tunnel. This is a special time-space tunnel similar to transmigration. It was only thanks to the terrifying power Bella had that she was able to keep her eyes open in such an environment. Any other person would not be able to open their eyes in a reincarnation passage.

But the darkness did not last long before she saw a light. This is a world with a very dark atmosphere so the sky was also dark. The sun and the moon, each on opposite ends of the sky appeared at the same time in a very strange scene. The color of the sun was a ghastly white while the moon on the other hand was crimson red.

Neither the pure white sun or the blood-colored moon are good symbols. Moreover, they appeared at the same time. Since the blood moon was in a full state and the sun was also round, from afar, they looked like two huge heterochromatic pupils hanging from the night sky. Generally, only the Demon Gods and Evil Gods of the World Destructor Camp have heterochromatic eyes, so the reference prototype of this dark world is likely an imitation of the World Destructor Demon and Evil Gods living in the area.

Bella was currently walking on a large road that a normal person would not dare to even tread on. The road was filled with dark creatures walking about, such as skeletons or the undead. There were also strange phantoms flitting about in the sky and the undead that had all died miserably. They were either missing their heads or their limbs, either that or missing half their heads or their bodies.

The surrounding air was bloody and depressing, but Bella didn’t mind it. In fact, she felt great. The dark environment doesn’t affect her in the slightest and even gave her a strange sense of comfort. The entire state of her body had vastly improved.

While walking past a mirror on the road, Bella finally realized a problem. The appearance she was showing in this world was that of Sacred Demon God Samantha, not her surrogate, Princess Felia. Bella’s true form was called out in this special dark world. It was likely that the surrogate, Princess Felia, was excluded from this world and was unable to enter.

There was no doubt about it, Bella’s current appearance is that of Sacred Demon God Samantha with her long black hair and formal Demon God dress, as well as having a black phoenix cape draped on her back. The red and gold heterochromatic pupils have also appeared. Bella herself was currently walking while hovering with her feet some distance off the ground. When in the territory of a World Destructor, Demon Gods are able to walk in the air without expending any effort.

Bella has already confirmed that this dark world is an imitation of the living space of the World Destructor Camp. Not only artificial Demon Gods and dark dimensional Gods of Creation like Mary Rose, but even the previous generation Dimensional Creator imitated the living environment of the World Destructor Camp like a madman, creating this special space to a degree of realism that even an original World Destructor can feel little difference from this and the original.

None of the demons around dared to approach Bella since she was currently in the form of a Demon God. Out of instinctive fear of the Demon God, none of them dared to approach her, so there was about a ten-meter empty circle between her and the other demons, the personal territory of a Demon God. Only strong existences have the right to walk by the side of a Demon God.

Bella also managed to avoid the awkward case of being blocked on the road with too many demons in her way. Even though it was arrogant for a person to hog such a large road to herself, she has the right to do that in this dark world. Since nobody is there to block her way, she was quickly able to arrive at the city in the front. This is a very large city, measuring at least four times the size of the Gabriel Empire’s capital, Gabriels City.

Bella flew directly in the sky since she didn’t have to expend any power. Bella can understand the language of the demons, and through their conversations, Bella got to know that this place is known as the Dark Realm, ruled over by the Four Kings of Diablo, who are staying at this Dark Capital, Fernandes City, which acts as their home base.

As a small space created by the previous generation Creator, this place has a complete spatial system and is a small dimensional world attached to the 25th dimension. Most of the Creators, whether it be of the maternal or paternal line, would create small attachments like this for various purposes or just for fun.

This is just like a properly-designed house with artificially added fireplaces, basements, attics, and the like. Currently, Bella only knows that the Creators have created their own similar small, private worlds, such as Creator of Light Vianne’s Divine Territory, Origin of Light, and Creator of Darkness Mystica’s Black Eden, both extra worlds created on a whim.

Since these small worlds are created out of the temporary whims of Creators. Most of the Gods of Creation, their assistants, do not know of their existence and thus have no way to effectively manage these small worlds at all. Over time, if the Creator forgets about them, then various problems will arise in these forgotten small worlds. When the Creators are still around, these problems will not appear. If anything were to happen to the Creator, then these problems will start to show themselves.

The Four Kings of Diablo of the Dark Realm consist of firstly, Dark Emperor Gregory, that is, Experiment Subject No.1, who did not used to have a body. So, who knows how, but he came to life after taking the body of a human and suppressed the other three Kings of Diablo who disobeyed him, succeeding in becoming the dictator of this Dark Realm.

The other three Kings of Diablo are second, Skeleton King Albert, third, Two-Headed Ogre Dorn, and fourth, Evil Spirit King Roscam. Without exception, they are all imitation Demon Lords created by the previous generation Creator and their strength is just a little off from the real ones. This information is not very useful to Bella. The most useful information she received is that some time ago, there really was a large group of living people captured by Dark Emperor Gregory and taken to Dark Capital Fernandes.

That group of people is most likely the residents and royalty captured from Gabriels City, for what specifically however, Bella has no clue. She hovered in the sky for a while and after taking a general look at the city, she landed down and went into the city on foot instead.

The Dark Capital was a prosperous place, a super city with a population of more than 60 million if you look at it according to human urban development standards. The Human Continent’s major empire capitals are all capped at about a 30 million limit, but demons are not subjected to that limit. Theoretically, as long as there is still a place to stand, then Dark Capital Fernandes is always open to new additions.

This place was very quiet as the demons who come and go all speak to each other telepathically. This is due to the fact that certain types of demons aren’t able to speak at all, so telepathy is the common language here. The currency used by demons is not the gold coins of the Human Race, but a trade of their own dark energy. Depending on the amount of energy they eject from their bodies, they can produce corresponding dark energy crystals.

Bella did not walk around idly on the street. She plans to head directly to the house of the Four Kings of Diablo and off those bastards. Experiment Subject No.1 Gregory is still occupying a human body, so against the three other members of the Kings of Diablo, he has the advantage. But for “genuine” Demon Gods like Bella, he can do nothing more than be held down and beaten.

Currently, the only difficulty she’s facing is the order she’s going to kill them in. Bella has already determined that the Darkness Church’s members have been imprisoned in this city, she just doesn’t know if the human captives are. Originally, she wanted to ask for information from the demons, but they all fled as soon as Bella got close, so there was no way for them to communicate at all.

But Bella’s luck has always been pretty good. She soon found that there were not only demons here, but also fallen half-demons. Half-demons are mutated humans who could not withstand the temptation of darkness and fused with demons in order to gain immortality, so they become half-demon. It is thanks to the demonic properties in their bodies that their existences are immortalized.

A store nearby that Bella saw was run by a half-demon, and the owner of that store was half bones and half flesh, which looked rather frightening. However, Bella has long been used to this sight so she went up to him to ask for information. Half-demons are very different from demons, but the most important point is that they have no way of sensing the existence of World Destructor Demon Gods, so they will not feel afraid of Bella.

This store sells a variety of strangely-shaped dark handicrafts. The aesthetics of humans and demons are very different, so for a human, such dark creations are either too horrifying or too abstract to understand. Even Bella had to stare for a long time as a Demon God and was still unable to understand the artistry in the products.

“Miss, you are also a half-demon? You have such beautiful eyes!”

“Boss, what do I call you?”

Bella’s judgment was correct. This shop owner had mistaken her for two corpses spliced into one half-demon. It seemed likely to him that her heterochromatic eyes had come from a mix of different human or demon corpses. But Bella did not try and explain herself, she wanted information. If the shop owner wasn’t suspicious of her, then it would be easier to ask for information.

“Just call me boss, names are meaningless. This old man has been doing business here for thousands of years, I can’t even remember my own name anymore.”

“Oh, then Boss, recently a batch of living people were sent here, do you know the specifics about that?”

“Living people? The livestock, you mean? Yeah, that happened. Most of them were sent to Two-Headed Ogre King Dorn, and some of them are with Emperor Gregory! Are you going there to watch the show? I wouldn’t recommend it. Those ogres don’t really fancy us half-demons, it ain’t safe there.”

“Thank you for the reminder, Boss. Just asking, I wasn’t planning on going. Oh right, could you pack up a few sculptures for me? I’ll take them all.”

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