
Chapter 117

Pinned to the ground, Cynrik struggled to breathe, let alone move.

[Support class my ass, this…ugh…bastard is a fucking tank in disguise.]

Brance, noticing that Cynrik was in a tight spot but otherwise fine, decided to fire off a couple more [Stone Spikes] into the hut walls, letting the steam meander in from outside, leaving his brother to deal with Montu solo for a minute or two.

Cynrik, on the other hand, was not so free as to worry about Brance, as the lizardman repeatedly lifted and slammed his tail, carrying him along with the dramatic movements. The tip of the muscular appendage had slithered its way around Cynrik’s neck, but as someone who had spent quite a few years practicing Jiu-Jitsu, he wasn’t at a total loss when it came to handling being choked. So although he was being whipped around transitioning from the ground to the nearest wall, Cynrik went to work with his fingers and hands, using them to create a small gap between his neck and the muscular appendage.

Montu noticed the child’s poor attempts at freeing himself and started utilizing his staff as a weapon instead of a catalyst for spells. As a result, the lizardman could easily take cheap shots at Cynrik, who appeared defenseless in Montu’s amber reptilian eyes within the grasp of his nearly two-meter long tail.

However, to Montu’s surprise, each time he tried to damage the boy, Cynrik would somehow shift his momentum enough to transfer the kinetic energy through his body and into either the floor or wall, so much so that when Brance finished up his wall breaking, he was greeted by the interesting sight of Cynrik looking like a leashed monkey, bouncing around the room by his own free will.

All Cynrik was really doing was redirecting his weight at just the right moment, kicking off whatever surface he was about to collide with, and directing himself to a different spot. Luckily, the idiot who owned the tail wrapped around Cynrik’s neck was none the wiser about what he was successfully completing and still believed he was actually injuring him.

Cynrik’s eyes flicked to Brance, who was standing in place shaking his head and smiling weakly.

[OI, you gunna let me be ragdolled all day, or do you plan on stepping in this century?]

Brance scoffed in response and raised both his shields before charging at Montu and activating [Shield Bash].

-Tier-1 Warrior Skill: Shield Bash.-

-The user collects and transfers Ambient Affinitiless Mana particles into their shield(s), strengthing their defensive weapon to the point of creating a useable offensive attack.-

– +25% Bludgeoning damage.-

– +40% Bludgeoning damage if using two Shields.-

Brance had opted to use a double [Shield Bash] for two reasons, the first being the lack of body armor on the lizardman. From what he could tell, Montu was draped in old ragged robes. The second reason was that he knew that unless he used every ounce of strength or burned a huge load of Mana, there was little chance of breaking the creature’s scales with either slashing damage or piercing. Thus Brance went for the tried and true “hit em with something hard” method. Accelerating his legs and raising both his glowing shields, Brance completely blindsided Montu, slamming into him in a manner that even Truck-Kun would be proud of.

Montu wasn’t even able to utter a cry as his body felt like he was slammed into by a two-ton truck and catapulted through the wall he had just finished smashing Cynrik against and out into the courtyard beside his hut.

During the exchange, Cynrik took advantage of the loosened grip around his neck and broke free, catching the edge of the hole in the wall as Montu was violently flung outside.

[Fuck…warn a guy next time you decide to bulldoze through the freak using his tail to squeeze the soul from my body.] Complaining as usual and rubbing his reddened neck, Cynrik extended his arms and, using Wind Mana, summoned his Kodachis back to his hands.

[Any ideas?] Stepping up beside his older brother to pat off some stone dust from his shoulders, Brance snuck a glance through the lizardman-shaped hole in the wall, finding Montu sprawled out on the ground twitching like…well…a lizard.

[Honestly, no fucking idea. Whilst I was being ragdolled like a dog toy, I tried stabbing, biting, and punching that dude’s fucking tail, and not a single thing caused any damage. Those scales are too fucking thick; not only that, but he’s pretty beefy HP-wise. So unless we find a way to break through his plating, I don’t really see us doing any damage higher than a hundred HP per attack.] Cynrik shrugged and sheathed his Kodachis, the longer one on his hip and the shorter over his right shoulder.

[On the upside, the lizard guy is stupid as fuck, and clearly inexperienced in battle. I’d be willing to bet he’s a massive SIMP for his Deity too.]

“Meytsu GOV’ss, YOASV Potsas bemast closiat’. Vesstas mombukts alootsas!” (My beloved Goddess, your lowly Charge requests to borrow your strength. Bathe me in your glory.)

The two brothers heard very clearly inside the hut the pained cringeworthy prayers emitted by Montu, causing their faces to become the embodiment of the Saitama “OK” meme.

[You scare me with your foresight sometimes, Cyn.] Brance robotically turned his head and locked eyes with Cynrik.

[I mean…SIMPs are the same in every world, I guess.] Cynrik shook his head, then reached out and grabbed Brance’s shoulder before activating [Shadow Leap] and sinking into the Shadow Realm.

Moving quickly, Cynrik and Brance traversed through the Shadow Realm, picking up Gabby and the unconscious Benny along the way. Once the four were back together, Gabby clung to her brother with tears threatening to spill over.

“He’s gunna be fine, Gabby, it’ll take a few more minutes for Benny to wake up, but he’s physically healed up.” However, Cynrik didn’t stay mute and decided to console the little girl, which dramatically changed his previous character.

“whew, well, that failed stunningly. We could have been more prepared if these buildings weren’t made of that strange rock. So what do we do now, Big Brother?” Heaving a tired sigh, even though the battle hadn’t been longer than five minutes, Brance attempted to steer the conversation away from the injured Benny.

“Tsk,” Cynrik clicked his tongue and started biting the skin on the corner of his left thumb.

“The way I see it, we only have two options, we either go back and try ambushing the fuckboi lizard, or we power level by wiping out the villagers with guerrilla tactics. But, first, I need everyone to lend me a Mana potion.] As Cynrik spoke, he brought up his Status and watched with a serious expression how quickly his MP was dropping by dragging everyone into the Shadow Realm.

Gabby reached into her inventory and pulled out two Small Mana potions, one from her and one she counted as her brothers and handed them to Brance, who was closer to Cynrik than her.

After receiving all three potions from Brance, Cynrik quickly chugged them all down at once, restoring his MP to its maximum, and glanced at his party.

“The only path to victory I can find involves us wiping out all the Kobolds, so we can instantly level up our classes and main level if we consider each villager rewarding 25-40k XP, and 1-2 stats….” Cynrik crossed his legs and floated in the void as he did some quick math before continuing his thought out loud, “we should net in the ballpark of four million plus XP, and between 150 to 300 stat points. That much XP will easily allow Benny and Gabby to Evolve to Tier-1 and give you and me a decent buffer Brance.”

[Tobs, can you give a rough estimate on how much XP it takes to cap our Main Level,Class, and SubClass?] Seeing as Cynrik was lost in thought and calculations Brance took the initiative and requested the number they needed to hit to start increasing their Main level.

-Below is the entire leveling chart for levels 0-20, separated by Tier. Take note that you will have to repeat level 10 after evolving; however, the XP cost has been lowered to 100,000.-

: Tier-0 Level Chart :

: Level 0= 100 :

: Level 1= 500

: Level 2= 2500

: Level 3= 5000

: Level 4= 10000

: Level 5= 25000

: Level 6= 35000

: Level 7= 65000

: Level 8= 85000

: Level 9= 115000

: Level 10 = 150000

: Total XP required to Cap = 493,100 :

: Tier-1 Level Chart :

: Level 10= 100,000

: Level 11= 110,947

: Level 12= 116,786

: Level 13= 123,275

: Level 14= 130,526

: Level 15= 138,684

: Level 16= 147,930

: Level 17= 158,496

: Level 18= 170,688

: Level 19= 184,912

: Level 20= 201,722

: Total XP required to Cap = 1,583,966 :

-Thus, using the previous chart, each Class and Subclass will require a total of 2,077,066 Essence(XP) to reach their cap; if you add that with the total to raise your Main level, you will require 5,738,098 Essence(XP) to reach the level cap for all three of your levels.-

Gabby was in the middle of petting Bennys head gently like their mom did when they were little when she saw Cynrik and Brance stiffen and go pale.

[…hey…hey Tobs, you’re only kidding, right? Tell me you are just messing with us, and don’t expect Brance and I to grind almost six million XP.] Cynrik’s eyes slowly dropped to see that both of his hands were shaking as if he was freezing cold.

[HAHAHAHA funny joke Tobs, you’re such a kidder, seriously, tell me how much XP we gotta grind out.] Brance, on the other hand, was experiencing mood swings. Shifting from terrified by the massive number to denial like the flip of a coin.

-As I do not have control over the XP values required by order of the central hub of Vinestra, I can assure you, I am not, as you say, “kidding.”-

Hearing the System’s response, Brance’s eyes rolled back into his head, and a light foam poured from his mouth. Cynrik could almost swear he saw steam coming from his ears too. Luckily he was there to save the day and caught Brance’s lifeless body as he passed out. A far cry from when they were little, and Brance wouldn’t even give him the common courtesy to toss a pillow under his head when he fainted.

-This series is exclusively published on WebNovel if you are reading it anywhere else…You Wrong Fam. PS Check out the Discord,

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