
Chapter 160

At 8 am, the day of the selections, Cinyah woke both her sons up early and ushered them into the living room, where Jessup, Maeve, Aiden, and Rikard were all sitting around waiting.

When Cinyah walked in with a sleepy Cynrik and Brance in tow, their attention turned away from the HoloTv, showing a live feed of the fairgrounds, where the Selection would be held in a few hours.

Based on what Cynrik saw on TV, it was panning out to be quite a spectacle. From the aerial view above the grounds, it was easy to pick out the taped-off boundaries that each Academy cordoned off. The sight made him chuckle internally as to him, it looked like a giant street festival, with its painted square boxes, stalls, and food stands; if he didn’t know better, he wouldn’t be able to recognize it as an Academy Selection.

[They really are going all out this year.] Brance had been peeking over at the TV and was surprised at how big the event was this year.

[Not gonna lie, I haven’t researched the results of the exams at all. But if we go off how much space is being provided to each Academy, it isn’t hard to tell there were a lot more people who passed this year. Let’s just hope we don’t attract TOO much attention. The fact we are walking into this thing as S and SS-Rank applicants are sure to cause a fuss. Especially since we technically can only participate because of an exception made by the Board.] Cynrik lazily put his hands behind his head and found a spot next to Rikard before plopping down and watching the TV along with everyone else.

[I wonder how many so-called “Elites” will be there. Is it safe to assume that everyone who had completed the Perfect Foundation Title is also S-Rank or at the very least A?] Brance followed behind Cinyah and sat between her and Maeve on the “L” shaped sectional across from Cynrik.

[I mean, in theory, that should be the case. Did you call the Sanfords last night to check-in and get their ranks?]

[Un, Gabby was, of course, overly excited that I called and hogged the phone, she told me how she and Benny had to go through the same process we did, she was able to fight to a draw, but Benny was forced to concede near the end of round 2. Overall it’s as you expected Cyn, Gabby got AA-Rank, and Benny got A-Rank.] Smiling warmly as he spoke about the conversation, Brance glanced over at Cynrik only to find he was focused entirely on the TV.

On-screen was Saylin, and what a ticker-tape at the bottom of the screen described as the Board of Academies Officials.

[What’s wrong?] Noticing how focused Cynrik was, Brance tilted his head before directing his attention to the TV along with everyone else.

Saylin was wearing an expensive-looking business suit and didn’t look like a bum in some alley for the first time. His messy long Green hair was tied back in a neat and stylish ponytail revealing his pointed ears.

Drowning out the landscape ahead of him was a sea of reporters holding up every type of recording device one could imagine. A few steps back to his left and right were the six Headmasters of each Academy. The appearance of these legendary existences caused the reporters to murmur in excitement. The six of them VERY RARELY grouped together like this, and it was basically a myth that all six would interact with the news media simultaneously, so they were all very excited.

“I will now begin the media conference for this year’s Academies Selection. The only beings allowed to issue questions are those who have already pre-registered to do so. As usual, your Watcet will notify you when it is your turn, so please have your questions prepped and ready since we are limited in time.” Saylin paused and spread his hands out to his sides, drawing attention to the Headmasters behind him.

“There is no need to introduce these respectable beings behind me; each one has had an illustrious career, but let me warn you not to push too hard, even I can’t necessarily protect you if you piss one of them off.” Saylin chuckled slightly at his own joke drawing a similar reaction from the media. However, there was one person who didn’t.

The Headmaster of Finwan Academy snorted loudly while glaring daggers into the back of Saylin’s head. However, even though he was a higher up in the Purist Faction, who was notoriously racist towards Demi-Humans, he knew better than to take it too far with so many witnesses.

Saylin, on the other hand, treated him like air and began answering questions or directing them to the proper Headmaster. Most of them were simple such as “How many Applicants passed?” or “What can we expect?” but after several meaningless and pandering questions were answered, one of the more controversial reporters from a tabloid magazine got his chance to speak.

“Good morning Councilor Garn, Garret Parker, Weekly Trumpet. We have never seen a collaboration between all six Headmasters before; what is the reason for their presence?” The reporter stated while wearing a confident expression. The past few years had been rough for both the reporter and his company. Several large organizations had targeted both due to releasing several different companies and Family Clan’s “dirty laundry.”

“Ah, yes, I remember you….” Saylin’s eyes narrowed slightly as he locked his hawklike gaze onto the thin man who looked to be in his mid-20s. In fact, although Saylin would never admit it out loud, he knew quite a lot about this young man Garret. During the kidnappings several years ago, Garret painstakingly traced back everything he could to locate the children or their families after Cynrik and Brance saved them. It had to be known that Lithlen Jetlensr only took care of the pure humans, leaving all the Demi-Human children alone. After hearing the call go out on his Enforcer Scanner, Garret came to their aid. So overall, Saylin actually had a good impression of the youngster; it was just that the guy had gotten himself into quite a bit of trouble, not unlike a particular child with black hair and violet highlights.

“Hmm, that…well, this Selection is a bit…different. We at the Board have always prided ourselves on locating and nurturing the best talents of our country so they too can stand alongside us in a time of desperation. This year’s Selection is no different; just think of it as there are many exceptional applicants.”

Saylin’s words drew another uproar from the crowd, and the next handful of questions reflected their dire need for specifics. However, to the group of reporters’ dismay, neither Saylin nor the Headmasters would elaborate further on the topic.

Back in the Pinhurst Mansion, Cynrik’s left eye twitched slightly as the cameras panned away from the podium Saylin was speaking. Then, the scene changed back into an aerial shot of the entire event grounds, signifying the Media Conference’s end.

Clicking his tongue and ignoring his brother’s annoying chatter with their parents and the Pinhursts, Cynrik texted Benny asking for their estimated time of arrival (ETA). Still, he didn’t receive an immediate answer. Instead, about three minutes later, there was a loud and spastic knock on the front door.

[Good, the kids are here.] Cynrik smirked and flitted to the door, opened it, and had to sidestep Gabby, who flung herself through the doorway with outstretched arms only to hug air and faceplant on the hall carpet.

“Owie Big Bro Cyn, why did you dodge.” Then, quickly bouncing back up to her feet and rubbing her little nose, which had a slight rug burn, Gabby started up her near tear-filled complaining.

The scene caused all the adults to chuckle, and Brance laughed the loudest as he knew the little girl had automatically assumed it would be him answering the door, thus her tackle hug.

“Whatever, get inside, you little rabbit; we have important things to talk about and only four hours before we need to get to the grounds.” Giving Gabby a little kick in the butt to get her moving, Cynrik turned and nodded lightly at the silent Benny. Behind him stood the Sanford couple, smiling at the children’s antics.

Once everyone was inside, the adults and children split off into separate groups, with the children moving to the training room. Cynrik motioned for everyone to take a seat, which they all did, and started explaining his analysis of the Media Conference.

“SOOO good news and bad news, guys. The good news is Oldman Saylin didn’t specifically call us out on live TV, which we can only be thankful for.” Cynrik fell silent and looked around at the members of MyrkLys, his eyes falling on the newest Non-Combat member, Aiden.




“…hold up, Big Brother, is that it?” Gabby, Benny, and Aiden were confused, and it wasn’t until Brance spoke up that they realized something was up.

“Yep, at least for the good news. Sorry yall, all I’ve got is hella bad news.” Cynrik tried his best to contain the sadistic laughter rising in his chest when he saw the party’s discontent expressions.

“It’s okay; we don’t need everything to go our way. Where would the fun be in that? Anywho, the Six Headmasters showing up worries the fuck out of me. Either they are there specifically for us…or there are way more applicants above B-Rank, which is considered the “Elites” gatekeeper, either way, we need to stay focused. So stick together, minus Aiden, who is going to one of the premier Blacksmithing Schools in the country nearby.” Cynrik patted the boy on his shoulder for encouragement, raising his spirits. Aiden already felt left out as the only Non-Combative member of the party, but Cynrik remembered to include him in the conversation, so he was content enough.

Brance’s face scrunched up in thought at his brother’s words. The more he mulled them over in his head, the more confused he got until, like glass shattering in his head, a terrifying thought came to the forefront.

[Cyn…you don’t mean…] Brance looked at his older brother with fear in his eyes.

[Yeah, I am afraid so; I would be willing to bet anything that this Selection will have several other LCs, so we need to be ready for some shit to go down.]


[Yep, fuck.]

Cynrik and Brance stared at each other for another second before looking back at the kids.

“It is too convenient for Saylin to use so much wordplay, guys, so we can assume Brancie and I won’t be the only S-Ranks; keep your eyes peeled for anyone wearing a Watcet with these colors.” Finishing his statement, Cynrik and Brance held up their wrists in unison. Since their Watcets had finished the update brought on by the Selection Token, Brance’s had turned into a majestic golden shade, while Cynrik’s seemed to contain all the colors on the spectrum when the light hit it; the shade of Platinum was stunning for the eyes.

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