
Chapter 324 Rewards, Glorious, Shiny, Rewards

|Final Completion rate = 272.5%|

|Final KCP Tally, Selene Nilsson: 822 points, Benjamin Sanford: 646 points.|

|Final Completion rate = 292%|

All five members of MyrkLys had their vision suddenly turn black, and any active skills were forcefully deactivated as they were instantly teleported out of the room on Floor Twenty-Two.

When they opened their eyes, everyone had been gathered in the same realm as Yennifer and a stern-faced Headmaster Rivia.

|”Welcome everyone, and allow me to be the first to congratulate you all on your completion of the first Obelisk.”|

Yennifer spoke and extended her arms, which generated a spray of confetti particles that rained down on all five members of MyrkLys, startling everyone except Cynrik, who wiggled his nose and sniffled.

|”I know you are all curious about what rewards you will receive, so please direct your attention toward the notification windows, where you will find a list of multiple choice options.”|

|”For Students, Ivar, Björn, and Gabriella, as you three met the requirements for a Perfect Clear, the additional ten times multiplier has already been calculated; thus, what you see will reflect that. You have also earned a special Title for your Perfect Clear.”|.

|”You all might panic if you notice some Merit Points are missing, but please remember there is an entry to the tower, so when you all began the later floors, more points have been deducted, and your updated balance will be displayed in the Market Place.”|

Everyone nodded and, with a wave of their hands, opened the small notification resembling the Obelisk Marketplace.

The first thing Brance noticed upon opening the message were the numbers located in the top left of the screen.

|Current Obelisk Kill Points: 37,600|

|Current Essence, XP Crystals: 1k=1200, 10k=300, 20k=1730|

|Current Merit Points: 28360|

Sucking in a sharp breath and drawing everyone’s attention, Brance felt faint as he saw the final result of his time spent in the Obelisk.

The sheer amount of Merit points alone made him nearly pass out, let alone the incredulous amount of XP crystals.

[Ccccc…Cynrik…] Struggling to get the words out, Brance slowly turned and looked at his older brother. But instead of the stunned expression he and the other members of MyrkLys were adorned with, Cynrik’s eyes were practically glowing with pure greed and excitement.

[Yes, Brancie, hehe, I know, I got a fuck ton of gubbins too, 54.4k Obelisk Kill points, 2570 20k Crystals, and 38,440 Merit points. WE ARE FUCKING RICH LITTLE BROTHER HAHAHAHAHAHA!] Cynrik cackled as he reached up with the back of his right hand and wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth.

Flattening his expression because of his older brother’s words, Brance chose to ignore him and asked Gabby how much she had earned.

“I got a bunch, and I now have 26,000 OKP, 1.2k of the 1000 XP crystals, 300 of the 10k, and 1150 of the 20k XP Crystals. To top it off, I now have a balance of 21.4k Merit Points.” The girl chirped while bouncing up and down.

Perking up their ears and eavesdropping in on Gabby and Brance’s conversation, Selene and Benny quickly joined them to inform their friends about their rewards.

Taking out a sheet of paper, Benny scribbled down his numbers before handing it to Selene. Once finished, she handed over the paper to Brance.

Since Benny had taken the top half of the paper, he read through those numbers first and shot the sullen boy a cheerful thumbs up.


|Current Obelisk Kill Points: 7700|

|Current Essence, XP Crystals: 1k=248, 2k=372, 10k=26, 20k=124|

|Current Merit Points: 5200|

Although it was a far cry from Gabby, Cynrik, and his numbers, for Benny to have achieved such rewards made Brance feel proud until he continued down the page.

| <3 Queen of Darkness, Master of Shadows, Waifu for Laifu To Cynrik Ayke Jetlensr, the Future Mrs. Jetlensr, Selene’s awesomely epic Obelisk Reward Sheet <3 |

|Current Obelisk Kill Points: 9670|

|Current Essence, XP Crystals: 1k=189, 2k=465, 10k=26, 20k=207|

|Current Merit Points: 5841|

When Brance saw the title above Selene’s numbers, he reached over and smacked her in the back of her head as a disciplinary action, drawing a pained yelp from the girl as she ran to hide behind Cynrik for protection.

“Tsk, shameless.” Seeing her boyfriend thumping Selene, Gabby curiously peeked at the paper and almost spat on the ground.

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ As they watched this group of children acting their age across the room, Yennifer and Headmaster Rivia chuckled softly. Just moments ago, this group of children had been engaged in a fierce battle no one their age should be involved.

Yet here they were, joking around and playing instead of quivering in fear or wetting their pants.

|”You’ve got a tough batch of students this year, Headmaster Rivia. I have witnessed hundreds of thousands of children their age break down under the pressure and gore they experienced in the tower, yet these five are treating it no differently than if it were a simple walk in the park.”|

“I don’t know whether or not that is a good thing, mo…Yennifer, to be so young yet able to handle the horrors they experienced either takes a special kind of training or a grocery list of mental disorders.” Forcefully correcting himself midsentence as he almost called the AI mother in front of MyrkLys, Headmaster Rivia sighed and crossed his arms.

“COUGH! Listen up, you lot! We don’t have all the time in the world; you don’t even know how long you have actually been in the Obelisk. Time is ticking, so pick your rewards so I can return with you to campus.” Clearing his throat and shouting at the group horseplaying not far away, Headmaster Rivia put on a stern tone, drawing MyrkLys’s attention.

“Eh? What do you mean, Headmaster, we haven’t even been here for a full day? Have we?” Brance was the first to speak, but before he could get an answer from Yennifer or Headmaster Rivia, Cynrik snorted loudly.

“Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey little brother. Did you not find it strange that Sel and Benny arrived simultaneously with us. That alone is proof that time flows differently inside the Obelisks.”

“Sure, when Sel was in here last time, she spent several hours, but she was also solo. Unlike us, who got paired up into teams. So it isn’t a stretch to conclude that time in the Obelisk does not equate to time outside.” Rolling his eyes and going back to scrolling through the Market Place, Cynrik quickly spent 4400 OKP on the two top-of-the-line Incubators.

His chest tightened slightly as two large 2.5-meter golden boxes appeared on the ground in front of him, but he ignored the feeling, as it was just buyers remorse.

“At last, you expensive fucking machines are in my hands,” Cynrik murmured under his breath as he opened up his Status panel and clicked on the now available inventory that was no longer sealed.

His actions didn’t go unnoticed by everyone in the room, but as it was a very Cynrik thing to do, they simply rolled their eyes and told the Headmaster they would be quick.

Patting Gabby on the head, Brance turned his attention back to the notification window and began scrolling through, looking for something to spend his money on, when Yennifer’s voice entered his mind.

|”Young Brance Jetlensr, there is an item listed on page eight for 12000 OKP; this is the item you are searching for that will help you with your predicament. I can not help you any more than I have so far, so think of this as my final bit of aid. I wish you luck in your Turning Point Quest.”|

Moving on instinct, Brance scrolled to the bottom of his current page, skipped ahead to the spot the Obelisk AI had informed him of and found a booklet matching the precise cost.

-The Life and Trials of a Nephilim.-

-The memoir of a mysterious being who went through similar situations as you.-

-Use this book as you would any other skill book, and something interesting will happen. It is recommended that you are in a safe space and have full HP, MP, and Stamina before activating this item.-

Without hesitation, Brance bought the book and stored it away in his inventory without drawing suspicion. Once it was securely kept, Brance looked up and shot a thankful glance at Yennifer, receiving a warm smile and a nod in response.

For the next several minutes, the members of MyrkLys searched through the hundreds of available items for purchase, but only Cynrik and Gabby were on a full-on spending spree.

[[Sel, if you need money, this handsome Lord has no problem lending his woman some, at a cost, of course, KUEKUE!]] Cynrik shamelessly taunted Selene, but she wasn’t one to take it lying down.

[[Oh really, what a coincidence, I happen to need 10k to get all the new make-up, lingerie, and some special somethings, Darrrling~. How can this poor pauper of a Madam obtain funds from her handsome and beloved Lord?]] Holding her hand coquettishly in front of her mouth, Selene fired back.

[[Oh, for the love of all that is holy! Get a fucking room, you two, and take your shameless bullshit out of my head.]] Inhaling deeply through his nostrils, Brance puffed up his chest and gritted his teeth.

[[Foolish Little brother-in-law, this is simply a manifestation of our feelings for each other. It is alright if you haven’t reached the same point with our little Princess Gabby yet, but do not take your sexual frustration out on us.]] Setting her sights on Brance since Cynrik didn’t respond to her provocations, Selene issued a low blow on Brance’s ego.

[[WHO? WHO’S SEXUALLY FRUSTRATED HERE?]] Brance screamed with his voice screeching in a high octave.

[[YOU TWO, THAT’S WHO!]] Nervously chewing his bottom lip, Brance begged Tobs to turn off his access to the Party Chat version of the mind link so that he couldn’t hear the rage-inducing cackles and giggles of Cynrik and Selene.

Thankfully, the ever-helpful Tobs did just that, giving Brance both peace of mind and silence as he embarrassingly glanced at the cute girl sitting beside him typing away on her notification window without a care in the world.

[[Anyway, seriously, Sel, what do you need? So long as it isn’t some useless bullshit, I will cover it.]] Smiling and chuckling to himself at how quickly Brance fled the scene, Cynrik went back to the main topic.

[[Honestly, I’m not sure. The XP crystals I got aren’t nearly enough to level up, so I was thinking about picking up some 50k or 100k ones in the store. Their price is a bit much, but aside from that, most things aren’t a necessity.]] Selene replied while continuously scrolling through the list of items.

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