
Chapter 425 Preparing For The First Regional (4) **BONUS CHAPTER**

"How can this be possible? I have never even heard of any being Achieving a Class Three Mana Body during their Advancement into the Supernatural Stage." Holding Cynrik off the ground as he continuously ran the scanner up and down his body, Headmaster Rivia began babbling so quickly that even Cynrik was having trouble understanding him.

"It shouldn\'t be possible to construct a Supreme Mana Body from a nihility state. To go from having an average Mortal Body to an Advanced one requires 90 completion cycles, so how…how can YOU! IVAR, HOW MANY BREATHING MANA LIFE CYCLES DID YOU COMPLETE?" Practically foaming at the mouth like a cracked-out fanatic, Headmaster Rivia shook Cynrik in the air by the back of his neck like a lioness shaking her kitten.

Even so, Cynrik seemed unphased and allowed it to happen while bringing his left hand to his chin and trying to remember what the notification had said, and it took him several seconds to recall what he had seen. The reason being during the Breathing Mana Life process, Cynrik had directed his full attention to what was occurring in his body and only shot random glances at the spam in the corner of his vision.

"Uh, I think it was 120? I was concentrating on examining the changes my body\'s Mana particles were going through at the time, Headmaster, so don\'t quote me on that." Holding his hands up in defeat and heaving a sigh, Cynrik resigned himself to the mercy of the larger and stronger man, swinging him around like a chew toy.

"It was 120 Cycles, Headmaster. My brother isn\'t the only one who constructed a Supreme Mana body…I did too." As much as Brance enjoyed seeing Cynrik swing around left and right, he felt the need to step in and save him.

Without another word, Headmaster Rivia dropped Cynrik back into his chair and appeared beside Brance before conducting the same scanning process on the younger brother as the older.

Several tense minutes later, an astonished Geralt plopped back into his chair in confusion.

"What in the hell are you two? Not only did you break the Racial barrier on your Stat Caps, but you also could withstand the additional 30 Cycles of Breathing Mana Life, something that should have easily KILLED you both."

"Were the two of you born and raised in a genetic facility? This shouldn\'t be possible, at least not as newly advanced Tier-3 beings. To reach the Advanced Mana Body or 90 Cycle completions, the pain you have to sustain is enough to drive any normal person insane. Yet here, you two succeeded in 120 cycles." Looking between Cynrik and Brance with shifty eyes, Headmaster Rivia questioned as his view of reality skewed further each minute he was around these two.

"Uhh, I can assure you I wasn\'t born in a test tube, Headmaster. We were born like every other average human child to two parents who adore each other. We had a semi-normal upbringing aside from the trouble we seem to find ourselves in constantly, and as for the pain, well, I have honestly been through worse, hehe." Wearing a wry smile, Cynrik thought back to the Breathing Mana Life Cycles, and after quickly comparing it to carving into his own Codex, that pain ended up kind of lackluster.

"Setting aside the HOW, can you fill us in on what is so vital about Mana Bodies? The fact that we received notifications means they must be important but based on your reaction, the grades of one Mana Body seem detrimental."

"Ugh, I keep forgetting you guys are only First Year Students shit. Mana Bodies are one of the key differences between the Mortal Stage and the Supernatural Stage."

"For starters, there are only three types of Mana bodies known, Basic, Advanced, and Supreme, each having a massive advantage over the previous grade." Sitting up and leaning forward on his elbows, Headmaster Rivia made eye contact with every member of MyrkLys.

"When a being attempts to break through the Mortal Stage, the Mana, both active and dormant, stored in their body begins to transform; we call this the Core-Collapse phase. The Core-Collapse phase is brought about by the Breathing Mana Life cycle, where the particles will individually expand to their maximum size before rapidly condensing and eventually imploding."

Cynrik\'s pupils constricted for a moment as he realized his theory about the Mana Particles resembling a dying star was slowly being confirmed. He had already thought it was suspicious enough how similar the particles reacted to a Star, and after hearing the phrase "Core-Collapse," he could already predict the direction of Headmaster Rivia\'s speech. Still, he let things play out and continued listening.

"Each Cycle that the particles go through not only empowers them but also strengthens your bodily functions. By the time you reach the first development, 60 Cycles, your body has been bathed in such intense radiation that it can no longer be considered a mortal body."

"Since your body has been deconstructed and reassembled 60 times, it is so densely saturated with Mana that your life expectancy increases by several decades, and you can now passively accumulate Mana."

"A Basic Mana Body, however, is just that, Basic. Compared to the other two types, it is relatively generic and only serves the purpose of extending life, passive Mana regeneration, and gives the being a closer relationship with their Affinity." Looking over at Gabby, Benny, and Melody, Headmaster Rivia felt the need to lift their spirits.

"The three of you all built Basic Mana Bodies, which is still a significant achievement, considering without one, you will not only stagnate at Tier-2, but you will never be able to advance further. Plus, there are several ways to increase the Grade of your Mana Body to the Advance Grade, it will only take resources, and time, so don\'t dwell on it too much." With a brief smile of reassuring emotions, Geralt turned to Selene, and his face turned serious.

"Student Selene, you have the second Grade, an Advanced Mana body. From 60 completed Cycles to 90 completed cycles is considered the nucleosynthesis phase. During this step, the Mana particles begin developing what is known as a Magi-Nuclei. With every Mana particle in your body forming a Magi-Nuclei, you unlock an ability usually exclusive to Beings at the peak of the Supernatural Stage, and that ability is Aura."

Cynrik sucked in a sharp breath upon hearing that piece of information. Since the night Lithlen had subjected him and Brance to the oppressive pressure, he had wanted to gain access to this ability. Now, if his understanding of the situation was correct, he should be able to develop an Aura two Tiers early.

His reaction didn\'t go unnoticed by Geralt, and the corner of his lips curled before he continued speaking.

"I am sure you have experienced another being\'s Aura, primarily your Mother\'s, several times. So I shouldn\'t have to explain how powerful it can become; however, it doesn\'t start that way. Aura is something that needs to be constantly trained. Think of it in the same way you would your muscles… I guess, in this case, the muscles of Students Björn and Benjamin."

"In the beginning, the Magi-Nuclei of the Mana constructing your Advanced Mana body are newly born and weak. Thus they must grow, and to do that; I will give you several methods and daily exercises you can complete. Training your Aura is not instantaneous; it will take years to get it as powerful as, say, Student Ivar\'s Killing Intent."

"Headmaster, you compared Aura to Killing Intent. Can you clarify, please? According to what I have observed and learned, Killing Intent works by exerting your will through fear on ambient Mana particles within a particular area and forcing them to vibrate, which in turn increases the gravitational pressure another being feels when you use it." Not wanting to miss the opportunity for an explanation, Cynrik cut in and drew Geralt\'s attention.

"Well, now, I shouldn\'t be too surprised that you have figured that much out; if Killing Intent can be considered exerting your will using fear as a proxy, then Aura oppresses the lesser Mana Ambient Mana particles."

"There is a hierarchy among particles, and particles containing Magi-Nuclei are higher up on the proverbial food chain than those without. As such, the sheer mass and pressure they can exert are beyond what an ordinary particle can withstand. Eventually, a being can forcefully eradicate lesser Mana Particles if one\'s Aura is strong enough."

"Mind you; I am grossly oversimplifying Aura as a whole. It is a very versatile ability that can present itself in various shapes and forms, but at its core, it is simply an oppressive force. Aura is the main factor separating a Basic Mana Body and the Advanced Mana Body. On a slightly larger scale, you will still have the passive Mana regeneration and the other benefits of a Basic Mana Body."

"You two little monsters, on the other hand." Lifting up both hands and pointing at Cynrik and Brance, the tone in Headmaster Rivia\'s voice took on a dark and mysterious manner.

"You two little monsters have not only all the abilities of the lower Grade Mana Bodies but also an ability not meant to be seen in the Supernatural Stage. Now, I can\'t be entirely sure since all we know about the Supreme Mana body comes from old texts and myths, but they all tell of an ability that allows the being with a Supreme Mana Body to heal their injuries by expanding what we know as MP."

[[Heheheheheh, heheheheheh!]] Cynrik\'s creepy laugh was triggered by what could no doubt be some strange thoughts, and it only got worse the longer the Headmaster explained.

​ [[HeHeHeheEhehEHEehEHehhE!]]

[[CYNRIK SHUT THE FUCK UP!]] Snapping his head toward his older brother, Brance snarled in response.

[[Hehehehe BRANCIE, YOU DON\'T GET IT! IF I CAN HEAL WITH MP, THAT MEANS I CAN DO THE SENZU BEAN TO NAMEK TRICK!]] Cynrik said with a hint of insanity in his voice.

[[Uhhh, Brancie…what is darling talking about?]] Confused and a little concerned for her boyfriend\'s wellbeing, Selene couldn\'t stay silent.

[[Sigh, for fuck sake, Cynrik. Selene, during the trip to Namek, Goku constantly abused his body under 100g, and each time, before he was about to die, he would eat a senzu bean to instantly heal himself before starting over.]]

[[Wait, so that means…]]

[[Yeah, my dipshit psychotic older brother wants to abuse the shit out of his body, heal it by burning his MP, and then repeat the process all over again. And with that annoying ass Bloodline Trait you two have, he will force himself to get stronger through constant physical abuse.]]

Bringing up his hand and palming his face, Brance\'s shoulders dropped as he imagined the horror he would have to witness firsthand since there was no doubt Cynrik would do something crazy soon. Like having all the members of MyrkLys unleash their Killing Intent on him to pulverize his body.

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