
Chapter 245 Beginning Of A Mission (5)

"Well, you can\'t hide it from me forever…." I evily laughed before running ahead to walk beside Aisa, who was the easiest target to tease.

We gathered some more supplies within this small town, but just as we were about to leave, we took a break in an alleyway to plan out some things.

"First of all, all of us need to know what we\'ll do upon entering his territory. I\'m sure he\'ll smell Lucifer all over us, so we need to plan out if we\'ll run or try to attack him…." Luna suggested, but I quickly shot down that last idea.

"We\'re not attacking a demon lord, okay? Well, not yet, at least… we can\'t handle the repercussion as of now… so I believe we should attempt to train up some more. Gain some experience, learn more about our skills and then finally enter his territory…."

Everybody all nodded their heads in agreement, but just as we were about to leave the alleyway, we were stopped by a blockage of shit.

"What do you all want?" Cy asked as he stepped up to the obvious thieves who had pulled out shortswords that were made for fighting in tight areas.

They\'re experienced… but they\'re weak.

[Blood Sampler]

All of a sudden, the bandits began to shake and vibrate, their eyes rolling into their heads before flopping to the ground and smashing their noses into oblivion.

They all suddenly turned pale as all of their blood escaped from their mouth, congregating in my hand and turning into a ball of blood.

"What a bunch of stupid idiots," Aisa muttered before kicking one of the limp corpses, but just as we stepped out of the alleyway, a chilling sensation ran down my back.

"I see… so this entire town was a trap… how amusing," I cracked a smile before taking a step forward and seeing how many I could kill instnatly… but they were just above the ceiling where I could instantly draw their blood out.

"Hmmm… You shouldn\'t be too proud since you managed to kill the weakest ones," The leader of the group of bandits blocking the road announced.

Saying the entire town was a trap was inconsiderate of me as it was more like the entire town was controlled by these rampant bandits who needed to be taught their place.

"Leave a few alive. We\'ll extract as much information from them as possible," I muttered before our entire group split up and stretched their limbs a bit as they kicked and punched the fodder and then ran towards them.

But, they all quickly realized that they had to step up their game as they deflected some of their powerful attacks and returned an equally strong attack.

"It seems they\'re dry on skills. Just overwhelm them," Cy added, and we all felt a surge of adrenaline rush through our veins as our prey slowly took a step back.

I locked onto the bandit leader in front of me, who kept a confident smile plastered along his face, confident that he could actually fight us.

"All of you come at me at once. I\'ll kill all of you in one fell swoop," I muttered while taking out my spear that had been slung across my back.

I took a light and confident stance, which provoked the bandits even more into charging toward me, eventually getting a taste of my blood-aura-coated blade.

The bandit leader continuously sent his fodder to me, but I quickly tore through them until absolutely nobody was left.

You couldn\'t have even called this a fight as the man leading the charge quickly escaped, only to be caught by a familiar woman.

"Oh, you\'re stronger than I thought," I smirked at the receptionist.

"I was planted here to spy on these bandits who were wanted by all the demon lords, but it seems you guys swiftly took care of them… how close are you all to evolving?" She asked, but none of us replied as a pair of leathery wings unfolded from behind her clothes.

"Seems you had sex with a succubus," Cy muttered as those signature pink eyes and small, leathery wings seemed to entice us into coming closer.

"What? Do they have STDs that eat away at your dick or something?" I asked him as he seemed pretty knowledgeable on this subject.

"I don\'t know that much about them since they almost never come to the overworld. But when they do, the empires they create and the cities that fall are immense… their beauty is bewitching and absolutely destructive," Cy said.

We all stood our ground as the succubus slit the man\'s throat with just the side of her hand, sending chills down our spines.

"Honey, visit me in Asmodeus\' territory…." The succubus blew me a kiss and then turned to Bella. "And you there, the one who was chosen by him. You better become stronger. Otherwise, he\'ll completely devour you, and his influence will just make you his slave,"

"That\'s what I was planning on doing… no need to tell me," Bella replied before extinguishing her green flames, knowing this woman wasn\'t a threat to us any longer.

She had no ill intentions towards us, but if she did… we all wouldn\'t have come out in one piece, even if we all worked at our highest power and teamwork.

"Anyway, you all should try to lay low if you\'re attempting to scout Beezlebub\'s territory. He\'s the lord of flies, meaning he\'s practically everywhere…so, just be careful with what you kill as it\'ll attract flies," The woman informed us before stretching her wings.

"Wait, why tell us all of this?" Luna asked, and we could see the succubus slightly glare at her before replying.

"Because I hate Beelzebub as well. All the demon lords hate him… but you, who is your sponsored demon lord?"

Luna knew to keep quiet as she could feel something was wrong, so even after the succubus glared at her with bewitching eyes, she held her ground as a master and fellow user of illusions.

"Well, I\'ll confirm it later," She shrugged before disappearing into thin air, her presence and appearance nowhere around us.

"Oh yeah, she can also track the people she\'s ummmm… swallowed or consumed… if you know what I mean, so you\'re gonna be on her radar for a while," Cy announced, and I couldn\'t help but let out an audible groan.

"Goddammit… Anyway, let\'s get going. We have no more business here," I sighed, and we soon gathered our stuff once again before waltzing past the fearful knights who were previously very warm and welcoming.

"Huff… huff… huff… huff… alright, that\'s good. I think we\'re all done, right?" I gasped for air as soon as I came up from the water and dragged out the few grotesque fish that I had pulled out from the water.

"Yeah, these things should give us some warmth during the freezing cold nights," Cy said as he took the fish from my hands, I began to put on my clothes yet again, feeling the disgusting swampy feeling in my boxers.

"You could just change into your spare clothes, you know that, right?" Findir asked.

"I don\'t want to waste them just yet," I replied before helping Cy set up the campfire just beside our already set up tents.

As the girls had finished first, they were relaxing in the tents they had just built while the boys collected firewood and made their very own burning flames.

We all gazed into it, attracted by the warmth of it, but Cy quickly stopped us as he took the fish from before and gutted them open, spilling the blood into the flames.

"Bella!" Cy called out to the tent, and a clearly grumpy princess came storming out and already knew what to do.

The flames that had rapidly expanded from the blood were condensed into floating whisps of green fire that not only warded off several monsters but also kept the entire camp warm.

It was like the desert here.

Scorching hot during the day but freezing cold at night, and since the weird ass sun had already fallen, bringing darkness upon us, we were all freezing.

"Alright, I need sleep! Nobody interrupt me!" She shouted at us and then repeated the same thing to the girls in her tent.

We all sighed before entering our own tents, where a few pillows and blankets were spread out, so we split up the space and immediately closed our eyes.

Though I had a bad feeling, so as soon as I heard both boys sleeping, I exited the tent and saw a familiar face appear right at the edge of the water.

"Couldn\'t sleep?" I asked, and the reflection in the surprisingly calm and normal water glanced at me.

"Yeah… I\'m sure you felt it as well. We\'re already being watched by somebody,"

"Yep… how exciting…."


[Name: Orion]

[Race: Demi-Human]

[Class: Prince of Blood]

[Level: 21/55] (120/200) XP Needed

[HP: 75/75 MP: 50/50 SP: 45/45] - Above Human

[Strength: 40] - Above Human

[Defense: 40] - Above Human

[Magic: 45] - Above Human

[Speed: 45] - Above Human

[Skills: [Spear Coating] [Berserk Coating] [Empower] [Scout] [Ancient Torterras Tongue]

[Prince of Blood Skills: [Tangible Bloodlust] [Blood Manipulation] [Blood Envision]

[Blood Sampler] [Cloak of Blood] [Egg of the Progenitor]

[Passive Skills: [Toxic Immunity] [Toxic Body] [Night Vision] [Breath of the Snowy Underworld]  [Blood of the Underworld] [Blood Tainted Aura] [Blood Tainted Presence] [Speech of a King] [Constitution of a Tarturling] [Prisoner of Tartarus]

[Rune Path: [Influence of Battle] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked] [Locked]

[Equipment: [Magic Ring] [Storage Ring] [Sangria King\'s Spear]

"Anyway, we should get some rest let\'s go inside for now. It\'s colder out here towards the border of the flames,"

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