
Chapter 342 Teacher Quest: Lu Bu (22)

The man let out a blood-curdling scream, causing the door behind me to be broken through, allowing two servants of Wu to infiltrate my room and raise their long spears toward me.

"I\'m only defending myself," I smiled, my eyes slowly trailing to their master behind them. "Now leave me alone. I have to question why this man tried to kill me."

"Huh? You almost got assassinated? But why? You aren\'t that famous…." Wu muttered, but upon further thought, she let out a long groan. "Are you serious… well… okay, do what you want, but just don\'t kill him. We\'ll execute him tomorrow just to appease the people and strike fear into the hearts of any traitors… possibly moles."

"Whatever you want, princess,"

And as the woman left, the man below me violently shook his head from side to side, unable to speak as he manically choked on his saliva.

The door shut behind me, his last bit of hope slowly fading from his eyes as those shaking pupils of his directed upwards, glazing over my foot which pressed further and further into his diaphragm.

I pushed the air out of his lungs, and as I bent down, bringing my heterochromatic eyes towards him, his eyebrows furrowed.

Clearly, he still had a bit of spirit in him. "[Heroic Persuasion]..." I muttered, my voice practically forcing its way into his eardrums and then digging itself into his brain, easily burrowing its way into him.

His eyebrows softened, and so did his eyes, allowing me to remove my foot from his neck and sit on top of his chest, making sure not to take my eyes off of him.

"Now, the first question. Who sent you to kill me? Should be easy enough to tell me that, right?"

"A warlord," The man responded in a very monotone voice, and as I signaled with my hands for him to continue, he cracked open those dry lips of his once again. "Sun Quan. Warlord Sun Quan hired me to assassinate you."

"And for what reason did he try to assassinate me? Did he not tell you anything else besides the fact that he needed me to die?"

"No. I was just paid heavily to kill you. It took me a while to find your location and information, and took me even longer to track your habits. Unfortunately, it did not turn out the way I had planned…."

His eyes almost seemed to glaze over as he responded to me, holding just a bit of consciousness to explain further than what I asked.

So, the severity of this skill must be determined by how weak or strong the victim is… and seeing how this is just a measly regular old human… he must be feeling the full effects.

"Where can I find this warlord? Is he under the control of the current emperor right now? I have never heard of him before… or is he from Mongolia?"

"He is one of the three warlords under the current Chinese emperor. He is at the same status as General Fengxian."

"Feng… xian-?"

"General Lu Bu. The title given to him is the Flying General, but most refer to him as General Fengxian…."

This world was so weird. I was in the middle of old China, yet here I was, speaking perfect English with everybody, yet some still referred to Chinese words.

I could only assume this was due to the ease of life that came with the system and this world Ares most likely forged for me.

"Interesting… I guess I\'ll have to learn more about this place later. I\'m so clueless on everything it almost makes me seem suspicious," I muttered to myself, and as my eyes shifted around the room, I began to forge a decent plan in my head.

I also attempted to create many assumptions as to why people wanted to kill me, and the sole and final one I narrowed down to… was the fact that I was training under Lu Bu himself.

"Okay, now sleep."

The man\'s eyes instantly rolled back into his head before I was able to even lay him down properly, but he still tried to kill me, so I guess a bit of cruelty was deserved.

Soon, I called Wu back in, and her servants immediately restrained the man\'s limp body, and just as I snapped my fingers, he slowly began to wake up.

He was still as obedient as ever, and I guess it almost made it seem like I broke his mind as his head limply fell backward.

"Alright, thank you for letting us take him. Anyways, will you tell me what information you were able to extract from him?" Wu intently leaned forward, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Sun Quan wants to kill me… do he and the general have bad blood or something?"

"Oh… geez… okay…" Wu silently murmured. "Well, don\'t tell anybody else that information. He\'s another warlord under the control of the emperor, and he is most definitely the absolute most violent warlord out of the three… and uh… yes, he and the old man have some beef."

"What\'d he do?" I scoffed.

"I don\'t know. The old man disrespected him in front of the emperor once, and their relationship just devolved into a mess of arguments and pure and utter hatred. That man will do anything to mess with the old man… he\'s also super creepy and a planning nut."

"Oh? You\'ve met him?"

"Once for something. Anyways, he isn\'t very good at fighting and doesn\'t even have the most men in his army. He\'s just extremely smart. Like, really, really smart. I wouldn\'t be surprised if he\'s trying to overthrow the emperor… which is also why the old man constantly has to go back and forth since he trusts him the most."

"So we should stay wary of him?"

"Yes, please do. You\'ll underestimate him when you first see him, but please take my word for advice. Don\'t fuck with him any further… you do not want him to be going after you all the time… and I guess for now, you can sleep with me. I have tons of guards around my room, so no assassin will be able to get through."

"Thanks," I bluntly responded and packed up my stuff before moving over to Wu\'s bedroom, which was… well… pretty fucking big.

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